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Acanthella mastophora (Schmidt 1870)

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Acanthella mastophora (Schmidt, 1870)

Axinella mastophora Schmidt, 1870:61 [holotype, MCZ 92(8073)].

Bubaris rugosa.—van Soest and Stentoft, 1988:109.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Nontypes: North Carolina: USNM 33343 (33°48′18″N, 76°34′06″W, 100 m, coll. DU for MMS, 14 May 1981). Gulf of Mexico: USNM 33924 (28), USNM 41578 (12), USNM 42174 (30), USNM 42175 (32), USNM 42176 (35), USNM 42177 (35). Barbados: ZMA Por 5361–63, 5407 (153–212 m).

SHAPE (Figure 20a,b).—Bushy, with short or long peduncle and sometimes with branching processes oriented approximately radially from base; or massive, with small lobes.

SURFACE.—Tuberculate with small and rounded swellings; microhispid. Grooves covered by parchment-like membrane.

CONSISTENCY.—Hard, cartilaginous.

COLOR.—Pale ocher yellow to honey yellow when alive. Beige, grey, or pink in alcohol.

SKELETON (Figure 20c,d).—Dendritic, thick tracts or axes (400–600 μm thick) of crooked strongyloxeas and strongyles, echinated by styles.

SPICULES (Figure 20e, Table 17).—Strongyloxeas and strongyles generally sinuous and crooked; styles of two sizes, sometimes modified to subtylostyles; oxeas may be present.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT.—North Carolina, Florida, Gulf of Mexico, Barbados. On hard bottoms at depth of 77–534 m.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Nontypes: Gulf of Mexico: USNM 38652, USNM 42165 (28). Barbados: ZMA Por 5418 (off Paynes Bay, 108 m, 8 May 1979).

SHAPE (Figure 21a).—Small lobes or branches, tapering at one end, coalesced at base and anastomosing at some points. Oscules on top of branches or lobes.

SURFACE.—Smooth and shiny, thick skin-like ectosome marked with longitudinal grooves.

CONSISTENCY.—Quite compressible.

COLOR.—Yellow orange when alive. Tan in alcohol.

SKELETON (Figure 21b,c).—Dendritic axes of strongyles echinated with styles, sometimes in bundles; sometimes halichondroid, confused.

SPICULES (Figure 21d).—Sinuous strongyles, 410–980 (643.6 ± 125.4) μm long, 5–12.5 (9.6 ± 1.9) μm wide; styles 420–1475 (743.8 ± 242.8) μm long, 10–17.5 (11.3 ± 1.9) μm wide.

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT.—Barbados and Gulf of Mexico. On hard bottoms at depths of 76–108 m.
bibliographic citation
Alvarez, B., van Soest, Rob W. M., and Rützler, Klaus. 1998. "A Revision of the Axinellidae (Porifera: Demospongiae) of the Central-West Atlantic Region." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-47. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.598