Figure 11.Color figures of skeleton of various Alaskan stylasterids: A, E, G Stylaster brochi B, F, H Stylaster verrillii C Stylaster stejnegeri, D Errinopora dichotoma. A holotype, USNM 43264 B arborescent colony, USNM 1027819 C holotype, USNM 43271 D holotype, USNM 1123508 E large delicate sponge encrusted colony, USNM 1123304 F holotype of Allopora moseleyi, USNM 6851 G massive colony, USNM 1123006 H syntype, USNM 4193.
Figure 12.Holotype of Errinopora dichotoma, USNM 1123508: A branch cross section B colony surface showing gastro– and dactylopores C dactylopore with dactylostyle (upper) and secondary gastropore (lower) D gastropore E, J gastrostyles F–I coenosteal texture K gastrostyle spines L–M dactylostyle.