Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Hyperiella antarctica Bovallius
Hyperiella antarctica Bovallius, 1887a:20; 1887b:566, pl. 45: figs. 72–80; 1889:242–246, text-fig. p. 242, pl. 11: figs. 42–51.–Stewart, 1913:256.–Barnard, 1930:414; 1932:275, fig. 161 [distribution].–Kane, 1962:301–302.–Vinogradov, 1962:25.–Hurley, 1969:32, map 5 [distribution].
DERIVATION OF NAME.–Not given; presumably geographical.
TYPE-LOCALITY.–Drake Passage, 58°43′S, 76°W.
DIAGNOSIS.–Length 6–8 mm. Posteroventral corners of pleonal epimera blunter and less prominent than in H. dilatata. P5–7, anterodistal corners of s2–4 produced into more or less pointed processes, but processes weaker and blunter than in H. dilatata. Up3 ♂, exopod less than 2/3 as wide as endopod.
RELATIONSHIPS.–See discussion under H. dilatata.
DISTRIBUTION.–According to Hurley (1969), H. antarctica inhabits the region between the Subtropical Convergence and the edge of the pack ice.
- bibliographic citation
- Bowman, Thomas E. 1973. "Pelagic amphipods of the genus Hyperia and closely related genera (Hyperiidea: Hyperiidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-76.