Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Periclimenes tenellus (Smith)
Anchistia tenella Smith, 1882:55, pl. 9: figs. 1–1b.
Periclimenes (Periclimenes) tenellus.—Holthuis 195lb:32, pl. 8: figs. a–l.
TYPE-LOCALITY.—Off South Carolina, 32°07′N, 78°37′05″W.
DISTRIBUTION.—Latitudes of New Jersey and South Carolina; 267–419 meters.
*92. Periclimenes yucatanicus (Ives)
Palaemonella Yucatanica Ives, 1891:183, pl. 5: fig. 8.
Periclimenes (Periclimenes) yucatanicus.—Holthuis 1951b: 38, pl. 10.—Limbaugh, Pederson, and Chace 1961:240, fig. 2.
MATERIAL.—Peter Island (Sta. 22–58: 1 ovig.). —Virgin Gorda (Sta. 112–56: 1 ovig. ).—Barbuda (Sta. 103–56: 2 [1 ovig.]).—Antigua Island (Sta. 73–56: 2 , 2 ovig. ).—Isla de Cozumel (Sta. 34–60: 1 ovig.).
HABITAT.—The Saint Christopher specimens were associated with the sea anemone Bartholomea annulata. The Peter Island specimen was found “on the usual anemone”; it has not been possible to determine whether this was B. annulata or Condylactis gigantea, with which P. yucatanicus is also known to associate. All but one of the specimens (the female from Barbuda was collected at a rotenone poisoning station) were taken by diving near reefs, to a maximum depth of 9 meters.
TYPE-LOCALITY.—Off Progreso, Estado de Yucatán, Mexico.
DISTRIBUTION.—Southern Florida to Colombia; to a depth of 24 meters.
*Genus Pontonia Latreille, 1829
- bibliographic citation
- Chace, Fenner Albert, Jr. 1972. "The shrimps of the Smithsonian-Bredin Caribbean Expeditions with a summary of the West Indian shallow-water species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Natantia)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-179.