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Leodice aedificatrix (Monro 1933)

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Eunice aedificatrix (Monro, 1933)

Eunice antennata aedificatrix Monro, 1933:60–61.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Six syntypes, BM(NH) ZK 1932 12.4.537–548, Balboa, Panama, coll. Crossland, St. George Panama and Galapagos Expedition, 1924.

COMMENTS ON MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Monro (1933:60) gave the following locality data: “Balboa, rocks and rock pools, low tide at Panama (3); and from scrapings off a buoy at canal entrance (3); and from piles of quays (5).” Based on the information on the labels it cannot be determined which of these samples were combined to give the six syntypes examined.

DESCRIPTION.—Syntype complete, of unknown sex, with 270 setigers; total length 128 mm; maximal width 4 mm at setiger 10; length through setiger 10, 7 mm. Anterior body cylindrical, becoming dorsoventrally flattened in midbody, tapering abruptly frontally and slowly towards posterior end, with short, abruptly tapering tail.

Prostomium (Figure 4a) distinctly shorter and narrower than peristomium, less than as deep as peristomium. Prostomial lobes frontally rounded, dorsally inflated; median sulcus deep. Eyes posterior to bases of A-I, black. Antennae in a horseshoe, evenly spaced and similar in thickness. Ceratophores ring-shaped in all antennae, without articulations. Ceratostyles tapering, with moniliform articulations to bases; maximum 12 articulations in A-III. A-I to middle of anterior peristomial ring; A-II to posterior edge of posterior peristomial ring; A-III to middle of setiger 1. Peristomium cylindrical, twice as long as prostomium and at least wider. Peristomial fold with lateral notches; lower lip distinctly muscular and with a median notch. Separation between rings distinct dorsally and ventrally and visible, but less distinct laterally; anterior ring of total peristomial length. Peristomial cirri to middle of prostomium, slender, inflated near bases, sometimes with 4 or 5 indistinct articulations.

Summary maxillary formula for 3 syntypes 1+1, 6+7–8, 7–8+0, 6–7+9–11, and 1+1. Mx III long, straight, located behind left Mx II; Mx VI absent.

Branchiae from setiger 4 to setiger 250. First and last 10 branchiae single filaments. All other branchiae erect (Figure 4b), pectinate with maximum 11 filaments at setiger 15. Most branchiae posterior to setiger 35 with 3–4 filaments. No increase in number or length of filaments towards posterior end. Branchiae longer than notopodial cirri in all but first 4 branchial setigers. Filaments as long as notopodial cirri, slender and digitiform. Stems longer than filaments, tapering.

Neuropodial acicular lobes distally rounded or truncate with aciculae emerging near the middle. Pre- and postsetal lobes low transverse folds. First 3 ventral cirri thick and tapering, thereafter basally inflated. Inflated base ovate, reduced from about setiger 45, with distinct tapering narrow tips. Posterior ventral cirri tapering and increasingly slender in far posterior setigers. Notopodial cirri basally inflated, becoming narrower and increasingly digitiform in far posterior setigers; articulations absent.

Limbate setae longer than compound hooks and marginally finely serrated. All pectinate setae tapering, furled, with about 10 coarse teeth. One marginal tooth somewhat longer and distinctly coarser than other teeth. All shafts of compound hooks (Figure 4e) distally inflated and marginally serrated, distinctly slimmer than aciculae and subacicular hooks. Appendages slender and tapering. Proximal tooth triangular and directed laterally; distal tooth gently curved, tapering, longer than proximal tooth. Guards distally symmetrically sharply pointed, but not mucronate; margin serrated. Aciculae yellow, paired, round in cross-section. Superior aciculae hammer-headed; inferior aciculae bent and tapering in anterior setigers, becoming hammer-headed posterior to setiger 25 (Figure 4c). Subacicular hooks (Figure 4d) yellow and tridentate, without distinct separation of cores and sheaths. Hooks first present from setiger 35, thereafter present in all setigers, always single. Hooks curved with teeth decreasing evenly in size from curved main fang.

Tube composed of pliable pergamentaceous flakes.


EXPECTED STATES OF SELECTED UNKNOWN FEATURES.—Anal cirri long, tapering, with moniliform articulations.


bibliographic citation
Fauchald, Kristian. 1992. "A Review of the Genus Eunice (Polychaeta: Eunicidae) Based upon Type Material." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-422. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.523