
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Armases gorei (Abele, 1981)

Sesarma gorei Abele, 1981:435, figs. 3, 4A–4D.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Peru: Puerto Pizzarro, 1 holotype , 3 Jun 1972, E. del Solar, B-411, AHF Cat. no. 723.

DESCRIPTION.—Carapace broader than long (cl/cb = 0.845), narrowing posteriorly. Outer orbital angle acute with a very slight posterior emargination. Interorbital region subdivided into four low lobes. Frontal region smooth; distal margin concave medially and slightly sinuous to lateral margins, which widen slightly at distolateral angles. Ratio of iw to cb is 0.619. Dorsal surface of carapace smooth; a few striae on lateral surface.

Eyes well developed and pigmented.

Male chelipeds large and robust; posterior medial margin of merus granulate; anterior margin serrate and expanded distally. Dorsal surface of carpus granular with distinct row of granules on medial surface. Palm covered with low indistinct granules; scattered small tubercles on medial surface. Low, acute granules on proximal superior surface of movable finger. Finger tips corneous, spooned; immovable one extends slightly beyond movable one.

Walking leg relatively short; ml/mw of third (fourth pereiopod) about 2.5. Dactylus about as long as greatest length of propodus; carpus about of propodus length and half merus length. Very long, widely spaced hairs on walking leg from distal portion of carpus to end of dactylus. Long, dark spines present on distal ventral portion of propodus continuing on flexor margin of dactylus; extensor margin of dactylus has long hairs but no spines present.

Male abdomen subtriangular in outline; telson wider than long.

Male gonopod simple and unarmed; distal portion strongly curved laterally so that amber-colored endpiece almost at right angle to base of gonopod.

MEASUREMENTS.—Male holotype, cb 11.8, cl 10 mm.

TYPE LOCALITY.—Puerto Pizarro, Peru.

HABITAT.—The specimen was collected from mangrove muds.
bibliographic citation
Abele, Lawrence G. 1992. "A review of the Grapsid crab genus Sesarma (Crustacea: Decapoda: Grapsidae) in America, with the description of a new genus." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-60. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.527