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Hemigellius bidens (Topsent 1901)


provided by NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates

"Hemigellius bidens (Topsent, 1901)
Figs 63-68

Gellius bidens Topsent, 1901: VII, 1908: 21, pl. I, fig. 1, 1917: 77; Vacelet & Arnaud, 1972: 19; Barthel et al., 1990: 123, 1997: 49.

Haliclona bidens; Koltun, 1964: 100.

Further synonym see KOLTUN (1964).

Material studied. MCNPOR 1981, 1989, St. 4869, Bransfield Strait: 63°33'S-59°15'W, 240 m, 08.11.1986, PROANTAR IV.

Description. (MCNPOR 1989) (Fig. 63) Erect specimen; dimensions, in cm: 4.2 x 1.2, 0.3 thickness. Lightly rugose sur­face, hispid to the touch. Pores and oscules not observed. Pre­served material friable in consistency; colour light brown with clearer regions. MCNPOR 1981 is identical to MCNPOR 1989, only differing in having grey colour; dimensions, in cm: 4.0 x 1.3, 0.4 thickness.

Skeleton. (Fig. 64) Ectosome without specialization, with megascleres in confusion. Choanosome with a reticulation composed by paucispicular tracts (02-03 spicules, 38-54 µm thickness), interconnected by 01-02 spicules, forming some isodictyal meshes (180-520 µm in diameter). Nodal spongin present, microscleres irregular or randomly occurring between the tracts.

Spicules. Megascleres: oxeas - smooth, straight or slightly curved (Fig. 65), acerate extremities (Fig. 66): 440-554.4-660/ 12.5-16.3-18.8 µm (MCNPOR 1981); 480-61 0.4-680/13.8-20.4- 23.8 µm (MCNPOR 1989). Microscleres: sigmas - smooth (Fig. 67), bearing bifid extremities (Fig. 68): 32.5-36.8-40 µm (MCNPOR 1981); 30-35.1-40 µm (MCNPOR 1989).

Remarks. Comparison with measurements provided by TOPSENT (1901) and KOLTUN (1964), the samples here studied have thicker spicules. For the first time the spicules were photo­graphed by SEM, mainly detailing the extremity of the sigmas, which characterizes the species (Figs 67, 68).

Distribution. Antarctica: Bellinghausen Sea (TOPSENT 1901); Graham Land (TOPSENT 1908, 1917); Victoria Land (BUR­TON 1929, 1938); Wilhelm II Land (1-kmrscim, 1914); Adelie Land (VACELET & ARNAUD 1972); Weddell Sea (BARTHEL et al. 1990, 1997); Bransfield Strait (present study). Bathymetry: 30 m (TOPSENT 1908) to 550 m (TOPSENT 1901)."

(Campos et al., 2007)