Houba domečková (Suberites domuncula) je mořský živočich z kmene houbovců. Vytváří velké nepravidelné kopečky a koule s nápadnými vyvrhovacími otvory. Může dorůst velikosti až přes 1 m, při tloušťce okolo 7 cm. Její povrch je dosti pevný, na omak kožovitý. Tělesná schránka je vyztužena třemi typy jehlic. Často obrůstá ulity osídlené poustevnickými kraby, které pak rozpouští a vytváří pro poustevníčka druhotnou skrýš, která roste s ním.
Tento článek je příliš stručný nebo postrádá důležité informace.Der Einsiedlerschwamm (Suberites domuncula) ist eine Art der Schwämme und gehört zur Klasse der Hornkieselschwämme.
Der Einsiedlerschwamm bildet längliche bis annähernd sphärische Kolonien, die bis zu 20 cm groß werden können. Meist existieren nur eine oder wenige große Ausstromöffnungen. Die Farbe der glatten Oberfläche ist meist orange-rot, aber auch gelb oder braun und selten blau bis violett.[1]
Das Verbreitungsgebiet reicht von der Westküste Großbritanniens und Irlands südlich bis zum Mittelmeer.[2] Der Schwamm wächst sehr häufig auf von Einsiedlerkrebsen der Gattung Paguristes besiedelten Schneckenschalen der schlammigen Sandböden. Er findet sich auch in Seegraswiesen der Gattung Zostera und in Hafenbecken. Selten kommt er auf Felsen der tieferen Hartböden vor.[1]
Der Schwamm geht häufig eine fakultative Symbiose mit Einsiedlerkrebsen der Gattung Paguristes ein. Larven und Gemmulae des Schwammes setzen sich auf von den Krebsen besiedelten Schneckenhäusern fest und entwickeln sich zu ausgewachsenen Schwämmen. Der Schwamm erlangt dadurch Beweglichkeit und verbessert seine Ernährungssituation. Der Einsiedlerkrebs hingegen ist durch den Schwamm geschützt und muss sich bei der Häutung nicht ein neues, größeres Haus suchen.[3] Die Wohnhöhle für den Einsiedlerkrebs wird im Sinne des Schneckenhauses weitergebaut.[1]
Oberflächliche Spalten sind oft von dem Flohkrebs Tritaeta gibbosa besiedelt.[1]
Der Einsiedlerschwamm (Suberites domuncula) ist eine Art der Schwämme und gehört zur Klasse der Hornkieselschwämme.
Suberites domuncula is a species of sea sponge belonging to the family Suberitidae.[1]
This species contains suberitine, a neurotoxin that can cause fatal hemolytic hemorrhaging in various animals. While it is highly toxic to fish, it is known to be preyed upon by the hawksbill turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata.[2]
There are currently two accepted subspecies of this taxon: Suberites domuncula domuncula and S. domuncula latus. In 1893, Lambe described a new sponge species as Suberites latus. This was later determined to be a junior synonym of S. domuncula and merged into the species as a subspecies under the scientific name S. domuncula latus.[1][3][4][5]
S. domuncula is well known for colonizing gastropod shells occupied by hermit crabs. At least 13 species of hermit crabs have been found associated with this sponge. It has also been recorded attached to the shells of live gastropods and the carapace of other crustaceans.[6]
The body plan of this species consists of a skeleton mainly made up of spicules.[7] Monactinal tylosyles and a small fraction of diactinal oxeas make up the megascleres found in the skeleton of S. domunucula.[7] Suberites domuncula contain a visible osculum where water exits the body.
The spicules are made up of silicatein.[7] Silicatein is an enzyme that catalyzes polymerized silicon.[8] Suberites domuncula also use the enzyme silicase to metabolize siliceous spicules.[7] Spicules of the S. domuncula species can grow to 450 m in length and 5-7 m in diameter.[7] The spicules grow through apposition of lamellar silica layers.[7] An axial canal of 0.3-1.6 m width can be found in all spicules, while lamellated layers of 0.3-1 m thickness enclose the central canal.[7] Silicatein can be found on the surface of the spicules and in the axial filament of the spicules.[7]
In Demospongiae, microfibrils make up a collagenous ‘cement’ that holds the spicules together.[7]
Sponges are found in a variety of different marine benthic environments due to its early existence in evolution.[9] It is commonly found in sandy and muddy habitats.[8]
Many species of hermit crabs can be found within the Suberites domuncula sponge in the Mediterranean Sea.[10] S. domuncula tend to grow on/within gastropod shells.[11] When hermit crabs find a habitat within this sponge, if unfavorable conditions are encountered the sponge will then form gemmules on the outside of the shell.[8]
Sponges are known to hold mutualistic bacteria in their mesohyl.[12] S. domuncula produce a bacterial quorum sensing molecule, N-3-oxo-dodecanoyl-L-homoserine lactone, that limits the host immune and apoptotic responses.[12] This leads to an increase in phagocytosis-related genes.[12] S. domuncula have the ability to differentiate a symbiotic bacterium from others.[12]
These sponges act as filter-feeders, driving a large amount of water through a highly vascularized canal system.[9] Bacteria taken from the water column are phagocytized in order to retrieve nutrients.[9]
Suberites domuncula experience a typical life style of the class Demospongiae.[11] This species is made up of archeocytes and choanocytes, which act as the stem cells to the sponge.[11]
Suberites domuncula are able to reproduce both sexually and asexually.[11] They reproduce asexually through gemmules made up of archeocytes that are enclosed by a collagenous coat.[11] Gemmules still survive upon the death of the sponge, persisting in harsh conditions for prolonged periods of time.[11] Gemmules hatch once conditions are right and develop into juvenile sponges over the course of a few weeks.[11] Sexual reproduction involves the release of free-swimming larvae which then develop into juvenile sponge.[11]
Suberites domuncula have a Brachyury gene that is associated with the formation of the limbs.[7] This gene has an increased expression when canal-like structures are being formed in the sponge.[7] The formation of a primordial axis is genetically fixed in sponges.[7]
This species also inhabits Wnt signaling, which is responsible for cell communication, specifically cell-fate decisions, tissue polarity, and morphogenesis.[7] S. domuncula also holds the scaffold protein membrane-associated guanylate kinase which encodes a tight junction scaffold protein.[7] A tetraspan receptor can also be found in S. domuncula.[7]
Dissociated single cells from Suberites domuncula form multicellular aggregates, known as primmorphs.[11] These primmorphs are organized into a unicellular epithelium-like layer consisting of pinacocytes and spherulous cells.[11]
In the Suberites domuncula species, primmorphs exhibit rapid spicule formation.[7] Spicules initially form intracellularly in the sclerocytes.[7]
Primmorphs present regenerative abilities through the activity of proliferating cells.[13]
Sponges are shown to express a myotrophin-related molecule that aligns with the vertebrate cardiac mytotropin.[14]
Suberites domuncula exhibits strong antimicrobial activity.[9] These sea sponges have the ability to produce suberitine, a neurotoxin that results in hemolytic and toxic abilities.[9] Sponges are found to interact with bacteria on a normal basis.[9] The bacteria found on sponges is responsible for the production of antibacterial metabolites.[9]
These sponges maintain a direct defense strategy through the production of antibacterial compounds that prevent epibiosis.[9]
Indirect defense is achieved through the maintenance of antimicrobially active bacteria on the surface.[9]
Suberites domuncula have the ability to produce a perforin-like antibacterial protein.[9]
Suberites domuncula is a species of sea sponge belonging to the family Suberitidae.
This species contains suberitine, a neurotoxin that can cause fatal hemolytic hemorrhaging in various animals. While it is highly toxic to fish, it is known to be preyed upon by the hawksbill turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata.
There are currently two accepted subspecies of this taxon: Suberites domuncula domuncula and S. domuncula latus. In 1893, Lambe described a new sponge species as Suberites latus. This was later determined to be a junior synonym of S. domuncula and merged into the species as a subspecies under the scientific name S. domuncula latus.
S. domuncula is well known for colonizing gastropod shells occupied by hermit crabs. At least 13 species of hermit crabs have been found associated with this sponge. It has also been recorded attached to the shells of live gastropods and the carapace of other crustaceans.
La esponja del ermitaño (Suberites domuncula) es una especie de esponja de la familia Suberitidae. Tiene un diámetro de entre 40-60 cm, con forma esférica, superficie exterior lisa y de color naranja. La esponja crece sobre las conchas de los caracoles marinos ocupados por cangrejos ermitaños (Paguristes oculatus).
Esta esponja se encuentra en los fondos arenosos cerca de la costa del mar Mediterráneo.
La Suberites domuncula est une éponge qui s'avère très toxique pour la plupart des spongivores car elle contient de la subéritine, une neurotoxine qui cause des hémorragies hémolytiques chez de nombreuses espèces de vertébrés.
Elle mesure jusqu’à 20cm et est de couleur jaune-orangé. Elle s'établit sur des coquilles habitées par des bernard l'ermite, qu’elle dissout peu à peu.
Elles sont néanmoins consommées par les tortues imbriquées[1] et la Dendrodoris limbata[2].
La Suberites domuncula est une éponge qui s'avère très toxique pour la plupart des spongivores car elle contient de la subéritine, une neurotoxine qui cause des hémorragies hémolytiques chez de nombreuses espèces de vertébrés.
Suberites domuncula é unha especie de esponxa do filo Porifera.[1]
Esta especie contén suberitina, unha neurotoxina que pode causar unha hemorraxia hemolítica mortal en varios animais. Aínda que é moi tóxica para os peixes, sábese que esta esponxa é comida pola tartaruga mariña carei, Eretmochelys imbricata.[2]
Actualmente acéptanse dúas subespecies dentro deste taxon: Suberites domuncula domuncula e S. domuncula latus. En 1893, Lambe describiu unha nova especie de esponxa co nome Suberites latus. Este foi considerado despois un sinónimo júnior de S. domuncula e foi mergullado dentro da especie como unha subespecie co nome científico S. domuncula latus.[1][3][4][5]
S domuncula coloniza as cunchas de gasterópodos que foron ocupadas por cangrexos ermitáns. Atopáronse polo menos 13 especies de cangrexos ermitáns que están asociados con esta esponxa. Tamén se rexistrou como especie adherida a cunchas de gasterópodos vivos e ao cacho dalgúns crustáceos.[6]
Suberites domuncula é unha especie de esponxa do filo Porifera.
Esta especie contén suberitina, unha neurotoxina que pode causar unha hemorraxia hemolítica mortal en varios animais. Aínda que é moi tóxica para os peixes, sábese que esta esponxa é comida pola tartaruga mariña carei, Eretmochelys imbricata.
Actualmente acéptanse dúas subespecies dentro deste taxon: Suberites domuncula domuncula e S. domuncula latus. En 1893, Lambe describiu unha nova especie de esponxa co nome Suberites latus. Este foi considerado despois un sinónimo júnior de S. domuncula e foi mergullado dentro da especie como unha subespecie co nome científico S. domuncula latus.
S domuncula coloniza as cunchas de gasterópodos que foron ocupadas por cangrexos ermitáns. Atopáronse polo menos 13 especies de cangrexos ermitáns que están asociados con esta esponxa. Tamén se rexistrou como especie adherida a cunchas de gasterópodos vivos e ao cacho dalgúns crustáceos.
Suberites domuncula adalah spesies spons yang tergolong dalam kelas Demospongiae. Spesies ini juga merupakan bagian dari kelas Demospongiae, filum Porifera, subregnum Parazoa, dan kingdom Animalia.
Seperti spons pada umumnya, spesies ini memiliki tubuh yang berpori dan permukaan yang keras seperti batu. Selain itu, Suberites domuncula juga dapat menyerap oksigen dari air melalui proses difusi.
Suberites domuncula adalah spesies spons yang tergolong dalam kelas Demospongiae. Spesies ini juga merupakan bagian dari kelas Demospongiae, filum Porifera, subregnum Parazoa, dan kingdom Animalia.
Seperti spons pada umumnya, spesies ini memiliki tubuh yang berpori dan permukaan yang keras seperti batu. Selain itu, Suberites domuncula juga dapat menyerap oksigen dari air melalui proses difusi.
La spugna del paguro (Suberites domuncula Olivi, 1792) è una spugna della famiglia delle Suberitidae.
Ha forma globosa, con dimensioni che raggiungono 20 cm di diametro e 3 cm di spessore, e colorazione variabile dal giallo-arancio al beige, raramente blu-violaceo.
Contiene suberitina, una neurotossina che può causare emolisi fatale in varie specie animali.
Suberites domuncula vive spesso in simbiosi con i paguri Paguristes oculatus e Pagurus arrossor, utilizzando come substrato la loro conchiglia. In questo modo la spugna trae vantaggio ottenendo mobilità dal crostaceo, mentre il paguro evita di essere predato grazie alla tossicità della spugna.
Pur essendo tossica per la gran parte dei pesci questa spugna viene tranquillamente mangiata dalla tartaruga marina Eretmochelys imbricata[1] e dal mollusco nudibranco Dendrodoris limbata[2].
La spugna del paguro (Suberites domuncula Olivi, 1792) è una spugna della famiglia delle Suberitidae.
Suberites domuncula is een sponssoort in de taxonomische indeling van de gewone sponzen (Demospongiae). Het lichaam van de spons bestaat uit kiezelnaalden en sponginevezels, en is in staat om veel water op te nemen.
De spons behoort tot het geslacht Suberites en behoort tot de familie Suberitidae. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1792 door Olivi.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesSuberites domuncula é uma esponja marinha do filo Porifera. Possui duas subespécies: Suberites domuncula domuncula e Suberites domuncula latus. [1]
Suberites domuncula é uma esponja marinha do filo Porifera. Possui duas subespécies: Suberites domuncula domuncula e Suberites domuncula latus.