
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Haplocytheridea setipunctata (Brady), 1869

Cytheridea setipunctata Brady, 1869, p. 124, pl. 14: figs. 15, 16.

Cytheridea (Haplocytheridea) ponderosa Stephenson, 1938, pp. 133–134, pl. 23: fig. 10, pl. 24: figs. 1–2.

Cytheridea (Leptocytheridea) sulcata Stephenson, 1938, pp. 139–140, pl. 23: fig. 2.

?Cytheridea puncticillata Brady.—Tressler and Smith, 1948 (part), pl. 1: fig. 2 (female specimens only, Males= Cyprideis species) [not Cytheridea puncticillata Brady, 1865].

?Haplocytheridea bassleri Stephenson.—Puri, 1954 (part), fig. 4d–e, pl. 3: figs. 1–3 [not fig. 4c, pl. 3: fig. 4, f=Haplocytheridea subovata (Ulrich and Bassler), 1904].—Puri and Hulings, 1957, pp. 176, 183, 188, fig. 11.—Puri, 1960, pp. 108-110.—Curtis, 1960, pl. 3: fig. 2.

Haplocytheridea bassleri Stephenson.—Swain, 1955 (part), pp. 617–618, pl. 59: fig. 9a [not pl. 59: fig. 9b=Cypndeis ovata (Mincher), 1941].

Cyprideis floridana Puri, 1960, p. 100, figs. 1–3, pl. 2: fig. 5 [not Cytheridea floridana Howe and Hough, 1935].

Haplocytheridea cf. H. nodosa (Stephenson).—Puri, 1960, p. 110 [not Cytheridea (Leptocytheridea) nodosa Stephenson, 1938].

Haplocytheridea ponderosa (Stephenson).—Puri, 1960, p. 110.—Curtis, 1960, pl. 3: fig. 1.

Haplocytheridea cf. H. ponderosa (Stephenson).—Curtis, 1960, p. 478, pl. 2: fig. 9.

Haplocytheridea gigantea Benson and Coleman, 1963, pp. 27–28, fig. 14, pl. 3: figs. 10–14.

Haplocytheridea setipunctata (Brady).—Sandberg, 1964b, pp. 361-362, pl. 1: figs. 10-14, pl. 2: figs. 1–4.

SIZE.—Right valve of adult male: length 0.96 mm; height 0.56 mm. Left valve of adult male: length 0.99 mm; height 0.64 mm.

MATERIAL.—Seventy specimens collected in bottom samples from Redfish Bay, 178 from Laguna Madre, and 27 from Copano Bay.

OCCURRENCE.—The specimens illustrated are from Station 12 in Laguna Madre, collection number 092859–2 (female) and Station 6 in Redfish Bay, collection number 081859–4 (male). H. setipunctata was found in small numbers at many stations in Redfish Bay and was rare to common at stations in Laguna Madre and Copano Bay.
bibliographic citation
King, C. E. and Kornicker, Louis S. 1970. "Ostracoda in Texas Bays and Lagoons: An Ecologic Study." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-92. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.24