Ottawa Co., Ohio
Pima Co., Arizona
Holiday Beach Migration Observatory, Ontario
After he attracts her attention, these Bell's Vireos "duet" this buzzy song together - it's difficult to tell when he's singing and when she joins in.
Los Haitises National Park
Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge
A Bell's Vireo (Vireo bellii) sings to the object of his affections one Spring day at Peck's Lake [Arizona]. This song is sung over and over, using the two phrases heard here. The first phrase sounds like "I wonder who's kissing her now" (not the song, just the words) to me.
Playa de Los Reyes
The Cassin's Vireo is the other half of the Solitary's split into Plumbeous/Cassin's. This one was just passing through central Arizona on migration, fidgeting it's way through the underbrush at about 5000 ft (1540 M) elevation.
Playa de Los Reyes
Warbling Vireos (Vireo gilvus) breed in the high pine and oak forests of central Arizona, where they sing this song over and over. This one was recorded on Mingus Mountain, near Jerome, Arizona, 5/31/99 at about 7000' (2130 M) elevation.
Volcan Baru
In the Springtime the Hutton's Vireo (Vireo huttoni) sings this monotonous diatribe. This one was in Big Sur State Park, central California, in late March, 1999. Thanks to Steven Hopp and Kevin Colver for help in confirming the ID!
La Bajada
Spring Song & Whispers sung one May morning at Peck's Lake [Arizona]. His performance this day included several minutes of loud singing and several of his "whisper songs".
Middle Fork Cosumnes River
I caught this Plumbeus (formerly Solitary) Vireo's (Vireo plumbeus) act in Sedona, Arizona in early October, 1997. This was the Rocky Mountain form. He was, just as he should be, in the Piñons and Junipers, and he was, just as he should be, alone! That's a Gambel's Quail you hear worrying during the first half of the sample.
Los Haitises National Park
Isla Boca Brava
Golden Gate Park - North Lake