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Pseudopecoeloides atherinomori Aken' Ova, Cribb & Bray 2009


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Description (Figures 15-18): Based on 6 gravid, 2 immature laterally mounted specimens, 1 dorso-ventrally mounted specimen and 1 set of sagittal serial sections. Measurements are of 6 gravid, unflattened, laterally mounted worms.
Body elongate, slender, subcylindrical; maximum width in region of gonads, 1,312-2,155 (1,677) × 146-194 (176); width to length ratio 1:7.5-12.1 (9.6). Oral sucker ventrally subterminal to nearly terminal, spherical to subspherical, 84-130 (106) × 84-120 (104). Ventral sucker larger than oral sucker, spherical to subspherical, on very short peduncle; peduncle forms wrinkles around ventral sucker in dorsoventrally mounted worm, 117-175 (142) × 117-149 (134); sucker width ratio 1:1.2-1.4 (1.3). Forebody relatively short, contains numerous large and small gland cells, 214-292 (258) long, 13.3-20.7 (15.8) % of body length. Prepharynx distinct, short. Pharynx large, subspherical, with numerous gland cells along posterior margin, 62-84 (70) × 71-100 (85); pharynx to oral sucker width ratio 1:1.2-1.4 (1.2). Oesophagus moderately long, surrounded by gland cells. Intestinal bifurcation, dorsal to ventral sucker, 13-48 (32) posterior to anterior margin of ventral sucker. Caeca long, open into excretory vesicle close to posterior extremity to form uroproct.
Testes 2, entire, elongate-oval, usually separate, occasionally contiguous (n=1), tandem, in posterior half of body; anterior 91-188 (142) × 61-143 (101); posterior 97-240 (162) × 71-123 (102). Post-testicular area 233-810 (431) long, 17.8-37.6 (25.0) % of body length. Cirrus-sac absent. Seminal vesicle naked, long, tubular, sinuous to convoluted at anterior end, elongate and saccular at posterior end, extends from region of intestinal bifurcation to point posterior to ventral sucker. Pars prostatica distinct, surrounded by gland cells. Ejaculatory duct moderately long, thick-walled, surrounded by gland cells. Genital atrium doliiform, thick-walled. Genital pore sinistrally submedian, anterior to intestinal bifurcation, level with or slightly anterior to anterior margin of pharynx, 96-144 (121) from anterior end, 5.9-9.9 (7.3) % of body length.
Ovary pre-testicular, entire, subspherical, 75-143 (100) × 65-113 (85). Mehlis’ gland distinct, antero-dorsal to ovary. Uterine seminal receptacle present. Laurer’s canal distinct, long, convoluted, thick-walled, opens at point dorso-sinistral to ovary. Uterus coils between anterior margin of ovary and region of posterior margin of ventral sucker, runs without coiling alongside anterior portion of seminal vesicle to unite with ejaculatory duct close to genital pore. Metraterm distinct. Eggs large, oval, operculate, 52-72 (62) × 26-46 (37). Vitelline follicles extend from 318-459 (389) from anterior extremity, 19.6-31.5 (23.7) % of body length, to 13-39 (28) from posterior extremity; fields confined to hindbody extending from about level of posterior margin of ventral sucker almost to posterior extremity, confluent dorsally and ventrally in post-testicular area, with follicles lateral, ventral, and dorsal to caeca.
Excretory pore terminal. Excretory vesicle I-shaped; narrow terminal portion surrounded by gland cells; vesicle widens and passes anteriorly to terminate at about mid-body.
bibliographic citation
Pseudopecoeloides Yamaguti, 1940 (Digenea, Opecoelidae) from temperate marine fi shes of Australia.
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Type-host: Atherinomorus ogilbyi (Whitley) (Atherinidae, Atheriniformes), Ogilby’s hardyhead. Type-locality: Moreton Bay, South-East Queensland, 27°20′S, 153°07′E, March 1989. Other localities: Off Dunwich, Stradbroke Island; 27°30′S, 153°24'E, January and November 1994; Off Bribie Island, South-East Queensland 27°00′S, 153°05′E. Site: Intestine. Material studied: Ex Atherinomorus ogilbyi: 6 from Moreton Bay; 2 from off Dunwich, Stradbroke Island, (one of the specimens was unmounted and sectioned after measuring); 1 from off Bribie Island from a pooled gut-wash. Holotype: Queensland Museum, Reg. No. QM G230489, paratypes: Queensland Museum, Reg. Nos. QM G230490-230494, BMNH Reg. Nos 2008.12.9.28-29.
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