Description: Isopod possibly Storthyngura sp. Item Type: Image Title: Isopod Copyright: SERPENT project Species: Storthyngura sp. Site: Atlantic -- North Sea -- West of Shetland -- Faroe-Shetland Channel -- BrugdanNorth Sea -- West of Shetland -- Faroe-Shetland Channel -- Brugdan Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 480 Countries: Faroe Islands Habitat: Benthic Rig: Stena Don Project Partners: Statoil, Oceaneering ROV: Magnum 070, Sea Owl 590 Deposited By: Miss Moira MacLean Deposited On: 13 December 2010
Marina Malyutina, Angelika Brandt
Figure 2.Dubinectes infirmus sp. n.Holotype male (ZMH 42969) A body, dorsal view B body, lateral view C pleotelson, ventral view.
Marina Malyutina, Angelika Brandt
Figure 3.Dubinectes infirmus sp. n. Paratype female (ZMH 42970) A body, dorsal view B body, lateral view C pleotelson, ventral view.
Marina Malyutina, Angelika Brandt
Figure 4.Dubinectes infirmus sp. n.Paratype male (ZMH 42970). Antennula and mandibles, right mandible with detail of distal palp article.
Marina Malyutina, Angelika Brandt
Figure 5.Dubinectes infirmus sp. n.Paratype male (ZMH 42970). maxilliped, with detail of endite distal margin, left maxilla 1 with detail of distal margin of lateral lobe, left maxilla 2 with detail of distal margin of lateral lobe, hypopharynx.
Marina Malyutina, Angelika Brandt
Figure 6.Dubinectes infirmus sp. n.Holotype male (ZMH 42969). Pereopods 3-7 with enlarged details.
Marina Malyutina, Angelika Brandt
Figure 7.Dubinectes infirmus sp. n. Paratype male (ZMH 42970). Pleopods 1-5, right uropod.
Marina Malyutina, Angelika Brandt
Figure 8. Dubinectes infirmus sp. n. A paratype female (ZMH 42970) body dorsal view B immature female body dorsal view C body, lateral view.
Marina Malyutina, Angelika Brandt
Figure 9.Dubinectes infirmus sp. n.Paratype immature female (ZMH 42970). Maxilliped with details, antennula, pereopod 1 and pereopod 6.
Dorsal view, wet specimen
Ventral view, wet specimen
Lateral view, wet specimen
Dorsal view, wet specimen
Ventral view, wet specimen
Ventral view, wet specimen
Dorsal view, wet specimen
Ventral view, wet specimen
Dorsal view, wet specimen
Dorsal view, wet specimen
Ventral view, wet specimen
Dorsal view, wet specimen
Ventral view, wet specimen
Lateral view, wet specimen
Dorsal view, wet specimen