This is one of the few Blue Jay pictures I have, they move constantly, but I love their personalities! When we added a waterfall to our pond, there was a large Jay family with about 5 or 6 youngsters that took turns sliding down the fall like kids at a water park. Sadly, I didn't have a camera at the time. (But this prompted me to go out and get one!) Photographed in Jefferson Co. WV.
When not foraging on the ground, this Jay likes to mimic the call of hawks, and dig for morsels in the base of an upturned tree.Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristataOlympus OM-D E-M1 Mark IIOlympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 100-400mm F5.0-6.3 IS Lens New Castle County, Delaware, USA23 October 2022Phil's 1stPix Instagram Phil's 1stpix InstagramPhil's 1stPix on iNaturalist-Observation Map iNaturalist: ObservationsPhil's 1stPix on iNaturalist- Species Grid iNaturalist: Species