We do not have information on lifespan/longevity for this species at this time.
Average lifespan
Status: wild: 73 months.
Western bluebirds are often found at the edges of forests. Because of the availability of perch sites, they tend to live in burned and logged areas. Western bluebirds tend to build their nests in conifer trees (pine and firs) and deciduous trees (oak). They do not live in open areas, such as meadows. They can be found at elevations up to 2,900 m.
Range elevation: 2,900 (high) m.
Habitat Regions: temperate ; terrestrial
Terrestrial Biomes: forest ; scrub forest
Sialia mexicana is found throughout parts of western North America, including southeastern British Columbia, Alberta, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, northern Baja California, and the central Mexican states.
Biogeographic Regions: nearctic (Native )
Western bluebirds eat a variety of foods; their main food source varies depending on the season. During the spring and summer months, they are insectivorous. They are "perch-foragers" at this time; they will look for prey from a perch and then drop down on the ground to pick it up. During the winter, western bluebirds mainly eat fruit. Their main source of food in the winter is mistletoe berries (Phoradendron).
Foods eaten include: spiders, flies, grasshoppers, bees, sowbugs, beetles, termites, mistletoe berries, cherries, blackberries, raspberries and figs.
Animal Foods: insects; terrestrial non-insect arthropods
Plant Foods: fruit
Primary Diet: omnivore
Western bluebirds live in areas that are occupied by other birds. Conflicts arise between swallows, wrens, woodpeckers, and flycatchers for nest space and food. Swallows and wrens have taken over some western bluebird nest sites because space is limited. Western bluebirds and mountain bluebirds have overlapping ranges, but western bluebirds establish their nests earlier, so they usually win disputes over nesting sites.
Bluebirds are beautiful birds and people often put out nest boxes to attract them to their area.
There are no known adverse affects of western bluebirds on humans.
Western bluebirds are not endangered; however, their habitat is threatened. Western bluebirds do not live in open areas; they live in the forest (Guinan et al., 2000). However, increases in logging have led to increases in the amount of open area in the forest, which has led to a decrease in the number of available nesting sites for western bluebirds. In addition to the loss of nesting sites, the suppression of forest fires has led to a decrease in edge habitat (Guinan et al., 2000). To prevent further declines in western bluebird populations, nest boxes have been set up throughout California to provide breeding sites (Dickinson, 2001). Western bluebirds are protected under the US Migratory Bird Treaty Act.
US Migratory Bird Act: protected
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: no special status
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: least concern
Western bluebirds use a variety of calls to communicate. Communication begins as early as 14 days as nestlings call for food. Calls become more complex as western bluebirds grow older. There are a variety of calls that are used to determine the location of mates as well as to establish territorial boundaries. The "Kew" call and the "Che-check" call are used by mates to determine each other’s location. These calls are particularly important during breeding season. Additional calls are used to establish territorial boundaries. When building a nest, males produce a chatter call to establish their territories. If a foreign male invades another birds’ territory, the defending male will produce a squawk-like call. Calls are the common method of communication among western bluebirds and are used to establish boundaries as well as position.
Communication Channels: acoustic
Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
The genus Sialia has three species: western bluebirds (Sialia mexicana), mountain bluebirds (S. currucoides), and eastern bluebirds (S. sialis). These three species differ in their coloration and body shape. Males of the different species are easily recognizable; females are more difficult to distinguish. For example, male eastern bluebirds have a red-brown throat and a white belly instead of a blue throat and grayish-blue belly. Female eastern bluebirds have an orange-brown throat and a white belly with a pale brown outline. Mountain bluebirds are longer and have a thinner beak. The males and the females have a paler blue coloration. Body size and color patterns are important features in distinguishing between the different bluebird species.
Western bluebirds are small thrushes ranging in length from 16.5 to 19 cm and weighing from 24 to 31 g. Male and female adult western bluebirds differ in their coloration. The females are less dramatic than the males. They tend to have a brown abdomen and a gray head, throat and back. Their tails and wings are a gray-blue color. The males are brighter. Cobalt-blue is found on their head, chin, throat, and tail. The males have a brown breast and a gray-blue belly. Juveniles exhibit the same patterns as adults, except their coloration is not as intense.
Range mass: 24 to 31 g.
Range length: 16.5 to 19 cm.
Sexual Dimorphism: sexes colored or patterned differently; male more colorful
Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry
Average basal metabolic rate: 0.423 W.
Chipmunks (grey-necked chipmunk (Eutamias cinereicollis), townsend chipmunk (Eutamias townsendii) and yellow-pine chipmunk (Eutamias amoenus)), squirrels (Douglas squirrel (Tamiasciurus douglasi), red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) and tufted-eared squirrel (Sciurus aberti)) and mice (deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus)) are predators of western bluebirds. They will attack chicks in a nest and then take over and live in the nest. Male western bluebirds stand guard at the nests and chase intruders away. While an intruder is running away, the male will grasp the intruder's legs causing it to fall. Then, the bird will attack the predator with his beak.
Known Predators:
Western bluebirds are monogamous; they are also co-operative breeders ("helpers" or birds that are not the parents help to raise young). In some instances extra-pair copulation occurs (matings outside of the monogamous relationship). Helpers reduce the chance of extrapair copulations. They tend to fend off male intruders when the male mate is away from the nest. The females often use display signals to deter extrapair copulations (Dickinson et al., 2000). Females have been seen leaving their perch sites and attacking the breast of an invading male, as well as flattening themselves against a branch. The invading males typically flap their wings rapidly and call in a high-pitched tone (Dickinson et al., 2000). Most attempts at extrapair copulation fail because the female is not receptive. However, in a small percentage of cases extrapair copulations occur. If the intruding male is older than the female, then the female is more likely to mate with him (Dickinson, 2001).
Mating System: monogamous ; cooperative breeder
Both male and female western bluebirds can begin reproducing once they are a year old. Breeding occurs from May to July. Females typically lay one to two clutches (approximately 5 eggs per clutch (range 3 to 8)) during the breeding season. Copulation occurs from 10 days prior to egg laying through the last day of egg laying (Dickinson et al., 2000).
Incubation lasts from 12 to 18 days (Guinan et al., 2000). The nestlings fledge after 21 days, but they remain close. After two weeks, the young birds are fully independent (Guinan et al., 2000).
Breeding interval: Females typically lay one to two clutches per year
Breeding season: May to July
Range eggs per season: 3 to 8.
Average eggs per season: 5.
Range time to hatching: 12 to 18 days.
Average fledging age: 21 days.
Average time to independence: 2 weeks.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 1 years.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 1 years.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization ; oviparous
Average eggs per season: 4.
Female western bluebirds are responsible for incubating the eggs. Incubation lasts from 12 to 18 days (Guinan et al., 2000). During incubation, males guard the nest while the female searches for food. The female does not leave the nest for too long because the males do not incubate the eggs. Once the eggs hatch, both parents are responsible for taking care of the altricial young by cleaning the nest and providing food. Females also brood the nestlings. The chicks are able to leave the nest after 21 days, but they remain close. After two weeks, the young birds are fully independent (Guinan et al., 2000).
In addition to the mother and the father caring for their young, western bluebirds often have helpers at the nest (Kraaijeveld and Dickinson, 2001). These helpers are older offspring, who are non-breeders. The helpers may have been reproductively active at one point in time, but became helpers because their mate died or their nest failed. They increase their fitness by ensuring the survival of the fledglings who are related to them. For example, if a male bird does not reproduce, he is not passing on any of his genes so his fitness is zero. However, if a male bird helps at his parents nest, then some of his genes will be passed on because he is related to the fledglings. A helper increases his fitness by taking care of his siblings (Kraaijeveld and Dickinson, 2001).
Parental Investment: no parental involvement; altricial ; pre-hatching/birth (Protecting: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Male, Female, Protecting: Female); pre-independence (Provisioning: Male, Female)
The western bluebird (Sialia mexicana) is a small North American thrush.
The western bluebird was formally described by the English naturalist William John Swainson in 1832 and given the binomial name Sialia mexicana.[2][3]
Six subspecies are recognised:[4]
The western bluebird is a small stocky bird with a length of 15 to 18 cm (5.9 to 7.1 in). The adult male is bright blue on top and on the throat with an orange breast and sides, a brownish patch on back, and a gray belly and undertail coverts. The adult female has a duller blue body, wings, and tail, a gray throat, a dull orange breast, and a gray belly and undertail coverts. Both sexes have a thin straight bill with a fairly short tail. Immature birds have duller colors than the adults, and have spots on their chest and back.[5]
Their calling consists of the mating songs which sound like "cheer," "chur-chur," and "chup." This helps male western bluebirds find the females easily in condensed forest. The males use these calls to tell competing males that the territory belongs to them.[5]
The western bluebird can be readily distinguished from the two other species in the bluebird genus. The western bluebird has a blue (male) or gray (female) throat, the eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis) has an orange throat, and the mountain bluebird (Sialia currucoides) lacks orange color anywhere on its body.
The western bluebird has been displaced from its natural habitat by the felling of trees; however it has adapted to coniferous forests, farmlands, semi-open terrain, and desert to survive. The year-round range includes California, the southern Rocky Mountains, Arizona, and New Mexico in the United States, and as far south as the states of Oaxaca and Veracruz in Mexico. The summer breeding range extends as far north as the Pacific Northwest, British Columbia, and Montana. Northern birds can migrate to the southern parts of the range; southern birds are often permanent residents.
The western bluebird nests in cavities or in nest boxes, competing with tree swallows, house sparrows, and European starlings for natural nesting locations. Because of the high level of competition, house sparrows often attack western bluebirds for their nests. The attacks are made both in groups or alone. Attacks by starlings can be reduced if the nesting box opening is kept to 1.5 in (38 mm) diameter to avoid takeover. Nest boxes come into effect when the species is limited and dying out due to the following predators: cats, raccoons, possums, and select birds of prey such as the Cooper's hawk. Ants, bees, earwigs, and wasps can crawl into the nesting boxes and damage the newborns.[5] Western bluebirds are among the birds that nest in cavities, or holes in trees, or nest boxes. Their beaks are too weak and small to dig out their own holes, so they rely on woodpeckers to make their nest sites for them.[5]
In restored forests, western bluebirds have a higher probability of successfully fledging young than in untreated forests, but they are at greater risk of parasitic infestations. The effects on post-fledging survival are unknown.[6] They have been found to enjoy more success with nest boxes than in natural cavities. They started egg-laying earlier, had higher nesting success and lower predation rates, and fledged more young in boxes than in cavities, but they did not have larger clutches of eggs. The eggs are commonly two to eight per clutch, with average size 20.8 mm × 16.2 mm (0.82 in × 0.64 in). Eggs are oval in shape with a smooth and glossy shell. They are pale blue to bluish-white and sometimes white in color. Nestlings remain in a nest about 19 to 22 days before fledging. In a good year, the parents can rear two broods, with four to six eggs per clutch. According to genetic studies, 45% of western bluebirds' nests carried young that were not offspring of the male partner. In addition, they help their parents raise a new brood after their own nest fails.
The western bluebird pounces on the ground when looking for food, such as worms and berries. It also flies to catch aerial prey, like insects, when available. The western bluebird consumes water from nearby streams and commonly used bird baths.[5] These birds wait on a perch and fly down to catch insects, sometimes catching them in midair. They mainly eat insects and berries.
The western bluebird (Sialia mexicana) is a small North American thrush.