Description: English: Noble coral Stylaster nobilis at Tafelberg Deep reef off the Cape Peninsula. Date: 16 March 2014, 17:37:39. Source: Own work. Author: Peter Southwood. Camera location 34° 04′ 37.63″ S, 18° 18′ 57.92″ E: View all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap - Google Earth: -34.077120; 18.316090.
Description: English: Noble coral with an unusual number of invertebrates sheltering between its branches at Tafelberg deep pinnacle, Hout Bay. Date: September 2011. Source: Own work. Author: Peter Southwood.
Description: English: Two colour morphs of noble coral at Middle Bank, Tsistikamma National Park MPA. Date: 27 February 2013, 16:03:24. Source: Own work. Author: Peter Southwood.
Description: English: Noble coral at Middle Bank, Tsistikamma National Park MPA. Date: 27 February 2013, 15:59:37. Source: Own work. Author: Peter Southwood.
Description: English: Noble coral Stylaster nobilis at Table Top reef at Hermanus, on the South African south coast. Date: 13 December 2008, 13:13:25. Source: Own work. Author: Peter Southwood.
Description: English: Noble coral Stylaster nobilis at Table Top reef at Hermanus, on the South African south coast. Date: 13 December 2008, 13:10:03. Source: Own work. Author: Peter Southwood.