Parexocoetus brachypterus
provided by EOL authors
Ikan terbang adalah familia ikan lauut yang terdiri sekitar 50 spesies yang dikelompokkan dalam 7 hingga 9 genera. spesies ika terbang tersebar hampir di semua perairan, baik perairan tropis dan pada perairan sub tropis. ikan terbang termasuk dalam kategori ikan pelagis kecil (small Pelagis spesies). yang juga disebut flying fish. ikan terbang menyukai cahaya pada malam hari dan merupakan perenang cepat. Secara morfologi, ikan terbang memiliki tubuh yang bulat memanjang dan agak mampat ke bagian samping. rahang bawah dan rahang atas sama panjang tapi uniknya ketika masih muda bentuk rahang bawahnya sedikit lebih panjang. sirip yang dimiliki hampir keseluruhan dari mulai sirip dventral (perut), sirip dorsal (punggung), sirip pektoral (dada), sirip anal, dan sirip caudal (ekor). sirip dorsal dan sirip anal transparan, sirip ekor berwarna abu-abu,, sirip ventral ke abu-abuan dan belang pendek. sirip pektoral panjang digunakan untuk melayang. sirip ventral tidak mencapai sirip dorsal dengan pangkal sirip ventral lebih dekat ke posterior kepala daripada ke pangkal ekor. sirip ekornya berbentuk cagak dengan sirip bagian bawah lebih panjang. ikan terbang mengalami pemijahan dengan ovipar (bertelur). telur ikan terbang mempunyai warna kuning keemasan. mennurut Hutomo, ikan terbang memiliki sekitar 53 spesies di dunia, masing-masing 17 spesies di samudra pasifik, 11 spesies di samudra Hindia dan 40 spesies di samudra pasifik. ikan terbang mempunyai dua kelompok yaitu ikan terbang yang bersayap 2 dan ikan terbang yang bersayap empat. sedangkan ikan Parexocoetus brachypterus merupakan jenis ikan terbang yang bersayap 2 yaitu diwakili oleh spesies dari genus Exocoetus. ikan ini ketika melompat ditandai dengan naik ke permukaan tanpa mmeluncur terlebih dahulu di atas permukaan. jarak yang dapat ditempuh tidak melebihi 20 meter. proses terbang ikan Parexocoetus brachypterus dilakukan karena salah satu reaksi dan kemampuan untuk menghindar dari serangan predator . populasi ikan terbang diketahui memiliki 1 -2 tahun dan secara alami akan mengalami kematian setelah melewati pemijahan 1 - 2 kali dalam siklus hidupnya(post spawning mortalty). (Campana,1993). populasi ikan terbang dapat berkurang secara individu dalam populasi tersebut akibat tekanan penangkapan yang melebihi kemampuan regenerasi populasi iakn tersebut. faktor yang menentukan besarnya jumlah individu dalam suatu populasi mengikuti model keseimbangan stok dalam populasi tersebut dengan parameter kelahiran (natalitas) dan pertumbuhan sebagai faktor penambahan, serta kematian alami dan kematian karena penangkapan.
Parexocoetus brachypterus
provided by EOL authors
Ikan terbang adalah familia ikan lauut yang terdiri sekitar 50 spesies yang dikelompokkan dalam 7 hingga 9 genera. spesies ika terbang tersebar hampir di semua perairan, baik perairan tropis dan pada perairan sub tropis. ikan terbang termasuk dalam kategori ikan pelagis kecil (small Pelagis spesies). yang juga disebut flying fish. ikan terbang menyukai cahaya pada malam hari dan merupakan perenang cepat. Secara morfologi, ikan terbang memiliki tubuh yang bulat memanjang dan agak mampat ke bagian samping. rahang bawah dan rahang atas sama panjang tapi uniknya ketika masih muda bentuk rahang bawahnya sedikit lebih panjang. sirip yang dimiliki hampir keseluruhan dari mulai sirip dventral (perut), sirip dorsal (punggung), sirip pektoral (dada), sirip anal, dan sirip caudal (ekor). sirip dorsal dan sirip anal transparan, sirip ekor berwarna abu-abu,, sirip ventral ke abu-abuan dan belang pendek. sirip pektoral panjang digunakan untuk melayang. sirip ventral tidak mencapai sirip dorsal dengan pangkal sirip ventral lebih dekat ke posterior kepala daripada ke pangkal ekor. sirip ekornya berbentuk cagak dengan sirip bagian bawah lebih panjang. ikan terbang mengalami pemijahan dengan ovipar (bertelur). telur ikan terbang mempunyai warna kuning keemasan. mennurut Hutomo, ikan terbang memiliki sekitar 53 spesies di dunia, masing-masing 17 spesies di samudra pasifik, 11 spesies di samudra Hindia dan 40 spesies di samudra pasifik. ikan terbang mempunyai dua kelompok yaitu ikan terbang yang bersayap 2 dan ikan terbang yang bersayap empat. sedangkan ikan Parexocoetus brachypterus merupakan jenis ikan terbang yang bersayap 2 yaitu diwakili oleh spesies dari genus Exocoetus. ikan ini ketika melompat ditandai dengan naik ke permukaan tanpa mmeluncur terlebih dahulu di atas permukaan. jarak yang dapat ditempuh tidak melebihi 20 meter. proses terbang ikan Parexocoetus brachypterus dilakukan karena salah satu reaksi dan kemampuan untuk menghindar dari serangan predator . populasi ikan terbang diketahui memiliki 1 -2 tahun dan secara alami akan mengalami kematian setelah melewati pemijahan 1 - 2 kali dalam siklus hidupnya(post spawning mortalty). (Campana,1993). populasi ikan terbang dapat berkurang secara individu dalam populasi tersebut akibat tekanan penangkapan yang melebihi kemampuan regenerasi populasi iakn tersebut. faktor yang menentukan besarnya jumlah individu dalam suatu populasi mengikuti model keseimbangan stok dalam populasi tersebut dengan parameter kelahiran (natalitas) dan pertumbuhan sebagai faktor penambahan, serta kematian alami dan kematian karena penangkapan.
Diagnostic Description
provided by Fishbase
Body iridescent greenish blue dorsally, silvery white ventrally; dorsal black except for base and posterior rays which are pale; pelvic fins greyish, other fins transparent (Ref. 2797).
- Recorder
- Cristina V. Garilao
Life Cycle
provided by Fishbase
During breeding, a spawning aggregation composed at least of 3-4 individuals, probably 2-3 males to 1 female, were observed jumping and flying over the water surface, exuding ripe eggs and sperm in the process.Spawning on surface substrate (e.g. flotsam) when present is the usual reproductive mode but other modes may be employed if this substrate is not available. The fertilised eggs may remain suspended in the water surface during its development with the help of the small filaments on the egg surface and the adhesive filaments holding the egg mass together, by increasing the surface to volume ratio of the eggs, which aids in propping the eggs up in the water column. The eggs may also be suspended upon current or become benthic.
provided by Fishbase
Oceanodromous. Migrating within oceans typically between spawning and different feeding areas, as tunas do. Migrations should be cyclical and predictable and cover more than 100 km.
provided by Fishbase
Dorsal spines (total): 0; Dorsal soft rays (total): 12 - 14; Analspines: 0; Analsoft rays: 12 - 14
- Recorder
- Cristina V. Garilao
Trophic Strategy
provided by Fishbase
Occurs in coastal waters (Ref. 9300), rare in the open ocean (Ref. 9839). Inhabits coral reefs (Ref. 58534). Feeds on zooplankton (Ref. 9137).
- Recorder
- Drina Sta. Iglesia
provided by Fishbase
Occurs in coastal waters (Ref. 9300), rare in the open ocean (Ref. 9839). Capable of leaping out of the water and gliding for considerable distances above the surface. 3-4 individuals aggregate during breeding (Ref. 47825). Carnivorous (Ref. 9137). Not important as food fish, but occasionally taken by fisheries.
provided by Fishbase
fisheries: minor commercial; price category: medium; price reliability: very questionable: based on ex-vessel price for species in this family
provided by The Fish Database of Taiwan
provided by The Fish Database of Taiwan
provided by The Fish Database of Taiwan
+17-19 =
provided by The Fish Database of Taiwan
Sailfin flying fish
provided by wikipedia EN
The sailfin flying fish (Parexocoetus brachypterus) is a member of the flying fish family (Exocoetidae). As is typical of other members of its family, this species has the ability to jump out of the water and glide on hypertrophied fins in order to evade predators. It is considered a “two-winged” flying fish, meaning that it only has enlarged pectoral fins, as opposed to “four-winged” flying fish, which have both enlarged pectoral and pelvic fins. [2]
The sailfin flying fish is stocky as far as flying fish are concerned. It has comparatively small pectoral fins and a long dorsal fin relative to other flying fish. One distinguishing feature is its blunt snout. It displays countershading.[3] One average, P. brachypterus measure 110-130 mm in length. Females of the species are usually slightly longer and heavier than the males.[4]
Distribution and habitat
This species is dispersed globally in coastal and sub-coastal waters.[3] It is found in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.[3][5][6] In the Western Atlantic Ocean, it can be found off the shores of northern Florida to Brazil, as well as in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.[3]
When spawning sailfin flying fish aggregate in large numbers, with groups estimated to contain up to one million members in some cases. The individuals in such aggregations display high-energy jumping, gliding and swimming.[4] Groups contain an unequal sex ratio, with males being approximately three times more abundant than females. Small groups usually containing 3-4 fish have been observed during spawning events. Such groups are thought to consist of one female being pursued by several males; these observations are consistent with the sex rations observed in the group as a whole.[4] There are two spawning periods during the year, one from September to January, and one from March to August. Unlike other species of flying fish, it is unsure whether or not fertilized eggs need to attach themselves to flotsam. There are reports that this species’ eggs may be free-floating.[4]
Like most other flying fish, the sailfin flying fish feeds primarily on zooplankton.[5] It has also been found to eat fish scales and Sargassum, and is thought to be a generalist.[7] It plays an important ecological role as a prey species for larger predators.[5] Some organisms known to predate on the sailfin flying fish are large fish, dolphinfish in particular, large squids, and seabirds.[8][9] The sailfin flying fish is the only known host to the buccal attaching parasite Glossobius parexocoetii, an isopod in the family Cymothoidae.[10] P. brachypterus has also been seen hosting various other species of parasites.[6]
Importance to humans
P. brachypterus is generally considered bycatch by the commercial fishing industry.[11] However, like other flying fishes, they can be prepared as salted fish by salting them and leaving them to dry out in the sun.[12]
In Taiwan, the sailfin flying fish and other flying fish are eaten by locals and are also used as bait. Flying fish eggs are also exported to Japan. To the Tao people, an indigenous ethnic group in Taiwan, P. brachypterus is one of the species of flying fish that comprise the bulk of their traditional fishing stock. Important Tao festivals coincide with the arrival and departure and flying fish from local waters. Between 2006-2007, there was a 60% decrease in the numbers of flying fish taken from Taiwanese fisheries, leading to concern from the indigenous people about the long-term viability of the flying fish stock.[5]
As an important prey item of dolphinfish, the sailfin flying fish and other species of flying fish play an important ecological role in maintaining dolphinfish fisheries.[5]
Because of high populations in the eastern Caribbean, some scientists have suggested investigating the feasibility of commercial P. brachypterus fishing in the region.[13]
^ Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.) (2019). "Parexocoetus brachypterus" in FishBase. April 2019 version.
^ Davenport J. 1994. How and why do flying fish fly? Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 4(2): 184-214.
^ a b c d McEachren J, Fechhelm JD. 1998. Fishes of the Gulf of Mexico, Vol. 1: Myxiniformes to Gasterosteiformes.
^ a b c d Stevens PW, Bennett CK, and Berg JJ. 2003. Flyingfish spawning (Parexocoetus brachypterus) in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Environmental Biology of Fishes 61: 71-76.
^ a b c d e Chang S, Chang C, Ame E. 2012. “Species composition and distribution of the dominant flying fishes (Exocoetidae) associated with the Kuroshio Current, South China Sea” The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 60(2): 539-550.
^ a b Trilles J, Ravichandran S, Rameshkumar G. 2011. A checklist of the Cymothoidae (Crustacea, Isopoda) recorded from Indian fishes. Acta Parasitologica 56(4): 446-459.
^ Casazza TL. 2008. Community Structure and Diets of Fishes Associated with Pelagic Sargassum and Open-water Habitats off North Carolina. University of North Carolina
^ Fanning LP, Oxenford HA. 2011. Ecosystem issues pertaining to the flyingfish fisheries of the eastern Caribbean.
^ Harrison CS, Hida TS, Seki MP. 1983. Hawaiian Seabird Feeding Ecology. Wildlife Monographs 85: 3-71.
^ Martin MB, Bruce NL, and Nowak BF. 2015. Review of the buccal-attaching fish parasite genus Glossobius Schioedte & Meinert, 1883 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cymothoidae). Zootaxa 3979(2): 337-350.
^ Poutiers, Corinna Sommer, Wolfgang Schneider, Jean-Maurice (1996). The living marine resources of Somalia. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. ISBN 9251037426. Retrieved 8 February 2015.
^ Shukla, JP. Fish & Fisheries. Rastogi Publications. p. 358. ISBN 9788171338009. Retrieved 8 February 2015.
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- Wikipedia authors and editors
Sailfin flying fish: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia EN
The sailfin flying fish (Parexocoetus brachypterus) is a member of the flying fish family (Exocoetidae). As is typical of other members of its family, this species has the ability to jump out of the water and glide on hypertrophied fins in order to evade predators. It is considered a “two-winged” flying fish, meaning that it only has enlarged pectoral fins, as opposed to “four-winged” flying fish, which have both enlarged pectoral and pelvic fins.
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
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- Wikipedia authors and editors
provided by World Register of Marine Species
Epipelagic in coastal waters (Ref. 9300), rare in the open ocean (Ref. 9839). Capable of leaping out of the water and gliding for considerable distances above the surface. Carnivorous (Ref. 9137). Not important as food fish, but occasionally taken by fisheries.
Froese, R. & D. Pauly (Editors). (2023). FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. version (02/2023).
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- cc-by-4.0
- copyright
- WoRMS Editorial Board