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Taiwan Angelshark

Squatina formosa Shen & Ting 1972


provided by FAO species catalogs
bibliographic citation
FAO species catalogue Vol.4. Sharks of the world. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. Compagno, L.J.V.1984FAO Fisheries Synopsis. , (125) Vol.4, Part 1.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs

Brief Summary

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A little-known angelshark of the outer continental shelf of Taiwan Island, caught on bottom,at 183 to 220 m depth.
bibliographic citation
FAO species catalogue Vol.4. Sharks of the world. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. Compagno, L.J.V.1984FAO Fisheries Synopsis. , (125) Vol.4, Part 1.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs


provided by FAO species catalogs
Maximum total length reported 46 cm female, presumably immature.
bibliographic citation
FAO species catalogue Vol.4. Sharks of the world. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. Compagno, L.J.V.1984FAO Fisheries Synopsis. , (125) Vol.4, Part 1.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs


provided by FAO species catalogs
Western North Pacific: Northeastern and southwestern coasts of Taiwan Island.
bibliographic citation
FAO species catalogue Vol.4. Sharks of the world. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. Compagno, L.J.V.1984FAO Fisheries Synopsis. , (125) Vol.4, Part 1.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs

Diagnostic Description

provided by FAO species catalogs
Trunk moderately narrow. Anterior nasal barbels apparently simple and with a narrow, tapering tip; posterior margin of anterior nasal flaps between nasal barbels and tips weakly fringed or smooth; distance from eye to spiracle less than 1.5 times eye diameter; dermal folds on sides of head possibly with a triangular lobe. Pectoral fins rather broad and high, with narrowly subangular free rear tips. Spines on midline of back and tail, and on snout and between eyes small. No ocelli on body.


Shen & Ting, 1972

bibliographic citation
FAO species catalogue Vol.4. Sharks of the world. An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date Part 1 - Hexanchiformes to Lamniformes. Compagno, L.J.V.1984FAO Fisheries Synopsis. , (125) Vol.4, Part 1.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs


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Dorsal spines (total): 0
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Life Cycle

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Ovoviviparous, embryos feed solely on yolk (Ref. 50449).
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Diagnostic Description

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Taiwan angelshark Squatina formosa has broad pectoral fins with outer corner more obtuse and free rear tips narrowly subangular; nasal barbels apparently simple, narrow and tapered. Anterior nasal flaps smooth to weakly fringed; dermal folds on sides of head possibly with a triangular lobe. Rear tip of inner margin of pelvic fins reaching little beyond origin of first dorsal. Very short hypocercal tail. Rows of small spines on midline of back and tail, and on snout and between eyes. Color: no ocelli (eye-like spot) on body (Ref. 247, 31369).
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A little-known angelshark found on the outer continental shelf. Possibly larger. Ovoviviparous (Ref. 50449).
Kent E. Carpenter
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fisheries: of no interest
Kent E. Carpenter
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Diagnostic Description

provided by Plazi (legacy text)

Squatina formosa, Shen & Ting 1972 : 23, Figure 4, valid, holotype: NTT7213130. Figure 2.

Common name. Taiwan angelshark.

Diagnosis. A squatinid with the following distinctive characters: upper lip arch semi-circular, height greater than other WNP squatinids (3.8-5.1% in width, 1.4-2.1% TL in height); pectoral fins broadly rounded, especially posterior free tip; pelvic girdle moderately broad, pelvic anterior margin slightly curved, angle of lateral apex considerably more obtuse than 120°, pelvic fin tips reaching first dorsal origin; dorsal fins lobe-like with slightly rounded anterior margin, first dorsal fin base slightly larger than second dorsal base; caudal fin lobed, especially dorsally, with a curvilinear caudal posterior ventral margin.

Description. Dorsal surface, except for posterior portion of caudal fin, covered with denticles of moderate roughness. Ventral surface smooth except for narrow bands of denticles on the pectoral and pelvic fins anterior margins.

Head rounded, length about 0.2 times total length, maximum width occurring just anterior of gill openings. Moderately rough tubercles interspersed above mouth and eye crests. Eyes almond-shaped, widely set, interorbital space 8.2 (7.7-8.9). Eye-spiracle space short. Spiracles are crescent shaped without large papillae. Interspiracle space (7.8-8.2) slightly less than interorbital space. Center of upper lip exposed at midpoint of upper jaw, exposure semi-circular in shape, extending dorsally approximately 0.6-0.7 of upper jaw space, upper lip height (1.2-2.1), upper lip arch width (3.8-5.1). Labial furrows conspicuous, roughly equal in length, extending from corners of mouth medially, with upper labial furrow partially covered with dermal folds. Distinct nasal flaps protruding from dermal folds above mouth, two barbels protruding from each flap. Inner nasal barbel rod-like with a spatulate tip, inner basal portion contains little if any fringe. Outer nasal barbel narrow. Nostrils large, slightly protruding. Dermal folds along exterior of head, one small lobe present at corners of mouth extending ventrally. Mouth length about 0.3 times as long as mouth width. Dentition consisting of small, dagger-like teeth, conical without cusplets on a broad base, in 3 orderly longitudinal rows, no teeth at symphysis, teeth by row 9 - 10 - 9 - 10 / 10 - 10.

Pectoral fins large, broadly rounded, originating just behind gills. Anterior margin of pectoral fin slightly convex and about three quarters as long as pectoral length, extending to a lateral apex. Angle of lateral apex slightly more obtuse than 120°. Margin from lateral apex to most posterior lobe slightly concave. Posterior lobe broadly convex. Pectoral inner margin convex, about one half of pectoral length.

Overall pelvic fin shape somewhat triangular with rounded fintips. Pelvics originating anterior to pectoral fin free rear tips. Pelvic fin length approximately two thirds as long as pectoral fin length. Pelvic fin base approximately 1.2 times broader than pectoral base. Anterior margin slightly curvilinear, extending at roughly a 45° angle from trunk to rounded apex lateral of body, anterior margin 0.5 times as long as pelvic fin length. Pelvic girdle width (26.3-29.8) between pelvic fin apexes moderately broad, about 1.4 times head length. Posterior margin of pelvic fin, approximately 0.8 times pelvic fin length, straight to posterior free tip. Pelvic inner margin concave and short, only about 0.4 times as long as pectoral fin length. Pelvic insertion furrows on ventral extend in a narrow ellipse to anterior apogee of vent in most specimens, vent is within ellipse. Pelvic fin tips reach origin of first dorsal.

Dorsal fins lobed and nearly equal in size, with denticles covering the whole of fins. Interdorsal space about 0.8 times as long as dorsal caudal finspace. Anterior margin of dorsals slightly convex, nearly equidistant. First dorsal base slightly shorter than second, first dorsal base 15.2 (10.0-11.8), second dorsal base 17.4 (13.0-15.0). Apex of dorsals lobed. Posterior margins slightly convex, about 0.7 times as long as anterior margins. Inner margins of dorsals slightly convex, approximately 0.7 times as long as anterior margins.

Caudal peduncle compressed dorso-ventrally with lateral longitudinal ridges, tapering posteriorly. Caudal fin lobe-like, markedly at dorsal apex. Caudal dorsal margin broadly rounded, about 0.8 times as long as preventral caudal fin margin. Subterminal caudal fin margin approximately half as long as caudal upper post ventral margin. Caudal lower postventral margin convex, approximately 0.8 times as long as caudal upper post ventral margin.

Total vertebrae 137-139; total precaudal vertebrae 107-110; monospondylous vertebrae 48-52; diplospondylous vertebrae 58-59; caudal vertebrae 29-30.

Coloration. Dorsal surface of specimens prior to preservation are light to dark brown throughout with numerous black and white spots of varying sizes. Black blotches laterally at origin of dorsals. Ventral surface pale white with some black mottling on abdomen, pectoral and pelvic fin ventral margins with denticles colored similar to dorsal. Color after preservation tends to fade to a lighter brown or pale yellow with spots becoming indistinct.

Distribution. Endemic to western North Pacific including the East China Sea (Compagno et al, 2005a), waters surrounding northern Taiwan, and East Taiwan Strait (Shuyuan 1994).

Etymology. Named in allusion to the known geographic range (Formosa Strait, Taiwan) where the holotype was collected.

Remarks. Examination of the holotype (labeled NTT7213130 in Shen & Ting 1972, now labeled NTUM 01329) and non-type comparison material revealed that S. formosa is distinct from other WNP squatinids through four characters (Fig 2). First, S. formosa possesses a lobed caudal fin, especially in the dorsal lobe, and has a more curved postventral caudal margin. Second, S. formosa has lobed dorsal fins with a curvilinear anterior margin. Third, the pelvic girdle distance in S. formosa is more narrow than other WNP squatinids, at 1.4 or less the head length (where both measurements are standardized by total length). Fourth, S. formosa has an upper lip arch which is semicircular in shape, where the upper lip arch height is greater than 1.5% of the total length.

Comparison of the three S. formosa paratypes (originally labeled as NTU7041631, NTU7041632, NTU7222433 in Shen and Ting 1972; now labeled as NTUM 01327(x2) and NTUM01328) with the holotype reveals differences among these four characters (Table 2). The paratypes possess angular caudal fins without curved postventral caudal margins, angular dorsal fins with straight anterior margins, a wider pelvic girdle distance, and upper lip arches which are more semi-oval in shape (Fig 3A-C). Therefore, our contention is that these paratypes of S. formosa are, in fact, a different species. Furthermore, these characters are most consistent with the S. nebulosa comparison material we examined.

An apparent change in designation of one of the paratypes for unknown reasons has also added to the confusion in the type series. At present, one of the paratypes (NTUM 01328) has been designated as the holotype, and the true holotype (NTUM 01329) now has a question mark on its catalogue card next to its holotype designation, as documented by the junior author (DAE) who examined the type material of S. formosa in May 1988 and again in May 2005. However, comparison of the type material with photos of the holotype within the original species description (Shen & Ting, 1972) confirms that the NTUM 01329 specimen is the actual holotype.

A squatinid reported from the Philippines as S. formosa (Compagno et al., 2005b) is also not likely this species. Examination of photographs of the Philippines specimen, provided by L.J.V. Compagno, revealed several characters inconsistent with S. formosa . These characters include pelvic fins which do not reach the first dorsal base, a wider pelvic girdle, a more shallow upper lip arch and distinctly different coloration than observed in S. formosa . Therefore, the Philippines specimen most likely represents a different, possibly undescribed, squatinid species from true S. formosa .

Comparative material: DAE 881805, immature male, Tahsi, Taiwan , May 1988 , collected by David A. Ebert ; DAE 052105, immature male, Tahsi, Taiwan , May 2005 , collected by David A. Ebert ; DAE 052305-2, immature female, Tahsi, Taiwan , May 2005 , collected by David A. Ebert .

not applicable
bibliographic citation
Jonathan H. Walsh, 2007, A review of the systematics of western North Pacific angel sharks, genus Squatina, with redescriptions of Squatina formosa, S. japonica, and S. nebulosa (Chondrichthyes: Squatiniformes, Squatinidae)., Zootaxa, pp. 31-47, vol. 1551
Jonathan H. Walsh
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Plazi (legacy text)


provided by The Fish Database of Taiwan


provided by The Fish Database of Taiwan


provided by The Fish Database of Taiwan
上頜隆起為半圓形(前視);體高較高,為體寬之3.8-5.1%,全長之1.4-2.1%;胸鰭寬且圓;腹鰭如一般他種,前方略為彎曲;腹鰭後方達第一背鰭起點;背鰭兩個,前方邊緣圓,第一背鰭略大於第二背鰭;尾鰭上葉較下葉高,上葉略為三角形,後方凹陷,下葉末緣在上葉之後。原先所發表之正模標本為NTT 7213130,現更改為NTUM 1329。原先所發表之三尾副模標本(NTU 7222433, 7041632)現更改為NTUM 1327及NTUM 1328,但經Walsh & Ebert (2007)認定為/Squatina nebulosa/之誤鑑。因此,現只有NTUM 1329為有效之模式標本。


provided by The Fish Database of Taiwan

Taiwan angelshark

provided by wikipedia EN

The Taiwan angelshark (Squatina formosa) is an angelshark in the family Squatinidae. The Taiwan angelshark is one of four species of Squatina in the waters around Taiwan and Japan. It is a demersal, ray-like shark that grows to 1–2 meters in length.


The genus Squatina is the only genus in the monogeneric family Squatinidae. The Taiwan angelshark was described in 1972 and named after the historic name for Taiwan, "Formosa".[2]


Taiwan angelsharks are ray-like sharks. Since they are demersal sharks and spend most of their time resting on the sediment, their eyes and spiracles are located dorsally. The dorsal surface is covered in somewhat rough dermal denticles. The overall shape of the head is rounded and about 20 percent of the total body length. The widest part of the head is just before the gill openings. The species has tubercles between the mouth and eyes. Its teeth are small and cone-like without serrations, forming three rows. Taiwan angel sharks have large, broad pectoral fins, spineless dorsal fins, no anal fins, and a caudal fin that is hypocercal (the lower lobe is larger and more pronounced than the upper lobe). Both dorsal fins are lobed and are approximately the same size. An adult Taiwan angel shark can grow to be up to 2 m in length. Growth is generally slow and maturity happens late in life. Reproduction is ovoviviparous.[3]

Like other benthic sharks, is dark in coloration, brown with many black and white splotches on the dorsal side. The abdomen is lighter, pale white, with black splotches.[3]

Distribution and habitat

Taiwan angelsharks are endemic to the waters of the continental shelf off Taiwan, between latitudes 20° N and 24° N). They occur at depths of 100–300 m, sometimes in shallower waters. The species is an ambush predator and buries itself in the sediment to wait for prey to come into range.[4]


The Taiwan angelshark is classified as Endangered by the IUCN, based on suspected population declines of 50-80% within its limited range. While it is not a target of fisheries, it is a frequent and generally retained bycatch of bottom trawling. Its entire range coincides with the extent of Taiwan's main fisheries (including longline and gillnetting). As the species is slow-maturing and has relatively few offspring, it is thought to be heavily impacted by this constant exploitation. No active conservation measures are currently in place.[1]


  1. ^ a b Rigby, C.L.; Chen, X.; Ebert, D.A.; Herman, K.; Ho, H.; Hsu, H.; Zhang, J. (2020). "Squatina formosa". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2020: e.T161456A134193368. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2020-3.RLTS.T161456A134193368.en. Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  2. ^ Walsh, J; Ebert, D (2007). "A review of the systematics of western North Pacific angel sharks, genus Squatina, with redescriptions of Squatina formosa, S. japonica, and S. nebulosa (Chondrichthyes: Squatiniformes, Squatinidae)" (PDF). Zootaxa. 1551: 31–47. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.1551.1.2.
  3. ^ a b Compagno, L.J.V.; Dando, M.; Fowler, S. (2005). Sharks of the World. New Jersey: Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-12072-0.
  4. ^ Kriwet, Jürgen; Endo, Hiromitsu; Stelbrink, Björn (2010). "On the occurrence of the Taiwan angel shark, Squatina formosa Shen & Ting, 1972 (Chondrichthyes, Squatinidae) from Japan". Zoosystematics and Evolution. 86 (1): 117–124. doi:10.1002/zoos.200900016.
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Taiwan angelshark: Brief Summary

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The Taiwan angelshark (Squatina formosa) is an angelshark in the family Squatinidae. The Taiwan angelshark is one of four species of Squatina in the waters around Taiwan and Japan. It is a demersal, ray-like shark that grows to 1–2 meters in length.

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