Image of <i>Parhyale hawaiensis</i>
Unresolved name

Parhyale hawaiensis

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Parhyale hawaiensis (Dana)

Allorchestes hawaiensis Dana, 1853–1855:900, pl. 61: figs. 5a–h.

Allorchestes Hawaiensis.—Bate, 1862:47–48, pl. 8: fig. 1.

Hyale brevipes Chevreux, 1901:400–402, figs. 15–18.—Walker, 1909:337.—Chilton, 1921a:545–548, fig. 9; ?1921b:118, figs. 2, 2a; 1925:536.—Schellenberg, 1928:658–659.—K. H. Barnard, 1935:292–294, fig. 10.

Hyale nilssoni.—Walker, 1905:925, fig. 140.1 [not Rathke].

Hyale hawaiensis.—Stebbing, 1906:573.—Schellenberg, 1938a: 66–67, fig. 34.—Ruffo, 1950:57–60.—Bulycheva, 1957:109–110, fig. 40.—Nayar, 1959:30–31, pl. 10: figs. 10–24.

Hyale prevostii.—Kunkel, 1910:66–69, fig. 25 [not Milne Edwards].—Shoemaker, 1920:378.

Hyale pontica.—Kunkel, 1910:69–72, fig. 26 [not Rathke].

Hyale trifoliadens Kunkel, 1910:72–74, fig. 27.

Hyale inyacka.—Chevreux, 1926:370–372, fig. 17.—?Stephensen, 1927:590; 1933:441–446, figs. 3, 4.—Bulycheva, 1957:88–90, fig. 29 [not K. H. Barnard].

Parhyale fasciger.—Fage and Monod, 1936:105–108, figs. 3–7a [not Stebbing].

Hyaloides dartevillei Schellenberg, 1939:126–128, figs. 6–10.

Parhyale inyacka.—Stephensen, 1947:6–7.—J. L. Barnard, 1955a:23, fig. 12.—Mateus and Mateus, 1966:185.—?Sivaprakasam, 1970:562–564, fig. 6.—?Ledoyer, 1972:275, pl. 80 [not K. H. Barnard].

Parhyale hawaiensis.—Shoemaker, 1956:351–356, figs. 3, 4.—Ruffo, 1959:17–18.—J. L. Barnard, 1965a:521–523, fig. 24.—Nayar, 1967:156–157.—Ruffo, 1969:38.—Sivaprakasam, 1970: 560–562, fig. 5.—Bousfield, 1971:266–267.—J. L. Barnard, 1971b:131.—Vader, 1972:15.—Wilkens and Parzefall, 1974: 430.—J. L. Barnard, 1977:295–298.

?Hyale stolmanni Wrzesniowski, 1879:201.

DIAGNOSIS.—All spines on outer ramus of uropod 3 apical and contiguous, inner ramus fully articulate. Palp of maxilla 1 uniarticulate. Hand of male gnathopod 1 weakly expanded, bearing slightly enlarged spine at defining corner and 1 slightly enlarged spine on inner face along posterior margin of hand, palm setose; palm and posterior margin of hand on male gnathopod 2 of approximately equal length, distinct, palm densely lined with medium spines. Article 2 of pereopod 5 with broad, rounded posteroventral lobe. Peduncle of uropod 1 with enlarged apicolateral spine, outer rami of uropods 1–2 with 2 and 1 dorsal spines, respectively. Peduncle of antennae 1–2 poorly setose. Coxa 3 with weakly protuberant subsharp posterior tooth. Epimera 2–3 almost perfectly quadrate, scarcely but very minutely protuberant posteroventrally. Article 6 of pereopod 5 with posterior spines.

DISTRIBUTION.—Apparently pantropical in shallow water, but not yet collected inside Gulf of California.
bibliographic citation
Barnard, J. L. 1979. "Littoral Gammaridean Amphipoda from the Gulf of California and the Galapagos Islands." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-149. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.271