Cassiopea xamachana uses nematocysts or stinging cells to stun or paralyze prey. The triggering mechanism for these cells is independent of the organism's nervous system. Two stimuli trigger the discharge. One is mechanical or tactile, triggering a modified cillium on the cell. The other receptor detects chemicals, more specifically amino acids.
Communication Channels: tactile ; chemical
Perception Channels: tactile ; chemical
Cassiopea xamachana does not receive specific legal consideration; however, in Bermuda the species lives in areas that are protected by legislation that make mooring, anchoring and fishing illegal.
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: no special status
State of Michigan List: no special status
Cassiopea xamachana is dioecious, with each sex contributing one type of gamete (sperm or eggs) that will combine to form a zygote. The developing embryos are covered in specialized mucus and wrapped around the bases of sex specific vesicles. This brooding will continue until cilliated planula emerge and begin to swim, commonly characterized as searching behavior. Eventually, the larva will settle on a suitable substrate and irreversibly attach, beginning the metamorphosis into the sedentary polyp stage of the life cycle. Once the development of the oral opening is complete the scyphopolyp will begin to acquire photosynthetic algal symbionts. After acquiring the needed amount of Symbiodinium and when temperatures exceed 20◦C, these scyphistomae will begin to strobilate through a process called monodisc strobilation. Through this process the calyx, the spicules containing a portion of the upper tentacular part of the polyp, will constrict and eventually separate. Over the course of the following week this will transform into an ephyra, an immature medusa stage of the life cycle. The polyp will regenerate its lost tentacular portion and the ephyra will continue to grow and mature to adulthood as a sexually reproducing medusa.
Development - Life Cycle: metamorphosis
The upside-down jellyfish have recently come into the spotlight as significant bioinvaders. They are being transported on live rock to the U.S. from the Indo-Pacific. Live rock is primarily collected from the edges of reefs in the Indo-Pacific. Its exportation is an important source of revenue for many small communities. The trade in live rock is not subject to quarantine restrictions in its principal markets, and therefore poses a serious threat of bioinvasion. The potential is for inadvertent or deliberate release of organisms that reside on its surfaces. Invasive species are a principal threat to biodiversity and are responsible for enormous economic losses globally. Once established in a new environment, invasive species are often difficult to control, and eradication efforts are usually ineffectual. Scyphozoans have gained infamy as an invasive species. They are capable of extraordinary population blooms that can inflict major economic losses and ecological damage. In some areas of the world, they have caused painful or life-threatening stings thus restricting access of swimmers and tourists to aquatic recreational areas, and imposing financial posses on the tourism industry. The unregulated trade in live rock presents a serious bioinvasion risk that warrants the urgent attention of regulatory bodies.
Negative Impacts: injures humans (bites or stings)
At the current date there appears to be no commercial importance for Cassiopea xamachana.
Cassiopea xamachana can be used as a bioindicator species, to integrate relevant information about phosphate availability in low nutrient environments. This may be beneficial to humans in their attempts to restore the health of the Florida Keys reef system.
The symbiotic relationship between the upside-down jellyfish and photosynthetic zooxanthellae is ecologically valuable as it provides a pathway for converting energy into usable forms for the marine ecosystem. The symbiotic relationship between the two is similar to that of the zooxanthellae and coral. Medusae always contains zooxanthellae. Newly produced scyphistomae must acquire their symbionts from feeding or absorption from the surrounding water.
Water crabs regularly use the upside down jellyfish as a form of protection. When the crabs reach the surface or the edge of the waterbed they carry the upside down jellyfish on their backs, using the tentacles as a shield.
Mutualist Species:
The up-side down jellyfish has a symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae, located in their mesoglea. The zooxanthellae helps the jellyfish obtain most of its carbon, however, it does not meet the daily metabolic needs of the jellyfish so the jellyfish must supplement their diet. They filter feed, absorbing dissolved nutrients in the water, and/or capturing prey with their tentacles.
Nematocysts or stinging cells located in the tentacles allows the jellyfish to stun or paralyze their prey. Water pressure inside a stinging cell is controlled by osmosis. The inside of the cell is hypertonic compared to the surrounding marine environment, so water would flow in if it could. Under normal conditions, this flow is prevented. However, when both stimuli are detected the membrane will change to allow water to enter into the cell. This increased pressure will evert the barbed thread that rests inside. These specialized stinging cells can only fire once, after discharge the cell will die. Therefore, these very specific trigger mechanisms are required to ensure that nematocysts are not wasted on something that is not prey or a predator.
After the prey has been captured the jellyfish begins digestion on the oral surface and moves the partly digested prey where it can be ingested by a secondary mouth. The upside-down jellyfish has mutated from other jellies as its central mouth has become occluded and various secondary mouths have been created at the ends of the manubrial branches. Most other jellies have one mouth at the center of the oral surface.
Animal Foods: zooplankton
Plant Foods: algae; phytoplankton
Foraging Behavior: filter-feeding
Primary Diet: carnivore (Eats other marine invertebrates)
The northern distribution limit of Cassiopea xamachana is the southeastern tip of the United States as upside-down jellyfish appear in large numbers in varying areas of the Florida Keys. This species is also found in Bermuda, the Caribbean Sea and warmer areas of the western Atlantic Ocean. They are commonly found in places such Walsingham Pond and Harrington Sound, on the bottom of an inshore bay or pond. The highest density of these scyphozoans occurs in the Caribbean but throughout the course of the last decade the distribution seems to be expanding to other locations such as the Hawaiian and Mediterranean waters, including the Red Sea.
Biogeographic Regions: atlantic ocean (Native ); pacific ocean (Introduced ); mediterranean sea (Introduced )
Cassiopea xamachana frequently resides inshore in shallow, tropical, marine waters, on particular sandy mudflats. Upside-down jellyfish most commonly use muddy substrata in mangrove leaves to settle upon, giving rise to the common name "mangrove jellyfish." The jellyfish are found during the mid to late summer with very few scyphistomae observed between late November and early June. Numerous quantities of the benthic-dwelling ephyra and strobilating scyphistomae were observed from late June until the end of the fall season. There were nearly none observed throughout the winter or spring.
Range depth: Shallow Areas (low) m.
Habitat Regions: tropical ; saltwater or marine
Aquatic Biomes: benthic ; reef
The time of the entire life cycle of this jellyfish is unknown.
The up-side down jellyfish does not have the typical physical characteristics of jellyfish. Often it has a somewhat green or gray/blue coloration. This display is the result of numerous densely packed symbiotic zooxanthellae, Symbiodinium microadriaticum. The medusa, the dominant adult phase of the life cycle, possesses four branching tentacles that extend from the body, up into the water column. These structures are used in feeding and provide nutrients in combination with what is made available by the photosynthetic dinoflagellates. The large, dome shaped exumbrella of the medusa contains a central depression that is used mainly for attachment purposes as the up-side down jellyfish remains sedentary throughout a majority of its lifecycle.
Range length: 20.3 to 35.6 cm.
Average length: 30.5 cm.
Range basal metabolic rate: 1.3 to 4.87 cm3.O2/g/hr.
Average basal metabolic rate: 2.39 cm3.O2/g/hr.
Other Physical Features: ectothermic ; heterothermic ; radial symmetry ; polymorphic
Leatherback, green, and loggerhead sea turtles, feed on upside-down jellyfish.
Known Predators:
Anti-predator Adaptations: cryptic
Males release gametes into the water and females take them in for fertilization.
Mating System: polygynandrous (promiscuous)
The life cycle of Cassiopea xamachana is similar to other scyphozoans, with alternation of generations between a sessile polyp stage (scyphistomae) and dominant mobile medusa stage. The scyphistomae reproduce asexually by budding when resources are plentiful. Each newly produced bud will settle and lead to the production of another sedentary polyp. Eventually, the scyphistomae will begin to produce the adult medusa stage through the monadisc strobilation process discussed above. This strobilation process only takes place during the winter and fall seasons despite the medusa being found year round. Typically, scyphozoans will only strobilate during the winter months. Eventually this will lead to the development of an immature ephyra which will continue to grow into a fully mature, sexually reproducing adult medusa. The medusae are gonochoristic and the females eggs will be fertilized by the sperm released from a nearby male. The female will then internally brood her young until the eggs hatch and become free swimming planula. These small, mobile larvae will preferentially settle on a specific substrate and grow into the asexually reproducing polyp to complete the life cycle.
Key Reproductive Features: seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; asexual ; fertilization (Internal )
The only form of parental care in Cassiopea xamachana is the temporary brooding of developing planula larvae discussed above. This minimal amount of parental investment in brooding will only last until the cilliated planula larvae hatch from the egg envelope. This form of parental care is fundamental as cnidarians often do not invest a great deal of resources in developing offspring.
Parental Investment: no parental involvement; female parental care ; pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female)
Cassiopea andromeda is one of many cnidarian species called the upside-down jellyfish. It usually lives in intertidal sand or mudflats, shallow lagoons, and around mangroves. This jellyfish, often mistaken for a sea anemone, usually keeps its mouth facing upward. Its yellow-brown bell, which has white or pale streaks and spots, pulsates to run water through its arms for respiration and to gather food.
Cassiopea andromeda is carnivorous and eats small animals from the sea or just pieces of them after it paralyzes its prey with its mucus and nematocysts when they are released. This jellyfish also lives in a symbiotic relationship with photosynthetic dinoflagellate algae, the zooxanthellae, and with shrimps. The zooxanthellae live in the tissues of the ventral surface of its body and it is the responsible for the color of it. As the zooxanthellae gets food for the Cassiopea andromeda, in response, it gets the sunlight that is necessary for the photosynthetic dinoflagellate algae. Therefore, the shrimp has a different symbiotic relationship with this jellyfish. It lives in its tentacles and protects it by taking the parasites off. In exchange, the Cassiopea andromeda mainly offers protection to the shrimp from the environment. This symbiotic relationship is called mutualism, where both species benefit from their interactions.
As a cnidarian, this jellyfish has an asexual and sexual reproduction. It reproduces by budding when it is in a polyp form. When it is in a medusa form, it reproduces sexually. The medusa female produces the eggs and keeps them. As the male produces the sperm and releases them in the water, the female uses its tentacles to bring the sperm to fertilize its eggs.
This jellyfish can measure a maximum of 30.0 cm wide.
The species can deliver a painful sting. Symptoms include mild pain, rash, and swelling.
Cassiopea andromeda is one of many cnidarian species called the upside-down jellyfish. It usually lives in intertidal sand or mudflats, shallow lagoons, and around mangroves. This jellyfish, often mistaken for a sea anemone, usually keeps its mouth facing upward. Its yellow-brown bell, which has white or pale streaks and spots, pulsates to run water through its arms for respiration and to gather food.