More info for the terms:
fire exclusion,
species richness,
tussockPopulation Status: Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) data indicates that there
were no nesting western bluebirds west of the Cascade Range in
Washington for the period 1968 to 1976 [
31]. Nationally, BBS data
indicated a decreasing trend for western bluebirds between 1968 and
1991, but a more recent trend (1982-1991) showed a slight but
nonsignificant increase [
30]. Hejl [
30] hypothesized that species
associated with burns and/or snags, such as western bluebirds, are less
abundant in the United States than they were 100 years ago. Populations
in the southwest have probably declined due to forest closure as a
result of fire exclusion. Based on data from Raphael and others [
she also hypothesized a local population increase in northwestern
Douglas-fir forests because logging has resulted in increased amounts of
early successional habitats [
30]. Herlugson [
31] suggested that the
mountain bluebird has replaced the western bluebird as the predominant
bluebird in the Northwest during this century. Grazing reduces herb
density and may benefit mountain bluebird at the expense of western
bluebird. Mountain bluebird probably benefits more from logging as well
43]. In Arizona Szaro [
52] recorded the replacement of western
bluebird by mountain bluebird following clearcutting in ponderosa pine
forests. Western bluebirds also declined in Nevada [
There is often a high degree of inter- and intraspecific competition
among cavity nesters for nest sites. Competition for nest sites has
increased with the invasion of European starlings and house sparrows
introduced from Europe in this century [
32]. On a burned site in
southwestern Idaho, Lewis' woodpeckers (Melanerpes lewis) frequently
usurped western bluebird nests, sometimes ejecting nestlings [
Competition with European starlings has probably contributed to western
bluebird population declines in Utah [
29]. Competition with
violet-green swallows (Tachycineta thalassina) for nest sites has
probably contributed to western bluebird movement to higher elevations
for nesting. It may also be responsible for the near extinction of
mainland populations west of the Cascade Range in Oregon and Washington,
and reduced numbers on nearby islands. Other factors contributing to
western bluebird population declines in these areas include competition
for nest sites with house sparrows, changes in farm practices (larger
areas with no hedgerows, etc.) and destruction of potential nest
cavities. There was a severe drop in population after DDT use in 1947
in the Willamette Valley, and western bluebird numbers never completely
recovered [
Population Density: During the breeding season western bluebird density
in northern Arizona ponderosa pine forests at 6,930 to 7,590 feet
(2,100-2,300 m) elevation was observed in three different habitat
structures, comparing plots with nest boxes to plots with no nest boxes
(control plots). The three treatment plots consisted of ponderosa pine
stands that had been severely thinned (open), moderately thinned
(thinned), and uncut for 60 years (dense). There were higher densities
of breeding western bluebirds on open and thinned plots with nest boxes
than on similar habitat with no nest boxes. The amount of increase was
about the same open and thinned plots. Breeding densities were similar
on dense plots with and without nest boxes. The authors concluded that
nest site availability influenced breeding density in areas with limited
nest sites. Brawn [
10] found no negative effects on fledging success
with increased breeding population density with added nest boxes.
However, other factors such as availability of foraging perches may
affect breeding density when nest sites are plentiful [
12]. In western
Oregon young Douglas-fir plantations, breeding western bluebirds were
common on or near plots with snags. On these plots snags were usually
the only component taller than the shrub layer [
Nest Box Programs: In Washington west of the Cascade Range, nest boxes
placed above 600 feet (182 m) elevation were more successful (had fewer
competitors) in providing western bluebird nest sites than those at
lower elevations. Nest boxes placed on trees were more successful for
western bluebirds than those placed on fenceposts [
46]. Nest box
success in western Montana was improved when nest box entrance hole
sizes were increased to 1.56 inches (4 cm) presumably from 1.5 inches
(3.8 cm), the standard size used to exclude starlings from nest boxes.
The nest box program appears to have attracted many western bluebirds to
breed; local population sizes are perceived (anecdotal evidence) to have
increased [
4]. Boxes for western bluebirds in southwestern ponderosa
pine forests should be placed along forest edges or in grassy glades
within open forests. Western bluebirds use large nest boxes with 3 inch
(7.6 cm) diameter entrance holes if no other sites are available [
Nest boxes may attract western bluebirds to atypical habitat [
Management Recommendations: Szaro and Balda [
53] suggested that removal
of one-sixth to two-thirds of available foliage in ponderosa pine
communities either in strips or by thinning is not detrimental to
breeding bird communities (in terms of species richness, density, or
diversity), but caution that post-treatment bird communities are not
composed of the same species. Western bluebirds apparently benefit from
moderate disturbance [
54]. Snags are a necessary component of western
bluebird nesting habitat and should be retained wherever possible
49]. Mature and decadent trees should be left during timber harvest
for future snag production, particularly where existing snags are few
43]. Diem and Zeveloff [
19] suggest that western bluebirds may be
especially sensitive to timber harvest in ponderosa pine habitats
because of the need for snags. Bull and Partridge [
15] recommend that
retention of natural snags is preferable to killing trees. For snag
production in Oregon ponderosa pine forests they recommend topping trees
50 to 83 feet (15-25 m) above the ground. Trees should be greater than
20 inches (50 cm) d.b.h. [
Pesticide Studies: In northeastern Oregon Douglas-fir forests treated
for Douglas-fir tussock moth, western bluebird hatching rates increased
significantly in areas sprayed with DDT; the difference was not
attributed to DDT use. Other nesting parameters showed no significant
differences between sprayed and unsprayed plots [
In the southwestern United States a large portion of western bluebird
winter diet consists of juniper and mistletoe berries; therefore western
bluebirds may be a major dispersal agent for those species [