Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Euryozius bouvieri (A. Milne Edwards, 1869)
Xantho Bouvieri A. Milne Edwards, 1869:377.—Stebbing, 1893:63 [discussion].
Pseudozius bouvieri.—Miers, 1886:142 [listed].—Monod, 1956:239, figs. 275–278 [part].—Figueira, 1960:9.—Guinot-Dumortier and Dumortier, 1960:121, 144 [table 2], fig. 4 [stridulation].—Guinot, 1967a:264 [footnote], 272 [discussion]; 1968b:156 [discussion]; 1968c:325 [discussion].
Ozius Edwardsi Barrois, 1888:10, pl. 1 [fig. 1 in color].—Stebbing, 1893:63 [discussion].
Pseudorius Bouvieri.—A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier, 1898:185 [discussion; error for Pseudozius].
Pseudozius Bouvieri.—A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier, 1900:82, pl. 15: figs. 11–14.—Bohn, 1901:297, 298, 302, 308, 309, 315, 316, 318 [morphology].—Monod, 1933b:529 [part of synonymy only; listed].
Euryozius bouvieri.—Guinot, 1968b:156 [discussion], fig. 8 [no locality]; 1968c:325, 326, 327, 329, 330 [all discussion], fig. 8 [no locality], pl. 2: fig. 2; 1971:1077 [listed].—Türkay, 1976b:61 [listed], 67.
MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Pillsbury Material: None.
Other Material: Madeira: No specific locality, 1 (BM). Cape Verde Islands: No specific locality, syntypes, 2 dry specimens (MP).
DESCRIPTION.—A. Milne Edwards, 1869:377; Barrois, 1888:10 [as Ozius Edwardsi].
Figures: Barrois, 1888, pl. 1; Monod, 1956, figs. 275–278; Guinot, 1968c, pl. 2: fig. 2.
Male Pleopod: Monod, 1956, figs. 276–278 (Azores).
Color: Barrois (1888:12, pl. 1: fig. 1) described the color in the type of Ozius edwardsi as follows:
Un beau rouge orangé, légèrement teinté de jaune en arrière; les pattes ravisseuses sont de même teinte que la carapace, sauf les doigts qui sont d'une noir intense, tandis que les pattes ambulatoires sont d'un nuance plus claire et plus rosée.
The pereiopods are shown to be of uniform color in his figure.
MEASUREMENTS.—The two syntypes, juveniles, have carapace lengths of 7.4 and 8.0 mm. The male from Madeira has a carapace length of 28.8 mm, carapace width of 46.5 mm. Barrois' (1888) specimen was 25.8 mm long, 38.5 mm wide. Guinot (1968c) figured a female 30 mm long, 47 mm wide. This species, like E. sanguineus, is a large species.
DISTRIBUTION.—Euryozius bouvieri is an insular species occurring in the central eastern Atlantic, from the littoral zone to a depth of about 20 m. Records in the literature include the following:
Azores: No specific locality (A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier, 1900). Ponta Delgada, Ilha de São Miguel, jetty (Barrois, 1888). Volcano Capelhinos [= Rochas dos Capelhinos], on beach (Figueira, 1960).
Madeira: No specific locality (Monod, 1956). Funchal, fish market (from stomachs of littoral fishes and Phycis phycis (Linnaeus)); between Ponta da Oliveira and Ponta da Garajau, 5–6 m (Türkay, 1976b).
Cape Verde Islands: No specific locality (A. Milne Edwards, 1869; A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier, 1900; Bohn, 1901; Monod, 1956; Guinot, 1968c). Baía das Gatas (as Baie de la Gatta), São Vicente [indicated as type-locality] (Monod, 1956). Between Ilhéu Branco and Ilhéu Raso (as îlot Razzo), São Vicente (A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier, 1900; Monod, 1956).
According to Barrois (1888:12), A. Milne Edwards informed him that Barrois's specimen was conspecific with a species collected by the Talisman in the Canary Islands in 1883. Monod (1956:240, footnote) correctly pointed out that the Canary Islands were not among the localities listed for the species by A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier (1900) in their report on the Talisman collections.
*Euryozius pagalu, new species
Pseudozius Bouvieri.—Balss, 1921:63 [not Xantho bouvieri A. Milne Edwards, 1869].
Pseudozius caystrus.—Capart, 1951:19 [error for bouvieri] [not Panopeus caystrus Adams and White, 1848].
Pseudozius bouvieri.—Capart, 1951:164, fig. 62.—Monod, 1956:239 [part, not figs. 275–278].—Rossignol, 1962:116.—Forest and Guinot, 1966:68. young crab.—Cousteau, 1958:393 [color photograph].
Euryozius bouvieri.—Guinot, 1968c, figs. 15, 16, pl. 1: fig. 3.
MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Pillsbury Material: Annobon: Sta 275, 9–69 m, rubble of coralline algae, 6, 4, 16 juv (L, W) (largest male is holotype). Sta 282, 18–37 m, nodular coralline algae, 3, 10 (1 ov) (L, W). Sta 283, 51–55 m, nodular coralline algae, 3, 1, 9 juv (L).
Other Material: Annobon: 01°28′S, 05°38′30″E, 80 m, 11 Dec 1965, A. Crosnier, Ombango, 1 (W). 01°28′40″S, 05° 35′50″E, 11 Dec 1965, A. Crosnier, 3 (W).
DESCRIPTION.—Size small, maximum carapace width about 18 mm. Carapace (Figure 27b, 28a) oval, length 0.6 to 0.7 times width. Front broad, fronto-orbital margin 0.54 to 0.7 times carapace width. Front composed of 2 sinuate lobes, almost straight in dorsal view, sinuate in oblique anterior view in adults (convex mesially, concave laterally), less sinuate in smaller specimens; lobes separated by a distinct median notch. Front flanked dorsally by shallow groove and low, irregular ridge above groove. Orbits smooth, with indications of 1 incision in dorsal margin of smaller specimens, upraised margins continuing laterally and ventrally into suborbital margin,
lateral part of ridge appearing as tubercle in dorsal view. Anterolateral margin cristate, unarmed anterior to lateralmost point of carapace, there produced into 2 low anterolateral teeth, anteriormost, anterior to midlength of carapace, occasionally not developed, posteriormost distinct behind midlength, each with short ridge on carapace, posteriormost the longer. Low irregular swelling extending laterally from orbit above lateral margin. Carapace regularly convex from front to back, regions indistinct, dorsal surface punctate, anterior surface, in arc behind front, rougher than posterior surface. Stridulating ridge under anterolateral border of carapace arising under first anterolateral tooth, extending about to midlength of lower margin of orbit, composed of about 60 striae.
Chelipeds stout, unequal. Carpus with dorsal and outer surface irregular, deeply punctate; inner margin produced into rectangular lobe (the stridulating lobe) terminating anteriorly in blunt inner tooth. Surface of palm deeply punctate and longitudinally sulcate dorsally, outer surface smooth. Fingers dark, evenly toothed, with bilobed enlarged basal tooth.
Walking legs slender, third (Figure 27c) much the longest, overreaching second by about 1/2 to 1/3 of dactylus. First walking leg with at most a low tubercle distally on inner margin of carpus. Dactylus of each walking leg longer than respective propodus, grooved laterally and dorsally, ornamented with a few slender, simple setae. Propodi of third and fourth walking legs grooved laterally, length of propodus of third about 3 times depth, length of that of fourth 2 times depth (measured dorsally).
Abdomen (Figure 27e) of 7 distinct somites in both sexes, terminal somite of male abdomen longer than penultimate. Male pleopods as figured by Guinot (1968c, figs. 15, 16).
Color: Like the other Atlantic species of Euryozius, E. pagalu is reddish. Capart (1951:165) noted that in his material the general color was “rose orangé, les doigts bruns.” Cousteau (1958) illustrated a juvenile from São Tomé; it is red with the pereiopods banded red and white, the latter at the articulations. The color pattern of our material has completely faded.
MEASUREMENTS.—Our specimens have carapace widths ranging from 8.0 to 16.2 mm; the carapace width of the ovigerous female is 11.2 mm. The largest specimens examined by Capart (1951) were a male, 10.5 × 17 mm, and a female, 11.5 × 18 mm; the latter is the largest known representative of the species. Guinot (1968c) figured a male, 9.7 × 14.5 mm, from the Calypso collection.
MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Pillsbury Material: Fernando Poo: Sta 257, shore, 5 (W). Sta 258, shore, 5, 1 juv (L).
Other Material: Congo: Ponte-Noire, intertidal rocky platform, Aug 1963, A. Crosnier, 3 (W). Pointe Kounda, intertidal, 2 May 1965, A. Crosnier, 1, 2 (1 ov)(W).
DESCRIPTION.—Rathbun, 1921:440.
Figures: Monod, 1956, figs. 416–434.
Male Pleopod: Monod, 1956, figs. 422–434 (Senegal, Ghana).
Color: In this species, as in Panopeus africanus, there may be a dark red spot on the inner surface of the ischium of the third maxilliped. A similar spot has been observed in the western Atlantic E. depressus (Smith) (Williams, 1965:195).
MEASUREMENTS.—Our specimens have carapace widths of 6 to 19 mm; the single ovigerous female has a carapace width of 6.5 mm. Western Atlantic specimens of E. abbreviatus (Stimpson) are of similar size; Rathbun (1930) and Williams (1965) recorded a male 22 mm wide.
- bibliographic citation
- Manning, Raymond B. and Holthuis, L. B. 1981. "West African Brachyuran crabs." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-379.