Figure 21.Color figures of skeleton of various Alaskan stylasterids: A Stylaster parageus parageus, B Stylaster parageus columbiensis C Stylaster elassotomus D Stylaster crassiseptum E–G Stylaster alaskanus. A holotype, USNM 42871 B holotype, USNM 1122462 C holotype, USNM 43268 D holotype, USNM 1122531 E holotype of Stylaster gemmascens alaskanus, USNM 43269 F holotype of Stylaster cancellatus, USNM 43267 G large colony, USNM 1122454.
Figure 26.Stylaster crassiseptum A, D, H–I male paratype, USNM 112519, B–C, E–G, J holotype (female), USNM 1122531: A stereo view of cyclosystems and a cluster of male ampullae B branch segment showing sympodial arrangement of cyclosystems C–D cyclosystems E thick pseudosepta and thin dactylotomes F coenosteal texture G robust dactylostyle H stereo view of gastropore tube and male ampulla I gastrostyle surrounded by well–developed ring palisade J female ampulla.