Image of Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon
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Amu Darya Shovelnose Sturgeon

Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni (Kessler 1877)

Diagnostic Description

provided by FAO species catalogs
Head shield-shaped. Snout broad, spade-like, completely flat on the lower surface. Very small eyes. Spiracle absent. Snout depressed. Caudal peduncle slighly depressed, short and completely armored above, but incomplete below. Mouth small, transverse: the upper lip is divided in the middle. The lower lip is broader than the upper and also slighly divided. Branchiostegal connection broad. With two pairs of barbels not fringed and evently placed. There are 2-4 spines on the tip of the rostrum, frontal and parietal spines. Gill rakers fan-shaped. D25-37. A15-24 rays. First ray of the pectoral fin, very strong and sharp. The upper lobe of the epicercal caudal is prolongued in a long filament. 10-14 (common 12) dorsal scutes. 30-38 (33-35) lateral scutes. 6-10 (7-8) ventral scutes. There are 4-6 flat scutes between anal and ventral fins and 1-4 scutes posterior to anal fin. Colour: dorsum from grey to almost blak, ventrum white (Mayden & Kuhajda, 1996; Birstein, 1997).


  • Berg, L. S - 1948. Fresh-water fishes of Soviet Union and adjacent countries. Freshw. Fish. USSR, Guide Fauna USSR No. 27. 1-466. In Russian. Transl. available, 1962, Smithson. Inst. by Israel Prog. Sci. Transl.
  • Eschmeyer, W.N - 1998. Catalog of fishes. Special Publication, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. 3 vols. 2905 p"/> .
  • Hilton-Taylor, C. - 2000. 2000 IUCN red list of threatened species. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. xviii + 61 p. With 1 CD-ROM
  • Kessler, K. T. - 1872. Ichthyological Fauna of Turkestan Izv. Imp. Obsh. Lyub. Estestv. Antro. Etno. 47-76.: 70 (26), Pl. 12 (Figs.36-41). Syr Darya R. Near Chinaz, Kazakhstan.
  • Salnikov, V. B, V. J. Birstein & R. L. Mayden - 1996. The contemporary status of the two Amu Darya River shovelnose sturgeons, Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni and P. hermanni. The Sturgeon Quarterly. 4 (3): 10-14.
  • Tleuov, R.T. & N.I. Sagitov - 1973. Acipenserid fishes of the Aral Sea. FAN Press, Tashkent . 155 pp. In Russian.


provided by FAO species catalogs
Maximum size: 75 cm and 2 kg in weight. Usually smaller.

Brief Summary

provided by FAO species catalogs
It inhabits shallow-water parts of the river over sandy or stony-pebble bottoms, main channels at depths of 1.0-1.5 m.Young individuals feed mainly on larvae of Chironomidae (fifteen species), ephemeropterans and fishes (Capoetobrama kuschakewitscki and Rhinogobius spp.). Adult are benthophagous and icthyophagous: Barbus brachycephalus, Aspius aspius, Acipenser nudiventris, C. kuschakewitscki, and Noemacheilus oxianus constituted up to 64.5 % of their diet.Population dynamics: in the past, the maximum size reported was 75 cm; in the 1960s, the average size was 37 cm with a predominance of 3 to 6 years old individuals , while in the late 1980s the population consisted mostly of young (1 to 6 years old) with a predominance of 3-4 years old (Zholdasova, 1997). In late March-early April. Males become mature at 5-7 years and females, at 6-8 years. They reproduce at a water temperature of 14-16°C.


provided by FAO species catalogs
Fishing is prohibitied.


provided by Fishbase
Potamodromous. Migrating within streams, migratory in rivers, e.g. Saliminus, Moxostoma, Labeo. Migrations should be cyclical and predictable and cover more than 100 km.
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provided by Fishbase
Its natural habitat and population have declined due to the breakage of the hydrological regime of the Amu Dariya River. Usual weight not more than 600-700 grams. Females with mature hard roe, very rare. Apparently sensitive to oxygen content in the water, changes in its chemical content, and to pollution. Fishing is prohibited (Ref. 35930). Spawns at 16° C (Ref. 719).
Susan M. Luna
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fisheries: commercial
Susan M. Luna
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Amu Darya sturgeon

provided by wikipedia EN

The Amu Darya sturgeon or false shovelnose sturgeon (Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni) is a critically endangered species of fish in the family Acipenseridae. It is found in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and perhaps Afghanistan.[1] It inhabits quite shallow flowing waters that are turbid and muddy.[1][5]


P. kaufmanni on a 1996 stamp of Kyrgyzstan

The Amu Darya sturgeon is a small sturgeon, but the largest species of Pseudoscaphirhynchus, reaching up to 2 kg (4.4 lb) in weight and 75 cm (30 in) in total length, excluding tail filament.[5][6] It has a long, thin tail filament. For example, two individuals that both had a length of about 55 cm (22 in) excluding tail filament were 77 cm (30.5 in) and 85.5 cm (33.5 in) including tail filament.[7] The species occurs in two morphs: a relatively large, light-coloured and late maturing morph, and a small, dark-coloured and early maturing morph. The small morph is roughly of similar size to P. hermanni, a species that lacks a tail filament.[5][7]


The Amu Darya sturgeon feeds on small fish and aquatic insect larvae, with large individuals being mostly piscivorous.[1][5]

Studies in the 1960s and 1970s showed that Amu Darya sturgeon reach maturity when 5–8 years old (slightly later in females than males), but in the 1990s the youngest mature individuals only were 4 years old, possibly due to environmental changes in their habitat.[7] The breeding season is from March to May when the water is 14 to 16 °C (57 to 61 °F).[1][5] During a season, a female of the large morph lays about 3,100–36,500 eggs and a female of the small morph about 1,000–2,000 eggs, but it is possible that they only do this every 4–5-year.[5] The species can reach an age of more than 14 years.[1] Historically, it was known to hybridize with P. hermanni, with the offspring having features that are intermediate between the two species.[5]

Conservation status

The Amu Darya sturgeon once occurred throughout the Amu Darya river basin, including its delta in the Aral Sea, today it is found in the middle Amu Darya River (between Kerki and Chardzhou (modern name is Turkmenabad) in Turkmenistan and also lower in Kyzylrabat area (Uzbekistan), also in more lower Amu Darya River (between Pitnak and Urganch in Khorezm province, Uzbekistan) and in the lower Vakhsh River (an Amu Darya tributary) in Tadjikistan.[1] It has declined because of habitat loss, pollution and poaching, and is rated as critically endangered by the IUCN.[1] Despite its threatened status, strong decline and range contraction, it can be locally fairly common and overall it is the least rare species of Pseudoscaphirhynchus (P. fedtschenkoi is possibly extinct and P. hermanni only survives in very small numbers).[7]

In general the status of the Amu Darya sturgeon is poorly known and further surveys are necessary.[1] A part of its range is in the Amudarya State Nature Reserve.[1] Although the Amu Darya sturgeon is a fully protected species throughout its range,[8] illegal fishing is widespread and fisheries management in the region is very poor.[9] The species has been listed on CITES Appendix II since 1998.[1] This restricts international trade in the species, but two were legally exported from Uzbekistan to Russia for zoological purposes in 2002–2012, and in 2013 Uzbekistan set the export quota to twenty individuals.[9]

Many sturgeon species have been bred in captivity and this often forms the basis for restocking the wild populations.[8] In the 1980s there were attempts of doing this with the Amu Darya sturgeon. Although some progress was made, captive breeding ultimately failed because the embryos died.[9] Since 2010, Eurasian Regional Association of Zoos and Aquariums (EARAZA) together with various Russian and Uzbekistan institutes as well as officials of Tajikistan) has attempted to start a breeding program for the Amu Darya sturgeon, but as of 2021 it has not succeeded (in 2020 Khorezm Mamun Academy in Khiva (Khorezm province branch of Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan) - the main partner in the program) has temporary stopped shovelnose conservation project because of lack of financial support) although some progress was made (the eggs were incubated in the field in 2012 but the embryos died).[8]


The karyotype of the Amu Darya sturgeon consists of roughly 118–120 chromosomes; it is classified as a low-chromosome group acipenserid fish. Studies of its genetics and karyotype show clear differences compared to the shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorhynchus), indicating that the usually recognized subfamily Scaphirhynchinae is polyphyletic.[10] Further karyological research on the Amu Darya sturgeon may help in determining polyploid evolution in acipenserid fish.


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Mugue, N. (2010). "Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2010: e.T18601A8498207. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2010-1.RLTS.T18601A8498207.en. Retrieved 17 November 2021.
  2. ^ "Appendices | CITES". cites.org. Retrieved 14 January 2022.
  3. ^ Froese, R.; Pauly, D. (2017). "Acipenseridae". FishBase version (02/2017). Retrieved 18 May 2017.
  4. ^ "Acipenseridae" (PDF). Deeplyfish – fishes of the world. Retrieved 18 May 2017.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g Birstein, V.J.; J.R. Waldman; and W.E. Bemis, editors (1997). Sturgeon biodiversity and conservation, pp. 377–378, 381–382. Kluwer Academic Publishing. ISBN 0-792-34517-7
  6. ^ Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.) (2019). "Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni" in FishBase. May 2019 version.
  7. ^ a b c d Salnikov, V.B.; V.J. Birstein; and R.L. Mayden (1996). The contemporary status of the two Amu Darya River shovelnose sturgeons, Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni and P. hermanni. The Sturgeon Quarterly 4(3): 10–14.
  8. ^ a b c Mikodina, E.; and A. Novosadova (2015). Rare Acipenserids in Russian Aquaculture. ВОПРОСЫ РЫБНОГО ХОЗЯЙСТВА БЕЛАРУСИ 31: 38–51.
  9. ^ a b c UNEP-WCMC. (2013). Review of species selected on the basis of new or increased CITES export quotas in 2013: Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni from Uzbekistan & update to the 2013 quota analysis UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge.
  10. ^ Kovalev, Konstantin; Balashov, Dmitry; Cherniak, Alexey; Lebedeva, Elena; Vasil’eva, Ekaterina; Vasil’ev, Victor (30 June 2014). "The karyotype of the Amu Darya sturgeon, Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni (Actinopterygii: Acipenseriformes: Acipenseridae)". Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria. 44 (2): 111–116. doi:10.3750/AIP2014.44.2.04.

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Amu Darya sturgeon: Brief Summary

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The Amu Darya sturgeon or false shovelnose sturgeon (Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni) is a critically endangered species of fish in the family Acipenseridae. It is found in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and perhaps Afghanistan. It inhabits quite shallow flowing waters that are turbid and muddy.

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