Ostorhinchus is a genus of ray-finned fish in the family Apogonidae native to the Indian and Pacific Oceans.[1]
The etymology of the word Ostorhinchus is Greek, with Ostor- stemming from ὀστέον (bone), and -rhinchus stemming from ῥῠ́γχος (Ancient Greek) or ρύγχος (Modern Greek), the meaning of which can be beak. The latter refers to the genus' advanced boned jaw.[2]
The 93 recognized species in this genus are:
O. angustatus (H. M. Smith & Radcliffe, 1911), broad-striped cardinalfish
O. aphanes (T. H. Fraser, 2012)[3]
O. apogonoides (Bleeker, 1856), short-tooth cardinalfish or goldbelly cardinalfish
O. aroubiensis (Hombron & Jacquinot, 1853)
O. aterrimus (Günther, 1867)
O. atrogaster (H. M. Smith & Radcliffe, 1912), black-belly cardinalfish[3]
O. aureus (Lacépède, 1802), ring-tailed cardinalfish
O. brevispinis (T. H. Fraser & J. E. Randall, 2003)
O. bryx (T. H. Fraser, 1998), offshore cardinalfish
O. capricornis (G. R. Allen & J. E. Randall, 1993), Capricorn cardinalfish
O. cavitensis (D. S. Jordan & Seale, 1907), white-line cardinalfish
O. chalcius (T. H. Fraser & J. E. Randall, 1986)
O. cheni (Hayashi, 1990)
O. chrysopomus (Bleeker, 1854), spotted-gill cardinalfish
O. chrysotaenia (Bleeker, 1851), yellow-lined cardinalfish
O. cladophilos (G. R. Allen & J. E. Randall, 2002), shelter cardinalfish
O. compressus (H. M. Smith & Radcliffe, 1911), ochre-striped cardinalfish
O. cookii (W. J. Macleay, 1881), Cook's cardinalfish
O. cyanosoma (Bleeker, 1853), yellow-striped cardinalfish
O. cyanotaenia (Bleeker, 1853)
O. dispar (T. H. Fraser & J. E. Randall, 1976), red-spot cardinalfish
O. diversus (H. M. Smith & Radcliffe, 1912)
O. doederleini (D. S. Jordan & Snyder, 1901), Doederlein's cardinalfish
O. endekataenia (Bleeker, 1852), candy-stripe cardinalfish
O. fasciatus (G. Shaw, 1790), broad-banded cardinalfish
O. flagelliferus (J. L. B. Smith, 1961), coachwhip cardinalfish
O. flavus (G. R. Allen & J. E. Randall, 1993), brassy cardinalfish
O. fleurieu Lacépède, 1802, flower cardinalfish
O. franssedai (G. R. Allen, Kuiter & J. E. Randall, 1994), Frans' cardinalfish
O. fukuii (Hayashi, 1990)
O. griffini (Seale, 1910), hook-fin cardinalfish
O. gularis (T. H. Fraser & Lachner, 1984), gular cardinalfish
O. hartzfeldii (Bleeker, 1852), Hartzfeld's cardinalfish
O. hoevenii (Bleeker, 1854), frost-fin cardinalfish
O. holotaenia (Regan, 1905), copper-striped cardinalfish
O. ishigakiensis (H. Ida & Moyer, 1974)
O. jenkinsi (Evermann & Seale, 1907)
O. kiensis (D. S. Jordan & Snyder, 1901), rifle cardinalfish
O. komodoensis (G. R. Allen, 1998), komodo cardinalfish
O. leptofasciatus (G. R. Allen, 2001), slender-line cardinalfish
O. leslie (J. K. Schultz & J. E. Randall, 2006), Leslie's cardinalfish
O. limenus (J. E. Randall & Hoese, 1988), Sydney cardinalfish
O. lineomaculatus (G. R. Allen & J. E. Randall, 2002), line-spot cardinalfish
O. luteus (J. E. Randall & Kulbicki, 1998) (yellow cardinalfish)
O. maculiferus (A. Garrett, 1864) (spotted cardinalfish)
O. magnifica (Seale, 1910)
O. margaritophorus (Bleeker, 1855) (red-striped cardinalfish)
O. melanoproctus (T. H. Fraser & J. E. Randall, 1976), black-vent cardinalfish
O. melanopterus (Fowler & B. A. Bean, 1930)
O. microspilos (G. R. Allen & J. E. Randall, 2002), micro-spot cardinalfish
O. moluccensis (Valenciennes, 1832), Moluccan cardinalfish
O. monospilus (T. H. Fraser, J. E. Randall & G. R. Allen, 2002)
O. multilineatus (Bleeker, 1874), many-lined cardinalfish
O. mydrus (D. S. Jordan & Seale, 1905)
O. nanus (G. R. Allen, Kuiter & J. E. Randall, 1994), tiny cardinalfish
O. neotes (G. R. Allen, Kuiter & J. E. Randall, 1994), Mini cardinalfish
O. nigricans (F. Day, 1875)
O. nigripes (Playfair, 1867), black-foot cardinalfish
O. nigrocinctus (H. M. Smith & Radcliffe, 1912), black-belt cardinalfish
O. nigrofasciatus (Lachner, 1953), black-stripe cardinalfish
O. norfolcensis (J. D. Ogilby, 1888), Norfolk cardinalfish
O. notatus (Houttuyn, 1782), spot-nape cardinalfish
O. noumeae (Whitley, 1958)
O. novemfasciatus (G. Cuvier, 1828), seven-striped cardinalfish
O. ocellicaudus (G. R. Allen, Kuiter & J. E. Randall, 1994), tail-eye cardinalfish
O. oxina (T. H. Fraser, 1999)
O. oxygrammus (G. R. Allen, 2001), sharp-line cardinalfish
O. pallidofasciatus (G. R. Allen, 1987), pale-striped cardinalfish
O. pallidus (G. R. Allen & Erdmann, 2017) [4]
O. parvulus (H. M. Smith & Radcliffe, 1912)
O. pleuron (T. H. Fraser, 2005), Rib-bar cardinalfish
O. popur (Montrouzier, 1857)
O. properuptus (Whitley, 1964), southern orange-lined cardinalfish
O. pselion (J. E. Randall, T. H. Fraser & Lachner, 1990)
O. quinquestriatus (Regan, 1908)
O. radcliffei (Fowler, 1918)
O. regula (T. H. Fraser & J. E. Randall, 2003)
O. relativus (J. E. Randall, 2001)
O. rubrimacula (J. E. Randall & Kulbicki, 1998), ruby-spot cardinalfish
O. rueppellii (Günther, 1859), western gobbleguts
O. schlegeli (Bleeker, 1855), Schlegel's cardinalfish
O. sealei (Fowler, 1918), Seale's cardinalfish
O. selas (J. E. Randall & Hayashi, 1990), meteor cardinalfish
O. semilineatus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1843), half-lined cardinalfish
O. septemstriatus (Günther, 1880), seven-band cardinalfish
O. sinus (J. E. Randall, 2001)
O. spilurus (Regan, 1905)
O. taeniophorus (Regan, 1908), reef-flat cardinalfish
O. unitaeniatus (G. R. Allen, 1995)
O. urostigmus (Bleeker, 1874)
O. victoriae (Günther, 1859), western striped cardinalfish
O. wassinki (Bleeker, 1861), Kupang cardinalfish
O. wilsoni (Fowler, 1918)
^ Mabuchi, K., Fraser, T.H., Song, H., Azuma, Y. & Nishida, M. (2014): Revision of the systematics of the cardinalfishes (Percomorpha: Apogonidae) based on molecular analyses and comparative reevaluation of morphological characters. Zootaxa, 3846 (2): 151–203.
^ Mazza, Giuseppe. "Ostorhinchus compressus - Monaco Nature Encyclopedia". Monaco Nature Encyclopedia (in French).
^ a b Fraser, T.H. (2012): A new species of deeper dwelling West Pacific cardinalfish (Percomorpha: Apogonidae) with a redescription of Ostorhinchus atrogaster. Zootaxa, 3492: 77–84.
^ Allen, G.R. & Erdmann, M.V. (2017): A new species of cardinalfish (Ostorhinchus: Apogonidae) from the Solomon Islands. aqua, International Journal of Ichthyology, 23 (1): 33-39.