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Macropterous male (n= 10, plus holotype in parentheses) (Figs 45, 87, 88): Length to apex of hemelytron 2.45–2.60 mm (2.25 mm); length to base of cuneus 1.70–1.78 mm (1.68 mm); width across hemelytra 0.74–0.77 mm (0.74 mm). Head: Length 0.30–0.32 mm (0.30 mm), width across eyes 0.51–0.53 mm (0.51 mm); interocular width 0.29–0.30 mm (0.27 mm). Labium: Length 0.94–1.01 mm (0.90 mm). Antenna: Segment I, length (0.37 mm (0.34 mm); II, 1.17–1.20 mm (left 0.91 mm, right 1.06 mm); III, 0.67–0.69 mm (0.64 mm); IV, 0.42–0.43 mm (0.40 mm). Pronotum: Length 0.27 mm (0.24 mm), basal width 0.64–0.69 mm (0.67 mm). Coloration: Head (Figs 89–91): Semishiny fuscous to black, pale spot on either side of vertex obsolete or indistinct. Labium: Antenna: Uniformly black, segment I very narrowly pale at apex on some specimens. Pronotum: Uniformly pale brownish orange, posterior angles sometimes slightly infuscated; collar pale or whitish; mesoscutum and scutellum uniformly pale brownish orange. Hemelytron: Uniformly pale, translucent, brownish orange; membrane translucent smoky brown. Ostiolar evaporative area (Fig. 92): Brownish orange to orange. Ventral surface: Thoracic segments orange to reddish orange; abdomen in males reddish orange dorsally, paler orange ventrally, with genital capsule becoming fuscous or black; abdomen in females infuscated dorsally, gradually fading to pale orange ventrally. Legs: Uniformly pale brownish orange; claw (Fig. 94). Structure, texture, and vestiture: Head: Wider than long, interocular width subequal to length, impunctate, semishiny; set with a few, scattered, erect, nearly bristlelike dark setae. Labium: Extending beyond metacoxae to base of abbdomen. Pronotum: About 2.5 times as wide at base as long, lateral margins weakly concave, posterior margins moderately flared; set with short, semierect and recumbent setae. Mesoscutum: Broadly exposed. Scutellum: Slightly wider across base than on sides; set with short, semierect and recumbent setae. Hemelytron: Entire in males, cuneus nearly three times as long as wide at base, membrane fully developed, extending well beyond apex of abdomen; set with short, semierect and recumbent setae. Male genitalia (Fig. 93): Left paramere (Fig. 179): Mitt-shaped; right arm long, slender, apically crenulate; left arm short, apically acute. Right paramere (Fig. 180): Oval. Endosoma (Fig. 181): Strongly C-shaped, apex bluntly pointed. Phallotheca (Fig. 182) slender, apically pointed. Macropterous female (n= 2) (Fig. 46): Length to apex of hemelytron 2.65–2.75 mm, length to base of cuneus 1.88–2.00 mm, width across hemelytra 0.91–1.08 mm. Head: Length 0.32–0.34 mm, width across eyes 0.54 mm; interocular width 0.32 mm. Labium: Length 0.96–0.98 mm, extending to bases of hind coxae. Antenna: Segment I, length 0.34–0.35 mm, II 0.99–1.07 mm; III 0.74–0.77 mm; IV 0.50–0.51 mm. Pronotum: Length 0.30 mm, basal width 0.75 mm. Brachypterous female (n= 8) (Figs 47, 95–100): Length to apex of abdomen 1.90–2.23, length to base of cuneus 1.63–1.75 mm, width across hemelytra 0.90–0.93 mm. Head: Length 0.34–0.35 mm, width across eyes 0.54–0.56 mm; interocular width 0.34 mm. Labium: Length 0.96–0.98 mm, extending to second or third visible abdominal segment. Antenna: Segment I, length 0.30–0.32 mm; II, 0.94–1.04 mm; III, 0.40–0.42 mm; IV, 0.40–0.45 mm. Pronotum: Length 0.26–0.27 mm, basal width 0.62–0.67 mm. The hemelytra are abbreviated in nearly all females examined. The cuneal fracture is visible but the cuneus is greatly shortened, with only the narrow basal area of membrane along abbreviated cuneus present.
Thomas J. Henry
bibliographic citation
Henry T (2012) Revision of the Plant Bug Genus Tytthus (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae, Phylinae) ZooKeys 220: 1–114
Thomas J. Henry
visit source
partner site


provided by Zookeys
United States: Arizona and New Mexico.
Thomas J. Henry
bibliographic citation
Henry T (2012) Revision of the Plant Bug Genus Tytthus (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae, Phylinae) ZooKeys 220: 1–114
Thomas J. Henry
visit source
partner site