Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Sepia rozella (Iredale, 1926)
Solitosepia rozella Iredale, 1926a:190. [Holotype, AM C133336, 132 mm SL (141 mm including spine), Manly Beach, NSW (33°48′S, 151°17′E).]
Solitosepia rozella peregrina Iredale, 1926b:238. [Holotype, AM C133322, 81.3 mm SL (88.3 mm including spine), North-West Islet, Qld (23°18′S, 151°42′E)].
DIAGNOSIS.—Anterior dorsal mantle margin strongly acuminate, projected forward to level of anterior borders of eye; ventral margin emarginate. Swimming membrane of tentacular club (Figure 23a) well developed, extended beyond base of club. Protective membranes wide, fused at base of club. Club suckers in 8 longitudinal series, suckers in 3rd series from dorsal margin larger than those in same transverse row. Arm suckers quadriserial. Left arm IV of mature male slightly modified, basal of arm slightly thicker and oral surface of arm wider than corresponding portion of right arm IV.
Sepion (Figure 23b–e) solid, elongate-oval, broadest in middle, rounded acuminate at both ends. Dorsal surface granulose, with 3 faint longitudinal ribs, marginal areas broad, chitinous, with thin calcareous covering. Ventral surface with deep median groove in striated zone and narrow, shallow median depression on last loculus; deep median groove flanked by 2 strongly convex, rounded ribs. Striae V-shaped anteriorly, slightly arched at posterior end; StrZI approximately 64–71. Inner cone rose colored, with broad limbs, fused with outer cone. Outer cone large, broadened to form wing-like expansion posteriorly, continuous between inner cone and spine. Spine strong, directed upward, with distinct, straight, ventral keel and ventral notch at base.
ORIGINAL REFERENCE.—Iredale, 1926a:190, pl. 21: figs. 6, 7.
TYPE LOCALITY.—Manly Beach, NSW (33°48′S, 151°17′E).
TYPE.—Holotype: AM C133336, by original designation, sepion only, 132 mm SL (141 mm including spine), anterior tip, approximately 4 mm, missing (Figure 23b,c).
GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION.—Southeastern Australia from southern Qld (27°42′S, 153°32′E) to NSW (36°45′S, 150°02′E), at depths of 27–183 m. Adam (1979) recorded one sepion fragment from Shark Bay, WA (25°25′S, 113°35′E), tentatively identified as this species.
- bibliographic citation
- Voss, N. A. and Sweeney, M. J. 1998. "Systematics and Biogeography of cephalopods. Volume I." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-276.