Cancer magister, the common crab of the Pacific coast; male.
Cancer antennairius, the California rock-crab.
Rock-Crab. Cape Ann, Mass.. Male showing narrow abdomen (Above); Female with broad abdomen that serves to cover and protect the eggs (Below)
Common edible crab, Cancer pagurus. British.
Cancer productus, the red crab; male.
California Rock Crab. Cancer antennarius, Stimpson
Cancer borealis, the Johan crab; male.
Zoea of Cancer irroratus, Last stage before it changes to megalops condition.
Jonah Crab (above); Rock Crab (Below); Cape Ann, Massachusetts.
Cancer irroratus, the rock-crab; male.
Jonah Crab, Cancer borealis, Stimpson; male.
Rock Crab, Cancer irroratus, Say, male.
Megalops stage of Cancer irroratus, just after change from zoea stage.