Image of Bylgides macrolepidus (Moore 1905)
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Bylgides macrolepidus (Moore 1905)

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Bylgides macrolepidus (Moore, 1905)

Antinoe macrolepida Moore, 1905:538, pl. 35: figs. 21–23; 1908:336; 1910:358.—Berkeley and Berkeley, 1948:14, fig. 15.—Loi, 1980:123.

Antinoella macrolepida.—Uschakov, 1958:78, fig. 1A–E.—Hartman, 1968:41, figs. 1–3.—Banseetal., 1968:523.

Bylgides macrolepida.—Uschakov, 1982:157, pl. 57: figs. 1–6.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—UNITED STATES: Alaska: Chatham Strait off Freshwater Bay, Behm Canal in vicinity of Yes Bay, 269–537 m, green mud. Albatross sta 4236, 4237, 4264, Jul 1903, holotype and 3 paratypes (USNM 5509, 5561–3). Clarence Strait, S.E. Alaska, 421 m, “John N. Cobb,” 29 Mar 1950, 1 specimen (USNM 32232). Gulf of Alaska, 59°51′30″N, 142°66′50″W, 53–100 m, R/V Western Viking sta 12–15, 11 Jul 1976, 3 specimens (USNM 63097). Washington: Puget Sound, 47°42′N, 122°26′W, 196 m, K. Banse, collector, 27 Nov 1967, 1 specimen (USNM 36461). Oregon: S.W. mouth of Columbia River, 46°97′N, 124°12.4′W, 91 m, “Commando,” M.S. Alton, collector, 12 May 1963, 1 small specimen (USNM 33991). California: Off central California, 35°14′N, 121°07′W, 460 m. Albatross sta 3195, 5 Apr 1890, 1 specimen (USNM 26643). Monterey Bay, 406 m, Albatross sta 4525, 26 May 1904, 1 specimen (USNM 16885).

CANADA: British Columbia: Gulf of Georgia, Halibut Bank and off Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, 163–311 m. Albatross sta 4192, 4194, 19/20 Jun 1903, 2 paratypes (USNM 5557, 5559). Off Comox Spit and Maple Point, Pendu Harbor, Vancouver Island, E. and C. Berkeley, collectors, 15 Aug 1934, 6 specimens (USNM 35014).

MEASUREMENTS.—Type Material: Holotype 45 mm long, 18 mm wide including setae, 39 segments. Four paratypes 32–35 mm long, 14–15 mm wide, 37–39 segments.

Nontype Material: Smaller specimen from British Columbia 25 mm long, 10 mm wide, 39 segments. Small specimen from off Oregon 9 mm long, 4 mm wide, 35 segments.

DESCRIPTION.—Body flattened, tapering slightly anteriorly and more so posteriorly. Dorsum reddish brown, with narrow, light, transverse intersegmental lines; ventral surface and parapodia pale or dark brown, purplish, or black. Fifteen pairs of large elytra covering dorsum, attached on prominent elytrophores. Elytra subcircular or elliptical, pale, marbled with brown, with 2 large crescentric spots, soft, membranous, appearing smooth, with scattered conical microtubercles and clavate papillae on surface and on posterior and lateral margins (Figure 13C). Dorsal cirri with cylindrical cirrophores on posterior sides of notopodia and long papillate styles with filamentous tips extending beyond setae; dorsal tubercles nodular (Figure 13G); on posterior segments, dorsal tubercles somewhat elongated and directed posteriorly.

Prostomium bilobed, rounded anteriorly, with very small cephalic peaks; anterolateral pair of very large eyes and slightly bulging small posterolateral pair, ceratophore of median antenna large, bulbous, in anterior notch of prostomium, with long papillate style, with subterminal enlargement and filamentous tip; ceratophores of lateral antennae short, rounded, fused medially ventral to median antenna, with styles short, tapered, papillate; palps stout, long, tapered, finely papillate (Figure 13B; Moore, 1905, pl. 35: fig. 21; Uschakov, 1982, pl. 57: fig. 1). Prostomium of smaller specimen with subtriangular cephalic peaks and smaller anterior pair of eyes (Figure 13A). Tentaculophores lateral to prostomium, with small projecting acicular lobe and 2–4 short notosetae on inner side; dorsal and ventral tentacular cirri similar to but shorter than median antenna (Figure 13B; Moore, 1905, pl. 35: fig. 21); facial tubercle absent.

Second segment without nuchal fold, with first pair of prominent elytrophores, biramous parapodia with rami subequal in length, and ventral buccal cirri lateral to mouth, similar to tentacular cirri, and longer than following ventral cirri (Figure 13B,D). Notosetae similar to those of following segments; neurosetae all with capillary tips, similar to lower neurosetae of following parapodia (Figure 13E).

Parapodia prominent, biramous, long, equal to body width. Notopodium shorter than neuropodium, rounded, with projecting acicular lobe on lower side; neuropodium with longer presetal, conical acicular lobe, with supraacicular distal free part, and shorter rounded postsetal lobe (Figure 13F,G; Uschakov, 1982, pl. 57: fig. 2). Notosetae numerous, forming radiating bundle, much stouter than neurosetae, with numerous spinous rows and bluntly pointed tips; shorter notosetae with short, bare tips and longer notosetae with longer bare tips (Figure 13H; Moore, 1905, pl. 35: fig. 23). Neurosetae very numerous, forming fan-shape bundles. Neurosetae long, slender, with long spinous regions and delicate tips; upper ones with slender plumose tips (Figure 13I); middle neurosetae stouter, with tips slightly hooked, plumose, with or without capillary extension (Figure 13J); lower neurosetae with tips plumose, with long capillary extension (Figure 13K; Moore, 1905, pl. 35: fig. 22a). Ventral cirri slender, subulate, finely papillate (Figure 13F,G).

Nephridial papillae short, bulbous, beginning on segment 6. Pygidium with anus medial to parapodia of last segment, with pair of anal cirri.

DISTRIBUTION.—Southern Sakhalin in Sea of Okhotsk, North American coast from Gulf of Alaska to central California; in 53–537 meters.

Bylgides fuscus (Hartman and Fauchald, 1971), new combination

Antinoe pelagica.—Stop-Bowitz, 1948:9, fig. 5 [not Monro, 1930].

Antinoana fusca Hartman and Fauchald, 1971:21, pl. 1: figs, a-h [part?].

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—NORTHWEST ATLANTIC OCEAN:39°48.7′N, 70°40.8′W, 1102 m, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Chain cruise 87 sta 11, 6 Jul 1965, holotype (AHIF 884). 42°59′N, 51°15′W, 1100 m, s/s Michael Sars sta 7, 30 Jun 1910, 1 specimen (ZMUB 41565, as A. pelagica by Stop-Bowitz, 1948).

MEASUREMENTS.—Type Material: Holotype with 31 segments, last 2 very small, 8 mm long by 4.5 mm wide with setae; few posterior elytra remaining. None of the parapodia have been cut off, thus this is probably not the specimen figured in Hartman and Fauchald (1971). According to the description by Hartman and Fauchald (1971), the species has a length of 10–11 mm, is 4 mm wide without setae, and has 25–26 segments. The holotype differs from the specimen described in the original description and figures in some respects, as noted below.

Nontype Material: Specimen from Michael Sars (ZMUB 41565) with 34 segments (2 middle ones now missing), 12+ mm long, 6 mm wide.

DESCRIPTION.—Body of holotype flattened, tapering anteriorly and posteriorly, with parapodia and setae as long as body width, with 2 dorsal transverse ciliated bands per segment Color tannish middorsally. Elytrophores 14 pairs, on segments 2, 4, 5, 7, alternate segments to 23, 26, 29, followed by 2 very small segments (15 pairs on specimen from Michael Sars sta, with 15th pair on segment 32 and 2 additional small segments; elytra 11–12 pairs according to Hartman and Fauchald, 1971). Elytra large, covering dorsum, oval, with long filiform papillae on surface and lateral and posterior borders, without microtubercles (Figure 14B) (according to Hartman and Fauchald, 1971, pl. lc, elytra with microtubercles in addition to papillae). Dorsal cirri with cylindrical cirrophores; long styles with clavate papillae, extending to about tips of neurosetae; dorsal tubercles nodular (Figure 14G).

Prostomium bilobed, wider than long, with weakly developed cephalic peaks; 2 pairs of rather small eyes, anterior pair in region of greatest width, slightly larger than posterior pair near posterior border, bulbous ceratophore of median antenna in anterior notch, style missing (nearly as long as palps, papillate, according to Hartman and Fauchald, 1971); rounded ceratophores of lateral antennae inserted ventrally, with short, subulate, papillate styles; palps stout long, tapered, minutely papillate (Figure 14A; Hartman and Fauchald, 1971, pl. la). Tentaculophores lateral to prostomium, with projecting acicular lobe and 3–4 short notosetae on inner side; tentacular cirri missing (Figure 14A) (long, papillate, according to Hartman and Fauchald, 1971, pl. la).

Second segment with first pair of bulbous elytrophores, biramous parapodia, and ventral buccal cirri that are long, papillate, longer than following ventral cirri (Figure 14A,C); notosetae similar to upper notosetae of following segments (Figure 14D); neurosetae all ending in capillary tips (Figure 14E).

Parapodia biramous, with notopodium shorter than neuropodium, rounded basally, with projecting acicular lobe on lower side, tip of notoaciculum emergent; neuropodium with conical presetal acicular lobe, tip of neuroaciculum projecting subdistally on under side; postsetal lobe shorter, rounded (Figure 14F,G; Hartman and Fauchald, 1971, pl. lb). Notosetae numerous, forming radiating bundle, much stouter than neurosetae; upper notosetae short, curved, and lower ones longer, straight, both with close-set spinous rows and short bare blunt tips (Figure 14F–H; Hartman and Fauchald, 1971, pl. ld,e). Neurosetae numerous, forming fan-shape bundle, slender, widest basally, spinous along border, with longest spines more basally, tapering to slender capillary tips; some middle neurosetae with slightly hooked blunt tips (Figure 14F,G, I–K) (according to Hartman and Fauchald, 1971, pl. 1f-h, whip-like tips of neurosetae minutely bifid; not observed on holotype). Ventral cirri short, subulate, papillate (Figure 14F,G). Nephridial papillae small, beginning on segment 6.
bibliographic citation
Pettibone, Marian H. 1993. "Revision of some species referred to Antinoe, Antinoella, Antinoana, Bylgides, and Harmothoe (Polychaeta: Polynoidae: Harmothoinae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-41. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.545