Trunk saccate, large, very transparent, occasionally with humps. Foot very short and ventral, or absent. Intestine and cloacal opening absent. Rudimentary pedal glands present or pedal glands absent. One cerebral and two lateral eyespots. Corona a single, interrupted ring of cilia. Apical field more or less strongly bulging with tufts of cilia. Vitellarium spherical, sacciform or horseshoe-shaped. Ovoviviparous. Trophi large, long rami with pointed, simple or bifid tips; projected from the mouth to grasp prey. Fulcrum short. Unci and manubria strongly reduced.
TYPE SPECIES ‒ Asplanchna priodonta Gosse, 1851
Asplanchna is a genus of rotifers belonging to the family Asplanchnidae.[1]
The genus has cosmopolitan distribution.[1]
Asplanchna is a genus of rotifers belonging to the family Asplanchnidae.
The genus has cosmopolitan distribution.
Asplanchna brightwellii Gosse, 1850 Aplanchna priodonta Gosse, 1850 Aplanchna asymmetrica Shiel & Koste, 1985 Aplanchna girodi de Guerne, 1888 Aplanchna herricki de Guerne, 1888 Aplanchna intermedia Hudson, 1886 Aplanchna sieboldii (Leydig, 1854) Aplanchna silvestrii Daday, 1902 Aplanchna tropica Koste & Tobias, 1989