Hermit Crab, eupagurus bernhardus, Brandt.
Eupagurus Pubescens, St..
Coastal La Jolla, California.
Common Hermit Crab (Eupagurus bernhardus) removed from the shell.
Pagurus Bernhardus.. 1, out of the shell; a, right jaw-foot; b, in the shell
Pagurus bernhardus; ch, chela of first right leg; L4, L5, fourth and fifth legs; t, abdominal torga; up, last pair of appendages, modified to fashion to the columella of the shell in which the hermit lives.
Pagurus bernhardus, the hermit-crab.
2009 California Academy of Sciences
1999 California Academy of Sciences
hermit crab
2001 California Academy of Sciences
1999 California Academy of Sciences
hermit crab
Front view.
Pagurus caurinus (underwater) (Photo by: Aaron Baldwin)
Hermit crab; Heremietkreeft.
Dardanus megistosPhoto taken through the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History's Department of Invertebrate Zoology at the Museum Support Center in Suitland, Maryland.Catolog Number: 1088568Location: Luzon Island, Canimo Island, near Daet Point, Camarines Norte, Philippines, North Pacific Ocean
Here is a view of the animal outside its shell. Note the large uropods at the end of the abdomen. Photo by Dave Cowles, July 2005
A closeup of the anterior head and eyes. Photo by Aaron Baldwin, 2007
1999 California Academy of Sciences
hermit crab
1999 California Academy of Sciences
hermit crab
2009 California Academy of Sciences
Legs 4 and 5 are reduced in hermit crabs, and in most of them leg 4 is subchelate, as seen here. In the picture, leg 1 (the left chela) is partly hidden. Legs 2 and 3 are long and used for walking. Legs 4 and 5 are reduced and used for manipulating the shell. Photo by Dave Cowles, July 2005
In this view one can see that the carpus of the right cheliped is longer than wide, and the propodus and dactyl of the left cheliped have a gap between them. Photo by Aaron Baldwin, 2007
1999 California Academy of Sciences
hermit crab
1999 California Academy of Sciences
hermit crab