"The family Portunidae are distinguished from the rest of the round-fronted (cyclometope) crabs by the adaptation of some of their legs for swimming, to which end these limbs are transformed into flattened paddles. The result is often to confer upon the crabs a power of darting at high speed through the water, which would hardly be credited by those who have not watched them. Corresponding to this mobility they have a thin flattened form of body, enabling them to pass sideways through the water, and a lightness gained at the expense of the protective cuticle. These peculiarities give the swimming crabs a strikingly different bodily form from the heavily-built, slow-moving Xanthids, which is moreover accompanied by an equally marked difference of habitat. The Xanthids are usually to be found on the reef or shore exposed to the full force of the breakers. In this position the lightly-built swimming crabs would be dashed to pieces against the rocks. Their proper haunt is a space of quiet waters, such as the lagoon of a coral atoll, and as these places are, in the tropics, generally bottomed with white or greyish coral sand, on which the crabs lie, and in which they often hide their bodies, they frequently mimic it by their pale greyish color, often in a manner as striking as that in which flat-fish resemble the shingly bottom they live on (Borradaile, 1902; pg. 199)."
"The family is highly variable and varietal and is probably undergoing rapid evolution in many directions (Borradaile, 1902; pg. 199)."
"At the same time the swimming crabs are by no means entirely confined to a bottom of coral sand even in the tropics. In deep water, where rocks are not associated with danger, they are found on every kind of bottom in about equal numbers, and here, if they hide, it must be under stones. They even occur, though not so very often, on the reef. But the individuals found in this position, may possibly have strayed from the lagoon with the outgoing tide. Probably, when more is known about the lives of the species, it will be found that certain of them maintain their existence on the reef by sheltering under stones or in blocks of coral, where if anywhere they are always found, and that others- certainly the bulk of individuals- prefer the lagoon. In their habits these crabs are active and intelligent, escaping capture with cleverness. The lagoon forms usually keep close to the sand and do not rise more than a few feet into the water, but others swim as boldly and strongly as fish (Borradaile, 1902; pg. 199)."
"The bodies of most Portunidae are adorned or protected with sharp thorns or teeth, and it is on such characters as the number and size of these and the shape of the lobed front that the species are generally distinguished, though in most cases enough is not known of their habits to make it possible to say whether, and if so how, these be of use to the animals (Borradaile, 1902; pg. 199)."
Die Schwimmkrabben (Portunidae) sind eine Familie der Krabben.
Für Schwimmkrabben typisch ist das zu einer Schwimmextremität umgewandelte fünfte Beinpaar mit deutlich abgeflachtem und extrem verbreitertem, blattförmigem Endglied (Dactylus). Auch die anderen Glieder des Beines können je nach Art unterschiedlich stark abgeflacht, verbreitert und verkürzt sein. Zur Oberflächenvergrößerung tragen die Kanten der Extremität außerdem lange Haare. Die Tiere schwimmen, indem sie beim Rückschlag des an ein Paddel erinnernden Beines dem Wasser dessen Breitseite entgegenstemmen, beim Vorschlag dagegen die Längskante.
Solch ein Schwimmbein hat sich auch bei anderen Krabbengruppen konvergent entwickelt (beispielsweise bei den Schamkrabben).
Schwimmkrabben leben wie die meisten Krabben im Meer und sind weltweit verbreitet. Einige Arten gehen auch in das Brack- und Süßwasser.
Die Schwimmkrabben (Portunidae) sind eine Familie der Krabben.
Portunidae is a family of crabs which contains the swimming crabs.
Portunid crabs are characterised by the flattening of the fifth pair of legs into broad paddles, which are used for swimming.[2] This ability, together with their strong, sharp claws, allows many species to be fast and aggressive predators.[2]
Its members include many well-known shoreline crabs, such as the European shore crab (Carcinus maenas), blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), and velvet crab (Necora puber). Two genera in the family are contrastingly named Scylla and Charybdis; the former contains the economically important species black crab (Scylla serrata) and Scylla paramamosain.
The circumscription of the family varies, with some authors treating "Carcinidae", "Catoptridae" and "Macropipidae" as separate families,[1] and others considering them subfamilies of a wider Portunidae.[3] Swimming crabs reach their greatest species diversity in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.[4]
Extinct genera are marked with an obelisk.
Sinitaskuravut (Portunidae) eli uimataskuravut on taskurapujen heimo, johon kuuluvia lajeja esiintyy maailman kaikilla merialueilla. Erityisen suuri lajien kirjo on Intian valtameressä ja Tyynenmeren länsiosissa. Niitä kalastetaan paljon esimerkiksi Australiassa, jossa ne ovat taloudellisesti merkittävin taskurapujen ryhmä.[2]
Sinitaskuravut ovat taitavia uimareita ja aggressiivisia saalistajia. Uimisessa niitä auttavat takimmaisen raajaparin päissä sijaitsevat litteät levyt. Saalistuksessa on puolestaan hyötyä voimakkaista, sahalaitaisista saksista, joissa on terävät kärjet sekä piikkejä.[2]
Portunidae-heimon rajauksesta on erilaisia käytäntöjä. Jotkut tutkijat pitävät Carcinidae-, Catoptridae- ja Macropipidae-ryhmien taskurapuja erillisinä heimoina,[3] toiset taas katsovat ne laajemmin määritellyn Portunidae-heimon alaheimoiksi.[4] Alla suvut on lueteltu alaheimoittain tämä laajemman rajauksen mukaan.
Sinitaskuravut (Portunidae) eli uimataskuravut on taskurapujen heimo, johon kuuluvia lajeja esiintyy maailman kaikilla merialueilla. Erityisen suuri lajien kirjo on Intian valtameressä ja Tyynenmeren länsiosissa. Niitä kalastetaan paljon esimerkiksi Australiassa, jossa ne ovat taloudellisesti merkittävin taskurapujen ryhmä.
Sinitaskuravut ovat taitavia uimareita ja aggressiivisia saalistajia. Uimisessa niitä auttavat takimmaisen raajaparin päissä sijaitsevat litteät levyt. Saalistuksessa on puolestaan hyötyä voimakkaista, sahalaitaisista saksista, joissa on terävät kärjet sekä piikkejä.
Les Portunidae sont une famille de crabes.
Cette famille comporte plus de 450 espèces dont plus de 300 actuelles. Elle a été créée par Constantine Samuel Rafinesque (1783-1840) en 1815.
Cette famille se caractérise (avec quelques autres de la super-famille des Portunoidea) par le raccourcissement du corps et son étalement transversal (avec prolongement par de longues épines latérales qui participent à l'endosquelette servant à l'insertion des muscles requise par la nage), par les derniers articles de la cinquième paire de pattes modifiés en une « rame » et le dernier (le dactyle) aplati en palette natatoire arrondie, ce qui leur permet de s'enfouir et de nager plutôt efficacement (Portunus pelagicus y excelle particulièrement), si bien que certaines espèces mènent une vie à peu près exclusivement pélagique. Cette palette a cependant régressé chez certains genres de mœurs exclusivement benthiques[2].
Les espèces de la famille vivent sur différents types de fonds, tant en eau saumâtre que salée, de quelques mètres jusqu'à 200 m de profondeur[3].
Un certain nombres d'espèces portent le nom vernaculaire d'« étrilles » (ou parfois « crabes bleus »), et plusieurs font l'objet d'une exploitation commerciale.
Selon World Register of Marine Species (28 mai 2015)[4] :
Thalamita coeruleipes (accouplement)
Fossile de Colneptunus hungaricus
Fossile de Neptunus granulatus
A dos portúnidos (Portunidae) é unha familia de crustáceos decápodos braquiúros que inclúe os chamados cangrexos nadadores, dos que os máis coñecidos son o cangrexo común ou cangrexo propiamente dito (Carcinus maenas)[2][3], a nécora (Necora puber), o pateiro ou patexo (Polybius henslowii)[3][4] e o queimacasas (Pachygrapsus marmoratus).[3][5]
Os cangrexos da familia dos portúnidos caracterízanse polo achatamento do quinto par de patas, de xeito que forman estruturas alargadas que funcionan como pás para a natación.[6]
Esta adaptación, unida á de posuíren fortes pinzas aguzadas, fai que moitas das especies da familia sexan depredadores rápidos e agresivos.[6].
A delimitación taxonómica da familia dos portúnidos various ao longo dos tempos e continúa a non ser unánime entre os especialistas, xa que algúns autores consideran os grupos taxonómicos "Carcinidae", "Catoptridae" e "Macropipidae" como familias separadas.[1] mentres que outros os consideran como subfamilias de Portunidae.[7]
A familia dos portúnidos atinxe a súa máxima biodiversidade nos océanos Pacífico e Índico.
(Os xéneros extintos están marcados con †)
A dos portúnidos (Portunidae) é unha familia de crustáceos decápodos braquiúros que inclúe os chamados cangrexos nadadores, dos que os máis coñecidos son o cangrexo común ou cangrexo propiamente dito (Carcinus maenas), a nécora (Necora puber), o pateiro ou patexo (Polybius henslowii) e o queimacasas (Pachygrapsus marmoratus).
Rajungan adalah nama sekelompok kepiting dari beberapa marga anggota suku Portunidae. Jenis-jenis kepiting ini dapat berenang dan sepenuhnya hidup di laut.[2]
Beberapa jenis rajungan yang biasa didapati dan dijual di sekitar Jakarta, di antaranya:[3]
Jenis-jenis berikut juga biasa ditangkap dan dikonsumsi, akan tetapi jarang dijumpai di pasar:
Portunus pelagicus (rajungan biasa), yang semula disangka menyebar luas dari pesisir timur Afrika, ke anak-benua India, Asia Tenggara, hingga Jepang, Australia, dan Kaledonia Baru, kini ternyata terdiri dari empat spesies yang berbeda, yakni: P. pelagicus, P. segnis, P. reticulatus, dan P. armatus.[4]
Rajungan adalah nama sekelompok kepiting dari beberapa marga anggota suku Portunidae. Jenis-jenis kepiting ini dapat berenang dan sepenuhnya hidup di laut.
Portunidae Rafinesque, 1815 è una famiglia di crostacei decapodi.
In questa famiglia sono riconosciute 6 sottofamiglie[1]:
Portunidae Rafinesque, 1815 è una famiglia di crostacei decapodi.
De zwemkrabben (Portunidae) is een familie uit de infraorde krabben (Brachyura).
Deze dieren hebben een kort achterlijf, dat onder het lichaam is gevouwen. Ze bezitten een brede, afgeplatte schaal met een ingekeepte schaalrand. Met de peddelvormige achterpoten kunnen ze goed zwemmen.
De familie van de zwemkrabben omvat volgende onderfamilies en één niet toegewezen geslacht:[2]
Niet aan een onderfamilies toegewezen geslacht:
De zwemkrabben (Portunidae) is een familie uit de infraorde krabben (Brachyura).
Portunikowate (Portunidae) – rodzina skorupiaków dziesięcionogich z infrarzędu krabów.
Kraby te mają grzbietobrzusznie spłaszczony, zwykle szerszy niż dłuższy karapaks o kształcie poprzecznie owalnym, prawie prostokątnym lub sześciokątnym i słabo zaznaczonym podziałem na regiony. Zwykle region epibranchialny karapaksu jest wygięty łukowato w przód. Brzeg frontalny karapaksu może być prosty, płatowaty, T-kształtny lub kolczasty, zaś brzegi przednio-boczne mogą mieć od zera do dziewięciu kolców. Większość gatunków ma na endopoditach pierwszej parzy szczękonóży płaty zwane z ang. portunid lobe. Parę odnóży wyposażoną w szczypce cechuje zwykle tęga budowa, a same szczypce mają często kile i kolce. Z wyjątkiem Carupinae piąta para pereiopodów ma wiosłowate daktylopodity. Szwy między sternitami są niekompletne. Samce mają widoczny od spodu sternit ósmy oraz tylno-bocznie przedłużone episternity siódme[1].
Systematyka rodzajów współczesnych wg World Register of Marine Species przedstawia się następująco[2]:
Portunikowate (Portunidae) – rodzina skorupiaków dziesięcionogich z infrarzędu krabów.
Portunidae é uma família de caranguejos que inclui os caranguejos nadadores, conhecidos no Brasil como siris.
Os caranguejos da família Portunidae caracterizam-se pelo achatamento do quinto par de patas de forma a formarem estruturas alargadas que funcionam como pás para natação.[2] Esta daptação, conjugada com as suas fortes pinças aguçadas, torna muitas das espécies desta família em predadores rápidos e agressivos.[2]
Entre os membros desta família incluem-se muitos dos caranguejos mais comuns da região costeira, como o caranguejo-verde europeu (Carcinus maenas), o caranguejo-azul (Callinectes sapidus), o caranguejo-navalheira (Necora puber) e o calico (Ovalipes ocellatus). Dois dos géneros da família exibem os nomes contrastantes Scylla e Charybdis, sendo que o primeiro contém duas espécies de caranguejos com importância económica (Scylla serrata e Scylla paramamosain).
A delimitação taxonómica da família Portunidae tem variado ao longo dos tempos e continua a não ser unânime entre os especialistas, com alguns autores a considerar os agrupamentos taxonómicos "Carcinidae", "Catoptridae" e "Macropipidae" como famílias separadas[1] enquanto outros os consideram como subfamílias de Portunidae.[3] A família Portunidae atinge a sua máxima biodiversidade nos oceanos Pacífico e Índico.
Géneros extintos estão marcados com †.
Portunidae é uma família de caranguejos que inclui os caranguejos nadadores, conhecidos no Brasil como siris.
Portunidae, beşinci bacak çiftinin geniş yüzgeç biçimini almasıyla karakteristik olarak tanınan bir yengeç familyasıdır. Bu yüzgeç biçimini alan bacaklarıyla yüzdükleri için yüzücü yengeçler olarak da adlandırılır. Hızlı yüzme yeteneğiyle keskin pençeleri birleşince hızlı ve agresif yırtıcı olmaları kaçınılmazdır[1].
Örnek türleri arasında Carcinus maenas, Carcinus aestuarii, Callinectes sapidus, Necora puber sayılabilir.
Portunidae, beşinci bacak çiftinin geniş yüzgeç biçimini almasıyla karakteristik olarak tanınan bir yengeç familyasıdır. Bu yüzgeç biçimini alan bacaklarıyla yüzdükleri için yüzücü yengeçler olarak da adlandırılır. Hızlı yüzme yeteneğiyle keskin pençeleri birleşince hızlı ve agresif yırtıcı olmaları kaçınılmazdır.
Örnek türleri arasında Carcinus maenas, Carcinus aestuarii, Callinectes sapidus, Necora puber sayılabilir.
Họ Cua bơi hay họ Cua ghẹ (danh pháp khoa học: Portunidae) là một họ chứa các loài cua bơi trong bộ giáp xác mười chân. Nó bao gồm nhiều loài cua sống ven biển được nhiều người biết đến, chẳng hạn cua xanh châu Âu (Carcinus maenas), cua xanh Đại Tây Dương (Callinectes sapidus), cua nhung (Necora puber), ghẹ xanh (Portunus pelagicus), ghẹ hoa (Charybdis cruciata), ghẹ natato (Charybdis natator), cua xanh (Scylla paramamosain) v.v. Hai chi trong họ được đặt tên còn gây mâu thuẫn là Scylla (cua lửa)và Charybdis.
Các loài cua bơi có mắt phát triển để nhìn được mọi phía, đôi chân bò thứ năm thì phát triển thành mái chèo, sinh sản hữu tính, đẻ và ấp trứng dưới bụng.
Họ Cua bơi hay họ Cua ghẹ (danh pháp khoa học: Portunidae) là một họ chứa các loài cua bơi trong bộ giáp xác mười chân. Nó bao gồm nhiều loài cua sống ven biển được nhiều người biết đến, chẳng hạn cua xanh châu Âu (Carcinus maenas), cua xanh Đại Tây Dương (Callinectes sapidus), cua nhung (Necora puber), ghẹ xanh (Portunus pelagicus), ghẹ hoa (Charybdis cruciata), ghẹ natato (Charybdis natator), cua xanh (Scylla paramamosain) v.v. Hai chi trong họ được đặt tên còn gây mâu thuẫn là Scylla (cua lửa)và Charybdis.
Portunidae Rafinesque, 1815[1]
Крабы-плавунцы[источник не указан 217 дней] (лат. Portunidae) — семейство морских плавающих крабов.
Крабы-плавунцы характеризуются преобразованием пятой пары ног в широкие лопасти, которые используются для плавания. Эта способность, вместе с сильными острыми клешнями, позволяет многим видам быть быстрыми и агрессивными хищниками[2].
Границы семейства изменчивы, при этом некоторые авторы считают «Carcinidae», «Catoptridae» и «Macropipidae» отдельными семействами, а другие полагают их подсемействами расширенного семейства Portunidae[3]. Крабы-плавунцы достигают максимального видового разнообразия в Тихом и Индийском океанах.
Вымершие роды отмечены крестом.
Крабы-плавунцы[источник не указан 217 дней] (лат. Portunidae) — семейство морских плавающих крабов.
梭子蟹科(学名Portunidae),又名蝤蛑科(「蝤蛑」,拼音:jiū móu,注音:ㄐㄧㄡ ㄇㄡˊ),是短尾次目梭子蟹總科的其中一科,其下有6個亞科[1]35屬300種[2]。它包括了不少常見海岸蟹的品種,例如:蟳、青蟹、金門蟹等。
梭子蟹科(学名Portunidae),又名蝤蛑科(「蝤蛑」,拼音:jiū móu,注音:ㄐㄧㄡ ㄇㄡˊ),是短尾次目梭子蟹總科的其中一科,其下有6個亞科35屬300種。它包括了不少常見海岸蟹的品種,例如:蟳、青蟹、金門蟹等。
꽃게과(Portunidae)는 꽃게를 포함한 게의 과이다.