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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Oligostracan Crustaceans
Cellular Organisms
Oligostracan Crustaceans
Krithe aequabilis Ciampo 1986
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Krithe aequabilis Ciampo 1986
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World Register of Marine Species
Krithe aequabilis
Species recognized by
wikipedia NL
Tyrrhenian Sea Species List
Krithe aequabilis
Ciampo 1986
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
, and
GBIF classification
Krithe aequabilis
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Krithe aequabilis
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
Krithe aequabilis Ciampo 1986
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
World Register of Marine Species
GBIF data coverage
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Krithe aequabilis Ciampo 1986
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Ostracoda Latreille 1802
Podocopa G. O. Sars 1866
Podocopida G. O. Sars 1866
Cytherocopina Baird 1850
Cytheroidea Baird 1850
Krithidae Mandelstam 1958
Krithe Brady, Crosskey & Robertson 1874
Krithe aequabilis Ciampo 1986
(this page)
Krithe adelspergi Brouwers 1990
Krithe angelikae Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe angusta Brady & Norman 1889
Krithe antisawanensis Ishizaki 1966
Krithe aquilonia Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe ayressi Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe burkholderi Brouwers 1990
Krithe capensis Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe caudata Bold 1946
Krithe cerritula Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe chichiuchianga Hu & Tao 2008
Krithe coimbrai Carmo & Sanguinetti 1999
Krithe comma Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe compressa (Seguenza 1880)
Krithe dilata Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe dolichodeira Bold 1946
Krithe droogeri Keij 1953
Krithe dubia Bonaduce, Masoli & Pugliese 1976
Krithe elongata (Jones & Kirkby 1896)
Krithe galei Crouch 1949
Krithe gigantea (Mehes 1941)
Krithe glacialis Brady, Crosskey & Robertson 1874
Krithe gnoma Carmo & Sanguinetti 1999
Krithe gobanensis Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe gracilis (Reuss 1850) Lienenklaus 1895
Krithe hemideclivata (Ruan ex Zeng, Ruan, Xu, Sun & Su 1988)
Krithe hyalina Brady 1880
Krithe introcurva Hao
Krithe japonica Ishizaki 1971
Krithe kamchatkaensis Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe keyi Breman 1978
Krithe kroemmelbeini Jain 1978
Krithe kueitaoyei Hu & Tao 2008
Krithe lambi Bold 1966
Krithe marialuisae Abate, Barra, Aiello & Bonaduce 1993
Krithe maxima Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe mazziniae Yasuhara, Cronin, Hunt & Hodell 2009
Krithe minima Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe monosteracensis (Seguenza 1880)
Krithe morkhoveni Bold 1960
Krithe nibelaensis Dingle 1981
Krithe nitida Whatley & Downing 1984
Krithe ovoidea Ruan ex Ruan & Hao
Krithe papillosa (Bosquet 1852) Apostolescu 1955
Krithe perattica Alexander 1934
Krithe pernoides (Bornemann 1855)
Krithe perpulchra Abate, Barra, Aiello & Bonaduce 1993
Krithe peypouqueti Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe postcircularis Mckenzie, Reyment & Reyment 1993
Krithe posticliva (Hao 1988)
Krithe postprojecta Schmidt 1948
Krithe praetexta (Sars 1866)
Krithe producta Brady 1880
Krithe prolata Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe prolixa Bold 1966
Krithe pseudocomma Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe radiolata Egger 1901
Krithe rara Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe reniformis (Brady 1868)
Krithe reversa Bold 1958
Krithe rex Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe saundersi Bold 1960
Krithe sawanensis Hanai 1959
Krithe setosa Rudjakov 1961
Krithe similis Mueller 1894
Krithe snansoni Milhau 1993
Krithe spatularis Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe sphaenoidea Ruan ex Ruan & Hao
Krithe subgen. Austrokrithe Hartmann 1994
Krithe subgen. Profundocythere Hartmann 1985
Krithe subreniformis Jones & Kirkby 1896
Krithe swansoni Milau 1993
Krithe triangularis Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe trinidadensis Bold 1958
Krithe tsukagoshii Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe tumida Brady 1880
Krithe whitecliffsensis Crane 1965
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Podocopa Mueller 1894
Podocopida Sars 1866
Cytherocopina Baird 1850
Cytheroidea Baird 1850
Krithidae Mandelstam 1958
Krithe Brady, Crosskey & Robertson 1874
Krithe aequabilis Ciampo 1986
(this page)
Krithe adamentina Rosyjeva 1962
Krithe adelspergi Brouwers 1990
Krithe angelikae Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe angusta Brady & Norman 1889
Krithe antisawanensis Ishizaki 1966
Krithe aquilonia Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe araucoensis Bergue, Coimbra & Finger 2020
Krithe ayressi Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe burkholderi Brouwers 1990
Krithe capensis Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe caudata Bold 1946
Krithe cerritula Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe chichiuchianga Hu & Tao 2008
Krithe coimbrai Do Carmo & Sanguinetti 1999
Krithe comma Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe compressa (Seguenza 1880)
Krithe curvidorsalis Mandelstam ex Rosyjeva 1962
Krithe dawnpetersonae Bergue, Coimbra & Finger 2020
Krithe dilata Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe dolichodeira Bold 1946
Krithe droogeri Keij 1953
Krithe dubia Bonaduce, Masoli & Pugliese 1976
Krithe elongata (Jones & Kirkby 1896)
Krithe elongata Bold 1960
Krithe galei Crouch 1949
Krithe gigantea (Mehes 1941)
Krithe glacialis Brady, Crosskey & Robertson 1874
Krithe gnoma Carmo & Sanguinetti 1999
Krithe gobanensis Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe gracilis (Reuss 1850) Lienenklaus 1895
Krithe hemideclivata (Ruan ex Zeng, Ruan, Xu, Sun & Su 1988)
Krithe hunti Yasuhara, Stepanova, Okahashi, Cronin & Brouwers 2014
Krithe hyalina Brady 1880
Krithe introcurva Hao
Krithe japonica Ishizaki 1971
Krithe kamchatkaensis Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe keyi Breman 1978
Krithe kroemmelbeini Jain 1978
Krithe kueitaoyei Hu & Tao 2008
Krithe lambi Bold 1966
Krithe marialuisae Abate, Barra, Aiello & Bonaduce 1993
Krithe maxima Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe mazziniae Yasuhara, Cronin, Hunt & Hodell 2009
Krithe minima Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe monosteracensis (Seguenza 1880)
Krithe morkhoveni Bold 1960
Krithe nerudai Bergue, Coimbra & Finger 2020
Krithe nibelaensis Dingle 1981
Krithe nitida Whatley & Downing 1984
Krithe nobilisa Rosyjeva 1962
Krithe ovoidea Ruan ex Ruan & Hao
Krithe papillosa (Bosquet 1852) Apostolescu 1955
Krithe perattica Alexander 1934
Krithe pernoides (Bornemann 1855)
Krithe perpulchra Abate, Barra, Aiello & Bonaduce 1993
Krithe peypouqueti Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe postcircularis Mckenzie, Reyment & Reyment 1993
Krithe posticliva (Hao 1988)
Krithe postprojecta Schmidt 1948
Krithe praetexta (Sars 1866)
Krithe producta Brady 1880
Krithe prolata Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe prolixa Bold 1966
Krithe pseudocomma Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe radiolata Egger 1901
Krithe rara Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe reniformis (Brady 1868)
Krithe reversa Bold 1958
Krithe rex Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe saundersi Bold 1960
Krithe sawanensis Hanai 1959
Krithe setosa Rudjakov 1961
Krithe similis Müller 1894
Krithe snansoni Milhau 1993
Krithe spatularis Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe sphaenoidea Ruan ex Ruan & Hao
Krithe subgen. Austrokrithe Hartmann 1994
Krithe subgen. Krithe Brady, Crosskey & Robertson 1874
Krithe subgen. Profundocythere Hartmann 1985
Krithe subreniformis Jones & Kirkby 1896
Krithe swansoni Milau 1993
Krithe triangularis Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe trinidadensis Bold 1958
Krithe tsukagoshii Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe tumida Brady 1880
Krithe turkmenica Rosyjeva 1962
Krithe ukrainica Mandelstam ex Rosyjeva 1962
Krithe whitecliffsensis Crane 1965
Thracella bartonensis (Jones 1857)
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Krithe aequabilis Ciampo 1986
(this page)
Krithe adelspergi Brouwers 1990
Krithe angelikae Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe angusta Brady & Norman 1889
Krithe antisawanensis Ishizaki 1966
Krithe aquilonia Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe ayressi Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe burkholderi Brouwers 1990
Krithe capensis Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe caudata Bold 1946
Krithe cerritula Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe chichiuchianga Hu & Tao 2008
Krithe coimbrai Carmo & Sanguinetti 1999
Krithe comma Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe compressa (Seguenza 1880)
Krithe dilata Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe dolichodeira Bold 1946
Krithe droogeri Keij 1953
Krithe dubia Bonaduce, Masoli & Pugliese 1976
Krithe elongata (Jones & Kirkby 1896)
Krithe galei Crouch 1949
Krithe gigantea (Mehes 1941)
Krithe glacialis Brady, Crosskey & Robertson 1874
Krithe gnoma Carmo & Sanguinetti 1999
Krithe gobanensis Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe gracilis (Reuss 1850) Lienenklaus 1895
Krithe hemideclivata (Ruan ex Zeng, Ruan, Xu, Sun & Su 1988)
Krithe hyalina Brady 1880
Krithe introcurva Hao
Krithe japonica Ishizaki 1971
Krithe kamchatkaensis Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe keyi Breman 1978
Krithe kroemmelbeini Jain 1978
Krithe kueitaoyei Hu & Tao 2008
Krithe lambi Bold 1966
Krithe marialuisae Abate, Barra, Aiello & Bonaduce 1993
Krithe maxima Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe mazziniae Yasuhara, Cronin, Hunt & Hodell 2009
Krithe minima Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe monosteracensis (Seguenza 1880)
Krithe morkhoveni Bold 1960
Krithe nibelaensis Dingle 1981
Krithe nitida Whatley & Downing 1984
Krithe ovoidea Ruan ex Ruan & Hao
Krithe papillosa (Bosquet 1852) Apostolescu 1955
Krithe perattica Alexander 1934
Krithe pernoides (Bornemann 1855)
Krithe perpulchra Abate, Barra, Aiello & Bonaduce 1993
Krithe peypouqueti Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe postcircularis Mckenzie, Reyment & Reyment 1993
Krithe posticliva (Hao 1988)
Krithe postprojecta Schmidt 1948
Krithe praetexta (Sars 1866)
Krithe producta Brady 1880
Krithe prolata Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe prolixa Bold 1966
Krithe pseudocomma Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe radiolata Egger 1901
Krithe rara Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe reniformis (Brady 1868)
Krithe reversa Bold 1958
Krithe rex Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe saundersi Bold 1960
Krithe sawanensis Hanai 1959
Krithe setosa Rudjakov 1961
Krithe similis Mueller 1894
Krithe snansoni Milhau 1993
Krithe spatularis Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe sphaenoidea Ruan ex Ruan & Hao
Krithe subgen. Austrokrithe Hartmann 1994
Krithe subgen. Profundocythere Hartmann 1985
Krithe subreniformis Jones & Kirkby 1896
Krithe swansoni Milau 1993
Krithe triangularis Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe trinidadensis Bold 1958
Krithe tsukagoshii Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe tumida Brady 1880
Krithe whitecliffsensis Crane 1965
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Krithe aequabilis Ciampo 1986
(this page)
Krithe (Austrokrithe) magna (Hartmann 1986)
Krithe adelspergi Brouwers 1990
Krithe angusta Brady & Norman 1889
Krithe aquilonia Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe ayressi Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe burkholderi Brouwers 1990
Krithe capensis Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe chichiuchianga Hu & Tao 2008
Krithe coimbrai Carmo & Sanguinetti 1999
Krithe comma Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe dilata Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe droogeri Keij 1953
Krithe dubia Bonaduce, Masoli & Pugliese 1976
Krithe gnoma Carmo & Sanguinetti 1999
Krithe gobanensis Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe hemideclivata (Ruan ex Zeng, Ruan, Xu, Sun & Su 1988)
Krithe hyalina Brady 1880
Krithe introcurva Hao
Krithe japonica Ishizaki 1971
Krithe keyi Breman 1978
Krithe kroemmelbeini Jain 1978
Krithe kueitaoyei Hu & Tao 2008
Krithe marialuisae Abate, Barra, Aiello & Bonaduce 1993
Krithe mazziniae Yasuhara, Cronin, Hunt & Hodell 2009
Krithe minima Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe ovoidea Ruan ex Ruan & Hao
Krithe peypouqueti Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe posticliva (Hao 1988)
Krithe praetexta (Sars 1866)
Krithe producta Brady 1880
Krithe prolata Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe pseudocomma Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe radiolata Egger 1901
Krithe reniformis (Brady 1868)
Krithe rex Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe sawanensis Hanai 1959
Krithe setosa Rudjakov 1961
Krithe similis Mueller 1894
Krithe spatularis Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe sphaenoidea Ruan ex Ruan & Hao
Krithe swansoni Milau 1993
Krithe triangularis Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe trinidadensis Bold 1958
Krithe tumida Brady 1880
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Krithe aequabilis Ciampo 1986
(this page)
Krithe adelspergi Brouwers 1990
Krithe angelikae Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe angusta Brady & Norman 1889
Krithe antisawanensis Ishizaki 1966
Krithe aquilonia Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe ayressi Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe burkholderi Brouwers 1990
Krithe capensis Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe caudata Bold 1946
Krithe cerritula Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe chichiuchianga Hu & Tao 2008
Krithe coimbrai Carmo & Sanguinetti 1999
Krithe comma Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe compressa (Seguenza 1880)
Krithe dilata Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe dolichodeira Bold 1946
Krithe droogeri Keij 1953
Krithe dubia Bonaduce, Masoli & Pugliese 1976
Krithe elongata (Jones & Kirkby 1896)
Krithe galei Crouch 1949
Krithe gigantea (Mehes 1941)
Krithe glacialis Brady, Crosskey & Robertson 1874
Krithe gnoma Carmo & Sanguinetti 1999
Krithe gobanensis Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe gracilis (Reuss 1850) Lienenklaus 1895
Krithe hemideclivata (Ruan in Zeng, Ruan, Xu, Sun & Su 1988)
Krithe hyalina Brady 1880
Krithe introcurva Hao
Krithe japonica Ishizaki 1971
Krithe kamchatkaensis Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe keyi Breman 1978
Krithe kroemmelbeini Jain 1978
Krithe kueitaoyei Hu & Tao 2008
Krithe lambi Bold 1966
Krithe marialuisae Abate, Barra, Aiello & Bonaduce 1993
Krithe maxima Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe mazziniae Yasuhara, Cronin, Hunt & Hodell 2009
Krithe minima Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe monosteracensis (Seguenza 1880)
Krithe morkhoveni Bold 1960
Krithe nibelaensis Dingle 1981
Krithe nitida Whatley & Downing 1984
Krithe ovoidea Ruan in Ruan & Hao
Krithe papillosa (Bosquet 1852) Apostolescu 1955
Krithe perattica Alexander 1934
Krithe pernoides (Bornemann 1855)
Krithe perpulchra Abate, Barra, Aiello & Bonaduce 1993
Krithe peypouqueti Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe postcircularis Mckenzie, Reyment & Reyment 1993
Krithe posticliva (Hao 1988)
Krithe postprojecta Schmidt 1948
Krithe praetexta (Sars 1866)
Krithe producta Brady 1880
Krithe prolata Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe prolixa Bold 1966
Krithe pseudocomma Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe radiolata Egger 1901
Krithe rara Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe reniformis (Brady 1868)
Krithe reversa Bold 1958
Krithe rex Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe saundersi Bold 1960
Krithe sawanensis Hanai 1959
Krithe setosa Rudjakov 1961
Krithe similis Mueller 1894
Krithe snansoni Milhau 1993
Krithe spatularis Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe sphaenoidea Ruan in Ruan & Hao
Krithe subgen. Austrokrithe Hartmann 1994
Krithe subgen. Profundocythere Hartmann 1985
Krithe subreniformis Jones & Kirkby 1896
Krithe swansoni Milau 1993
Krithe triangularis Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe trinidadensis Bold 1958
Krithe tsukagoshii Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe tumida Brady 1880
Krithe whitecliffsensis Crane 1965
GBIF classification
Krithe Brady, Crosskey & Robertson 1874
Krithe aequabilis Ciampo 1986
(this page)
Krithe adelspergi Brouwers 1990
Krithe angusta Brady & Norman 1889
Krithe antisawanensis Ishizaki 1966
Krithe aquilonia Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe ayressi Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe burkholderi Brouwers 1990
Krithe capensis Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe caudata Bold 1946
Krithe chichiuchianga Hu & Tao 2008
Krithe coimbrai Carmo & Sanguinetti 1999
Krithe comma Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe compressa (Seguenza 1880)
Krithe crassicaudata Bold 1946
Krithe cushmani
Krithe dilata Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe dolichodeira Bold 1946
Krithe droogeri Keij 1953
Krithe dubia Bonaduce, Masoli & Pugliese 1976
Krithe elongata Bold 1960
Krithe galei Crouch 1949
Krithe gigantea (Mehes 1941)
Krithe glacialis Brady, Crosskey & Robertson 1874
Krithe gnoma Carmo & Sanguinetti 1999
Krithe gobanensis Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe gracilis (Reuss 1850) Lienenklaus 1895
Krithe hemideclivata (Ruan 1988)
Krithe hiwanneensis Howe & Law 1936
Krithe hunti Yasuhara et al.
Krithe hyalina Brady 1880
Krithe introcurva Hao
Krithe japonica Ishizaki 1971
Krithe keyi Breman 1978
Krithe kroemmelbeini Jain 1978
Krithe kueitaoyei Hu & Tao 2008
Krithe lambi Bold 1966
Krithe magna (Hartmann 1986)
Krithe marialuisae Abate, Barra, Aiello & Bonaduce 1993
Krithe mazziniae Yasuhara, Cronin, Hunt & Hodell 2009
Krithe minima Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe montensis Deroo 1966
Krithe morkhoveni Bold 1960
Krithe nibelaensis Dingle 1981
Krithe nitida Whatley & Downing 1984
Krithe ovoidea Ruan
Krithe papillosa (Bosquet 1852) Apostolescu 1955
Krithe parva (Hartmann 1985)
Krithe perattica Alexander 1934
Krithe pernoides (Bornemann 1855)
Krithe perpulchra Abate, Barra, Aiello & Bonaduce 1993
Krithe peypouqueti Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe polita Damotte 1965
Krithe postcircularis Mckenzie, Reyment & Reyment 1993
Krithe postprojecta Schmidt 1948
Krithe praemorkhoveni Coles & Whatley 1994
Krithe producta Brady 1880
Krithe prolata Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe prolixa Bold 1966
Krithe pseudocomma Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe radiolata Egger 1901
Krithe regularae Coles & Whatley 1994
Krithe reversa Bold 1958
Krithe rex Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe saundersi Bold 1960
Krithe sawanensis Hanai 1959
Krithe setosa Rudjakov 1961
Krithe similis Mueller 1894
Krithe snansoni Milhau 1993
Krithe spatularis Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe sphaenoidea Ruan
Krithe subreniformis Jones & Kirkby 1896
Krithe surugensis Zhou
Krithe swansoni Milau 1993
Krithe triangularis Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe trinidadensis Bold 1958
Krithe tumida Brady 1880
Krithe vandenboldi Steineck
Krithe vanveenae Deroo 1966
Krithe whitecliffsensis Crane 1965
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Krithe aequabilis
(this page)
Krithe adelspergi
Krithe angelikae
Krithe angusta
Krithe aquilonia
Krithe ayressi
Krithe bartonensis
Krithe burkholderi
Krithe capensis
Krithe caudata
Krithe cerritula
Krithe chichiuchianga
Krithe coimbrai
Krithe comma
Krithe dilata
Krithe droogeri
Krithe dubia
Krithe gnoma
Krithe gobanensis
Krithe hemideclivata
Krithe hyalina
Krithe introcurva
Krithe japonica
Krithe kamchatkaensis
Krithe keyi
Krithe kroemmelbeini
Krithe kueitaoyei
Krithe magna
Krithe marialuisae
Krithe maxima
Krithe mazziniae
Krithe minima
Krithe morkhoveni
Krithe ovoidea
Krithe pernoides
Krithe peypouqueti
Krithe posticliva
Krithe praetexta
Krithe producta
Krithe prolata
Krithe pseudocomma
Krithe radiolata
Krithe rara
Krithe reniformis
Krithe rex
Krithe sawanensis
Krithe setosa
Krithe similis
Krithe surugensis
Krithe swansoni
Krithe triangularis
Krithe trinidadensis
Krithe tsukagoshii
Krithe tumida
World Register of Marine Species
Krithe aequabilis Ciampo 1986
(this page)
Krithe (Austrokrithe) magna (Hartmann 1986)
Krithe (Profundocythere) parva (Hartmann 1985)
Krithe adamentina Rosyjeva 1962
Krithe adelspergi Brouwers 1990
Krithe angelikae Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe angusta Brady & Norman 1889
Krithe antisawanensis Ishizaki 1966
Krithe aquilonia Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe araucoensis Bergue, Coimbra & Finger 2020
Krithe ayressi Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe bartonensis brevis (Seguenza 1880)
Krithe bartonensis levantina Lerner-Seggev 1964
Krithe bartonensis monosteracensis (Seguenza 1880)
Krithe burkholderi Brouwers 1990
Krithe capensis Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe cerritula Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe chichiuchianga Hu & Tao 2008
Krithe coimbrai Do Carmo & Sanguinetti 1999
Krithe comma Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe compressa (Seguenza 1880)
Krithe compressa antiqua (Seguenza 1880) Ruggieri 1952
Krithe compressa compressa (Seguenza 1880) Ruggieri 1952
Krithe crepidus Ceolin & Whatley 2015
Krithe curvidorsalis Mandelstam ex Rosyjeva 1962
Krithe dawnpetersonae Bergue, Coimbra & Finger 2020
Krithe dilata Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe dolichodeira Bold 1946
Krithe droogeri Keij 1953
Krithe dubia Bonaduce, Masoli & Pugliese 1976
Krithe elongata (Jones & Kirkby 1896)
Krithe elongata Bold 1960
Krithe galei Crouch 1949
Krithe gigantea (Mehes 1941)
Krithe glacialis Brady, Crosskey & Robertson 1874
Krithe gnoma Carmo & Sanguinetti 1999
Krithe gobanensis Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe gracilis (Reuss 1850) Lienenklaus 1895
Krithe hemideclivata (Ruan ex Zeng, Ruan, Xu, Sun & Su 1988)
Krithe hunti Yasuhara, Stepanova, Okahashi, Cronin & Brouwers 2014
Krithe hyalina Brady 1880
Krithe introcurva Hao
Krithe japonica Ishizaki 1971
Krithe kamchatkaensis Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe keyi Breman 1978
Krithe kroemmelbeini Jain 1978
Krithe kueitaoyei Hu & Tao 2008
Krithe lambi Bold 1966
Krithe marialuisae Abate, Barra, Aiello & Bonaduce 1993
Krithe maxima Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe mazziniae Yasuhara, Cronin, Hunt & Hodell 2009
Krithe minima Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe monosteracensis (Seguenza 1880)
Krithe morkhoveni ayressi Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe morkhoveni Bold 1960
Krithe morkhoveni lamellata Coles, Whatley & Moguilevsky 1994
Krithe morkhoveni morkhoveni Bold 1960
Krithe nerudai Bergue, Coimbra & Finger 2020
Krithe nibelaensis Dingle 1981
Krithe nitida Whatley & Downing 1984
Krithe nobilisa Rosyjeva 1962
Krithe ovoidea Ruan ex Ruan & Hao
Krithe papillosa (Bosquet 1852) Apostolescu 1955
Krithe perattica Alexander 1934
Krithe pernoides (Bornemann 1855)
Krithe pernoides pernoides (Bornemann 1855)
Krithe pernoides sinuosa (Ciampo 1986)
Krithe perpulchra Abate, Barra, Aiello & Bonaduce 1993
Krithe peypouqueti Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe postcircularis Mckenzie, Reyment & Reyment 1993
Krithe posticliva (Hao 1988)
Krithe postprojecta Schmidt 1948
Krithe praetexta (Sars 1866)
Krithe praetexta praetexta (Sars 1866) Brady, Crosskey & Robertson 1874
Krithe producta Brady 1880
Krithe prolata Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe prolixa Bold 1966
Krithe pseudocomma Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe radiolata Egger 1901
Krithe rara Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe reniformis (Brady 1868)
Krithe reversa Bold 1958
Krithe rex Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe saundersi Bold 1960
Krithe sawanensis Hanai 1959
Krithe setosa Rudjakov 1961
Krithe similis Müller 1894
Krithe simplex (Jones & Hinde 1890)
Krithe snansoni Milhau 1993
Krithe spatularis Dingle, Lord & Boomer 1990
Krithe sphaenoidea Ruan ex Ruan & Hao
Krithe subgen. Austrokrithe Hartmann 1994
Krithe subgen. Krithe Brady, Crosskey & Robertson 1874
Krithe subgen. Profundocythere Hartmann 1985
Krithe swansoni Milau 1993
Krithe triangularis Ayress, Barrows, Passlow & Whatley 1999
Krithe trinidadensis Bold 1958
Krithe tsukagoshii Yoo, Tanaka, Lee, Brandao & Karanovic 2020
Krithe turkmenica Rosyjeva 1962
Krithe ukrainica Mandelstam ex Rosyjeva 1962
Krithe whitecliffsensis Crane 1965
2 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.