Roger Myers   cc-by-3.0

Cepphus grylle (Black Guillemot) is a species of birds in the family auks. They are native to Atlantic Ocean and Arctic Ocean. They are diurnal. Individuals can grow to 58 cm. They have parental care (pair provides care). They rely on flight and lift powered swimming to move around.

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  • URI: https://eol.org/schema/terms/lift_based_swimming
  • Definition: Hydrofoils, or fins, are used to push against the water to create a normal force to provide thrust, propelling the animal through water. The reduction of fin cross-sectional area helps to minimize drag, and therefore increase efficiency. Regardless of size of the animal, at any particular speed, maximum possible lift is proportional to (wing area) x (speed)<sup>2</sup>. Dolphins and whales have large, horizontal caudal hydrofoils, while many fish and sharks have vertical caudal hydrofoils.
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Known occurrences, collected specimens and observations of Black Guillemot. View this species on GBIF