Image of Lissarca notorcadensis Melvill & Standen 1907
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Lissarca notorcadensis Melvill & Standen 1907


provided by NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates

Lissarca notorcadensis, ‡ sp. n. (Plate, figs. 14, 14a).

L. testa parva, rotundo- vel ovato-trapezoide, solidiuscula, sordidé alba, æquivalvi, inæquilaterali, interdum epidermide fugaci, tenui, olivacea, pallida, partim tecta, undique concentricé arcté striata, umbonibus obtusis, feré contiguis, ligamento partim externo, anticé angusta, posticé expansa, marginem ad ventralem rotundata, pagina interna alba, lævigata, marginibus pulchré crenulatis, dentibus ad 10, utrimque divergentibus.

Alt. 5, lat. 6, diam. 2.75 mm.

Hab.—Off weed, and attached to Bryozoa, etc., Station 325, Scotia Bay, South Orkneys, 9-15 fathoms; also in same bay, April-June 1903, June 1904.

A proportionately thick, smoothish, white Lissarca; some examples roundly, others (and more generally) ovately trapezoid; larger as a rule than L. rubrofusca, Smith, which was found with it. The whole surface is closely concentrically striate. Within, the margins are crenulate; the teeth, five on each side of the hinge-plate, divergent.

‡ νότος Оρκαδες, from the locality.”

(Melvill & Standen, 1907: 144)