provided by Zookeys
Description (Figures 12-14): Based on 15 gravid, unflattened, whole-mount specimens and 2 sets of serial sagittal sections from Arripis georgianus off W.A. Measurements are of 10 gravid, unflattened laterally and dorso-ventrally mounted worms. Measurements of worms off S.A. are given in Table 4.
Body elongate, broader and more rounded at posterior than anterior end; maximum width in region of gonads, 2,161-4,152 (3,361) × 210-347 (280); width to length ratio 1:9.3-14.0 (12.0). Oral sucker ventrally subterminal, subspherical, 129- 221 (165) × 114-179 (145). Ventral sucker pedunculate, close to anterior end, smaller than oral sucker, 73-94 (84) × 82-108 (91); sucker width ratio 1:0.5-0.7 (0.6). Ventral sucker peduncle 302-657 (484) × 106-131 (120), 10.3-16.7 (14.4) % of body length. Forebody short, with numerous gland cells, 288-409 (344) long, 8.9-14.6 (10.4) % of body length; ventral sucker peduncle to forebody length ratio 1:0.60-0.96 (0.73). Prepharynx distinct, very short, with posterior end surrounded by gland cells. Pharynx well developed, spherical to subspherical, with gland cells along posterior margin, 59-105 (85) 70-109 (94); pharynx to oral sucker width ratio 1:1.4-1.8 (1.5). Oesophagus short, well developed, usually curved or looped. Intestinal bifurcation usually dorsal to ventral sucker, occasionally level with anterior margin of ventral sucker peduncle (n=1), 25-67 (49) posterior to anterior margin of ventral sucker peduncle. Caeca long, thick-walled, unite with excretory vesicle to form uroproct.
Testes 2, entire, subspherical, always separate, tandem, in posterior half of body; anterior 199-367 (298) × 145-254 (203); posterior 235-426 (339) × 151-282 (214). Post-testicular region moderately long, 633-1,323 (1,054) long, 27.8-38.2 (31.4) % of body length. Cirrus-sac absent. Seminal vesicle long, naked, sinuous, tubular and narrow anteriorly, large and saccate posteriorly; posterior portion 112-332 (224) × 55-142 (95). Pars prostatica distinct, surrounded by gland cells. Ejaculatory duct indistinct. Genital atrium small. Genital pore close to anterior end, antero-sinistral to intestinal bifurcation, at point slightly posterior to pharynx, 155-220 (190) from anterior end, 4.5-7.2 (5.8) % of body length.
Ovary pre-testicular, entire, subspherical, usually separated from anterior testis, sometimes contiguous (n=6), 81-199 (153) × 75-180 (135). Mehlis’ gland distinct, antero-dorsal and dorsal to ovary. Uterine seminal receptacle usually in posterior loops of uterus, with uterus sometimes almost completely full of sperm (n=3). Uterus coils between anterior margin of ovary and region of seminal vesicle, overlaps caeca ventrally then passes anteriorly dorsal to or alongside seminal vesicle to genital pore without coiling; anterior portion of uterus sometimes crammed with eggs and greatly distended (n=3); uterine coils more concentrated posteriorly. Metraterm distinct, short; anterior extremity surrounded by gland cells. Eggs oval, operculate, tanned, sometimes malformed (n=3), 51-74 (59) × 20-39 (28). Vitelline follicles entirely posterior to ventral sucker peduncle, extend from 554-1,018 (747) from anterior extremity, 18.8- 25.8 (22.0) % of body length, to 14-70 (42) from posterior extremity, with bilateral interruptions in areas adjacent to testes and sometimes in area just anterior to ovary; fields confluent dorsally and ventrally in post-testicular area, confluent or almost so in inter-testicular area and dorsally in uterine area, separate ventrally; follicles lie lateral, dorsal and ventral to caeca with anterior extent usually variously between anterior and posterior margins of enlarged posterior portion of seminal vesicle, occasionally level with (n=1) or just posterior to seminal vesicle (n=1).
Excretory pore terminal. Excretory vesicle I-shaped, long; posterior end forms narrow duct surrounded by gland cells; broader anterior portion extends anteriorly to about mid-body overlapping posterior half of ovary dorsally.
- bibliographic citation
- Pseudopecoeloides Yamaguti, 1940 (Digenea, Opecoelidae) from temperate marine fi shes of Australia.
provided by Zookeys
Type-host: Arripis georgianus (Valenciennes) (Arripidae: Perciformes), Australian ruff . Type-locality: Off Woodman Point; Western Australia, 32°08’ S 115°45’ E, November and December 1994. Other localities: Off Coogee Beach, Western Australia, 32°07’ S 115°46’ E, November and December 1994; Off Kingscote, Kangaroo Island, South Australia 35°40’ S 137°39’ E, December 1995. Site: Intestine. Material studied: Ex Arripis georgianus: from W.A.: 8 from Coogee Beach; 9 from off Woodman Point; 6 from S.A.: off Kingscote, Kangaroo Is. Holotype: Queensland Museum, Reg. No. QM G230455, paratypes: Queensland Museum, Reg. Nos. QM G230456- G230488, BMNH Reg. Nos. 2008.12.9.9-27.