Cymopolia tuberculata, male, after Faxon. a, Dorsal view; b, Ventral view.
Cymopolia gracilipes.
Cymopolia gracilipes, after A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier. a, Dorsal view of female holotype; b, Endognath of the right outer maxilliped; c, Merus and carpus of second left leg, upper side; d, Left oculo-antennal region, lower view; e, Abdomen of male.
Cymopolia alternata.
Cymopolia alternata.
Cymopolia bahamensis.
Cymopolia faxoni.
Cymopolia isthmia.
Cymopolia lucasii.
Cymopolia lucasii, Male Holotype, Dorsal view.
Cymopolia obesa.
Cymopolia rathbuni.
Cymopolia sica.
Cymopolia dentata, after A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier. a, Dorsal view of female hologype; b, Frontal border of the same; c, Carapace of a male Dorsal view; d, Right outer maxilliped; e, Abdomen of male; f, Left oculo-antennal region of same male; g, Merus and carpus of first left leg of female holotype, upper face; h, Left chelliped of male, outer face; i, Right cheliped of male, outer face.
Cymopolia obesa, Immature female holotype, after A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier. a, Dorsal view; b, Endognath of right outer maxilliped; c, First left leg upper side; d, last left leg; e, left frontal and orbital border, from above; f, Left oculo-antennal region, ventral view.
Cymopolia sica, after A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier. a, Male, dorsal view; b, Carapace of same, dorsal view; c, Right oculo-antennal region of same, lower view; d, Merus and carpus of first right leg of same, upper side; e, left outer maxilliped; f, Sternu
Cymopolia sica, after A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier. a, Male, dorsal view; b, Carapace of same, dorsal view; c, Right oculo-antennal region of same, lower view; d, Merus and carpus of first right leg of same, upper side; e, left outer maxilliped; f, Sternum and abdomen of male.