The golden greenbul (Calyptocichla serinus) is a member of the bulbul family of passerine birds found in western and central Africa. It is the only member of the genus Calyptocichla.
The golden greenbul was originally described in the genus Criniger. It is not closely related to any of the other greenbul species, forming a separate clade from the two main clades which make up the bulbul family Pycnonotidae.[2] Alternate names for the golden greenbul include the serene bulbul and serene greenbul.
The golden greenbul is brightly coloured for a greenbul due to its bright yellow belly and white throat; otherwise it is not particularly distinct in plumage, with unmarked olive upperparts, tail and wings. It has a long slender pinkish-brown bill, a feature not shared by other greenbuls.[3]
The species is found in forests from Sierra Leone to Ghana; south-eastern Nigeria and western Cameroon to Central African Republic and extreme north-western Angola.[4]
The golden greenbul (Calyptocichla serinus) is a member of the bulbul family of passerine birds found in western and central Africa. It is the only member of the genus Calyptocichla.