Diagnostic Description
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This species is distinguished from all its congeners, except Bryconamericus rubropictus and B. thomasi, by having five teeth on the maxilla (vs. 1 or 2 teeth on maxilla). It differs from these 2 species in having a reticulated pattern over the lateral stripe, generated by the concentration of melanophores, the scale margins, all along the sides of the body, by the number high of branched anal fin ray, vertebra, and the low number of branched dorsal fin ray. Dorsal prolongation of rhinosphenoid forming a bony wall between olfactorynerves (vs. dorsal prolongation of rhinosphenoid between olfactory nerves absent); lateral process of palatine over the anterolateral margin of ectopterygoid (vs. palatine without lateral processes that laterally surpass the ectopterygoid); and distal tip of sphenotic spine, see laterally, wide and undulated (vs. narrow) (Ref. 93958).
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Dorsal soft rays (total): 10; Analsoft rays: 25 - 28; Vertebrae: 36 - 37