Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Naxioides robillardi Miers
Naxia (Naxioides) robillardi Miers, 1882:339–341, pl. 20: figs. 1, 1a–c.—Whitelegge, 1900:148.
Naxia mammillata Ortmann, 1893:56–57, pl. 3: figs. 7, 7a, 7i [new synonymy].
Naxioides mammillata.—Rathbun, 1911:253.—Sakai, 1938: 268–270, pl. 27: fig. 1; 1965:78, pl. 35: fig. 1.
Naxioides robillardi.—Buitendijk, 1950:65.
MATERIAL EXAMINED.—9 , 8 (3 ovig.), 20.5–121.5 mm, smallest ovig. , 82.0 mm (13, USNM 135200–03; 4, AM P. 17789).
Anton Bruun Cruises: Gulf of Oman, Sta. 269C, 124–121 m, 1 spec; Sta. 270A, 55 m, 2 specs. E of Mombasa, Sta. 420A, 140 m, 12 specs. Mouth of Gulf of Aden, Sta. 463, 75–175 m, 2 specs.
DISTRIBUTION.—East Africa, off Mombasa, mouth of Gulf of Oman, Mauritius, Singapore, southeastern Australia, Norfolk Island, Japan.
Oncinopus neptunus Adams and White
Oncinopus neptunus Adams and White, 1848:1–3, pl. 2: fig. l.—Takeda and Miyake, 1969:477, 478, figs. 3, 5a, 6.—Griffin, 1972:56.
MATERIAL EXAMINED.—3 , 9 (1 ovig.), 6.4–12.0 mm, ovig. 9.8 mm (USNM 135204–07, 135211, 135215–6).
Anton Bruun Cruises: NE Arabian Sea, Sta. 206A, 71–79 m, 3 specs. Mozambique Channel, Sta., 400C, 62 m, 1 spec; Sta. 408D, 150–300 m, 1 spec. Off Cape Guardafui, Sta. 444, 78–82 m, 2 specs.; Sta. 445, 60–70 m, 2 specs.; Sta. 447, 59–61 m, 2 specs.
Te Vega Cruises: Strait of Malakka, Sta. 73, 72–74 m, 1 spec.
- bibliographic citation
- Griffin, D. J. G. and International Indian Ocean Expedition, 1962-. 1974. "Spider crabs (Crustacea: Brachyura: Majidae) from the International Indian Ocean Expedition, 1963-1964." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-35.