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Marsh Thistle

Cirsium palustre (L.) Scop.


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Foodplant / parasite
effuse colony of Botryosporium anamorph of Botryosporium pulchrum parasitises live Cirsium palustre
Other: minor host/prey

In Great Britain and/or Ireland:
Foodplant / parasite
sporangium of Bremia lactucae parasitises live Cirsium palustre
Other: unusual host/prey

Foodplant / internal feeder
larva of Chaetostomella cylindrica feeds within capitulum of Cirsium palustre

Plant / associate
larva (mature) of Cheilosia albipila is associated with root of Cirsium palustre
Remarks: season: late 6-7
Other: unusual host/prey

Foodplant / internal feeder
larva of Cheilosia fraterna feeds within side branch of Cirsium palustre

Foodplant / internal feeder
larva of Cheilosia grossa feeds within root (after stem) of multi-stemmed plant of Cirsium palustre
Remarks: season: 6-7

Foodplant / internal feeder
larva of Cheilosia proxima feeds within side branch of Cirsium palustre

Foodplant / parasite
Erysiphe mayorii parasitises Cirsium palustre

Foodplant / parasite
Golovinomyces cichoracearum parasitises live Cirsium palustre

Foodplant / open feeder
adult of Lema cyanella grazes on leaf of Cirsium palustre
Remarks: season: 1-12

Foodplant / saprobe
numerous, scattered to gregarious, almost superficial, brown-black pycnidium of Rhabdospora coelomycetous anamorph of Ophiobolus cirsii is saprobic on dead stem of Cirsium palustre
Remarks: season: 2-5

Foodplant / miner
larva of Phytomyza albiceps mines leaf of Cirsium palustre
Other: minor host/prey

Plant / resting place / within
puparium of Phytomyza autumnalis may be found in leaf-mine of Cirsium palustre

Plant / resting place / on
puparium of Phytomyza cirsii may be found on leaf of Cirsium palustre
Other: major host/prey

Foodplant / saprobe
subsessile apothecium of Psilachnum rubrotinctum is saprobic on dead stem of Cirsium palustre
Remarks: season: 6

Foodplant / parasite
mostly hypophyllous telium of Puccinia calcitrapae parasitises live leaf of Cirsium palustre
Other: minor host/prey

Foodplant / parasite
amphigenous telium of Puccinia cnici-oleracei parasitises live leaf of Cirsium palustre
Remarks: season: 7-11
Other: major host/prey

Foodplant / parasite
pycnium of Puccinia dioicae var. dioicae parasitises live Cirsium palustre

Foodplant / saprobe
erumpent apothecium of Pyrenopeziza adenostylidis is saprobic on dead stem of Cirsium palustre
Remarks: season: 5-11

Foodplant / saprobe
erumpent apothecium of Pyrenopeziza carduorum is saprobic on dead stem of Cirsium palustre
Remarks: season: 5-8

Foodplant / spot causer
amphigenous colony of Ramularia hyphomycetous anamorph of Ramularia cynarae causes spots on live leaf of Cirsium palustre

Foodplant / sap sucker
Rhopalus maculatus sucks sap of Cirsium palustre
Other: minor host/prey

Foodplant / internal feeder
larva of Tephritis conura feeds within capitulum of Cirsium palustre

Foodplant / feeds on
larva of Terellia ruficauda feeds on Cirsium palustre

Foodplant / internal feeder
larva of Terellia winthemi feeds within capitulum of Cirsium palustre

Foodplant / sap sucker
nymph of Tingis cardui sucks sap of involucre of Cirsium palustre
Remarks: season: 7-10

Foodplant / saprobe
sessile apothecium of Unguicularia incarnatina is saprobic on dead stem of Cirsium palustre
Remarks: season: 4-11

Foodplant / feeds on
larva of Urophora stylata feeds on Cirsium palustre

Foodplant / internal feeder
larva of Xyphosia miliaria feeds within capitulum of Cirsium palustre



provided by eFloras
Cirsium palustre is a noxious weed, native to Europe, that invasively spreads through wetland communities, forming impenetrable spiny stands as it displaces native species. The range of this pernicious weed in North America is rapidly expanding. It has the potential to spread into boreal forest areas across the continent; in Europe it grows nearly to the Arctic Circle. The rapid spread of C. palustre in Michigan (E. G. Voss 1972–1996, vol. 3) is indicative of its invasiveness. Spontaneous hybrids between C. palustre and C. arvense have been reported from England and other European countries (W. A. Sledge 1975) and can be expected wherever these species grow together in North America.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 19: 96, 97, 102, 110 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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provided by eFloras
Biennials or monocarpic perennials, 30–200(–300) cm; clusters of fibrous roots. Stems single, erect, villous to tomentose with jointed trichomes, distally tomentose with fine, unbranched trichomes; branches 0–few, ascending, (short). Leaves: blades narrowly elliptic to oblanceolate, 15–30+ × 3–10 cm, margins shallowly to very deeply pinnatifid, narrow lobes separated by broad sinuses, spiny-dentate to lobed, main spines 2–6 mm, abaxial villous to tomentose with jointed trichomes, sometimes also thinly tomentose with fine unbranched trichomes, adaxial faces villous with septate trichomes or glabrate; basal often present at flowering, petioles spiny-winged, bases tapered; cauline many, sessile, gradually reduced and becoming widely spaced above, bases long-decurrent with prominently spiny wings; distal cauline deeply pinnatifid with few-toothed spine-tipped lobes. Heads few–many in dense clusters at branch tips. Peduncles 0–1 cm. Involucres ovoid to campanulate, 1–1.5 × 0.8–1.3 cm, thinly cobwebby tomentose with fine unbranched trichomes. Phyllaries in 5–7 series, strongly imbricate. greenish, or with purplish tinge, lanceolate to ovate (outer) or linear-lanceolate (inner), margins thinly arachnoid-ciliate, abaxial faces with narrow glutinous ridge, outer and middle appressed, entire, apices acute, mucronate or spines erect or spreading, weak, 0.3–1 mm; apices of inner phyllaries purplish, linear-attenuate, scarious, flat. Corollas lavender to purple (white), 11–13 mm, tubes 5–7 mm, throats 2–3 mm, lobes 3–4.5 mm; style tips 1.5–2 mm. Cypselae tan to stramineous, 2.5–3.5 mm, apical collars 0.1–0.2 mm, shiny; pappi 9–11 mm. 2n = 34.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 19: 96, 97, 102, 110 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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provided by eFloras
Carduus palustris Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 822. 1753
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 19: 96, 97, 102, 110 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Comprehensive Description

provided by EOL authors
''Cirsium Palustre'' is an extremely spiny thistle that can attain a height of up to two metres. Erect ribbed stems are robust and sturdy, with moderately dense concentrations of spines. The narrow spiky leaves are conspicuously lobed, especially the uppermost; moreover, leaves are near glabrous above, whilst long hairy beneath. Lowest leaves are narrow and elliptical, but the uppermost leaves are lanceolate. Basal rosettes in a colony are so high that they may crowd out competing flora. The species is sexually dimorphic. Marsh Thistle is considered biennial; however, flowering in some habitats does not commence until the plant is five to seven years of age, having strengthened its vegetative stem structure. The discoid flowerheads are one to two centimetres in diameter. Typically a cluster of heads terminate upper stems, with egg-shaped or cylindric involucres being slightly longer than one centimetre. Flower colour exhibits polymorphism, with purple being the most common manifestation; however, white flowering specimens are not uncommon particularly with increasing elevation such as in the Swiss Alps. Outer bracts are frequently sticky and exhibit a pointed spine. Buff coloured achenes are adorned with a luminous apical collar. Each plant may produce up to 2000 seeds, and seeds may result from self or cross-pollination
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EOL authors


provided by EOL authors
''Cirsium palustre'' occurs from Lake Baikal in Siberia west to the Baltics and Scandinavia and south through Eastern Europe and as far southwest as the Iberian Peninsula. Disjunctively the species is found in parts of northern Algeria. Specific countries of distribution include Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark (including the Faroe Islands), United Kingdom, Ireland, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Albania, Switzerland, Italy, France, Spain and Portugal.
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Common Names

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the term: swamp

marsh thistle

European swamp thistle
bibliographic citation
Gucker, Corey L. 2009. Cirsium palustre. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/cirpal/all.html

Conservation Status

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
Information on state-level noxious weed status of plants in the United States is available at Plants Database.
bibliographic citation
Gucker, Corey L. 2009. Cirsium palustre. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/cirpal/all.html


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: forb, marsh, monocarpic, pappus, perfect, swamp

This description covers characteristics that may be relevant to fire ecology and is not meant for identification. Keys for identification are available (e.g., [17,19,36,54]).

At maturity, marsh thistle is generally an erect forb with a single branching stem. Plants may reach 6 feet (2 m) when flowering [17]. Stems are spiny and winged because a portion of the leaf blade is attached to the stem. Most plant parts are covered with long sticky hairs [37,54].

Photo © J.C. Schou; Biopix.dk

Marsh thistle is best described as a monocarpic perennial. Plants often reproduce within 2 years but may take longer [19,36,56]. Rosette leaves are long, spiny, and deeply lobed [17,83]. In Jutland, Denmark, many marsh thistle plants remained vegetative for 2 or more years. All plants died after flowering, unless they were damaged during the flowering stage, in which case they regrew the next year [4]. Another researcher reported that marsh thistle generally flowered at 4 years old in its native range (Linkola 1935 cited in [6]). In 2 seashore meadows in Tullgarn, Sweden, most (68-86%) marsh thistles flowered 3 years after germination, while the rest flowered later. In this area, the researcher noted a small number of marsh thistle plants flowering twice [48]. Damage to these plants was not reported, but grazing and trampling were common in the area. (See Vegetative regeneration for another report of marsh thistle flowering in successive years.)

  On flowering stems, alternate leaves are 6 to 12 inches (15-30 cm) long near the base but shorter near the top. Leaf spacing is generally much wider near the top than at the base of the plant [17,83]. Spines up to 6 mm long occur along leaf margin lobes [17].

Marsh thistle flower heads also appear spiny [83]. Perfect disk florets occur in heads that develop on short branches at the end of the stem [19,36, 36,79]. Few to many flower heads may be produced [17]. Heads typically measure 0.4 to 0.6 inch (1-1.5 cm) across [79].

Marsh thistle produces achenes that measure between 2.5 and 3.5 mm and are attached to a feathery pappus of fine cottony hairs [17,19,37, 83]. The pappus is typically less than 0.4 inch (1 cm) long [37], and achenes average 2 mg (Grime and others 1988 cited in [28]).

Marsh thistle produces a taproot with clusters of fibrous roots [17, 36]. It lacks rhizomes [54]. In Jutland, Denmark, root development of vegetative marsh thistles was described in detail. Increased root growth coincided with increased leaf growth and increased flowering probability. Twenty-three percent of plants in the 3rd vegetative life stage (described in the table below) flowered the next year, while 79% or more plants in 4th vegetative life stage flowered the next year. All plants died after flowering [4].

Photos ©Steve Garske, Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission
Below- and aboveground growth of marsh thistle in Denmark [4] Stage of vegetative development 2nd vegetative life stage 3rd vegetative life stage 4th vegetative life stage Number of rosette leaves 3-4 3-5 8-18 Leaf width (mm) 19-45 35-73 85-123 Leaf length (mm) 150-360 180-400 300-600 Diameter of taproot (mm) 3.1-5.0 5.5-8.0 11.0-22.0 Length of taproot (mm) 30-50 20-50 30-40 Number of lateral roots 9-18 15-30 30

Similar native species: In the Great Lakes, New England, and eastern Canada, marsh thistle occupies habitat similar to that of the native swamp thistle (Cirsium muticum). Swamp thistle lacks stem spines and produces less spiny-looking flower heads than marsh thistle [83].

bibliographic citation
Gucker, Corey L. 2009. Cirsium palustre. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/cirpal/all.html


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: forest, marsh, natural, nonnative species

Marsh thistle occurs as a nonnative species in Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire in the United States and north to Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario, and British Columbia in Canada [37,56,69]. It is native to Europe [17] and was first reported in North America in the early 1900s [79]. In the Great Lakes area, marsh thistle populations are considered "vastly under reported", although marsh thistle was reported in 10 northeastern counties in Wisconsin as of 2007 and is considered well established in Michigan. Populations in Canadian provinces and northeastern US states are scattered [56]. Plants Database provides a distributional map of marsh thistle.

Marsh thistle was reported in New England by 1902 and in the Great Lakes area by 1934 (review by [56]). In New Hampshire, marsh thistle was first reported from East Andover in 1902. Plants occurred over a nearly 20-acre (8 ha) area in a "moist forest tangle" that was more than a mile (1.6 km) from the nearest town or cultivated area. Method of introduction was unknown. Marsh thistle was reported in South Boston in 1908 and in Newfoundland in 1910 [37]. In 1944, marsh thistle was reported in several communities near Halifax, Nova Scotia [54]. In Michigan, marsh thistle was first collected from Marquette County in 1934 [79]. It was first recorded in Wisconsin in 1961 [56]. In British Columbia, marsh thistle was first reported in 1954 [41]. Marsh thistle was reported during a 1964 survey of a ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forest in northwestern Nebraska [40]. However, no other sources reported marsh thistle in Nebraska as of 2009, suggesting that this population was transient or incorrectly identified.

Local distribution changes: The range of marsh thistle in North America is "rapidly expanding". Marsh thistle populations in Europe occur almost as far north as the Arctic Circle, suggesting marsh thistle could grow and spread throughout the boreal forest regions of North America [17]. In Wisconsin and Michigan, the area occupied by and the abundance of marsh thistle have increased since its introduction and continue to increase [56]. Marsh thistle was first recorded in Michigan in 1934 and by 1956 was considered locally frequent and common in Michigan's Upper Peninsula and on islands in the Straits of Mackinac [78,79]. By 1959, marsh thistle spread to the Lower Peninsula, and it continues to spread south. "Dense, ungainly colonies" occupy miles of ditch banks in Michigan, and populations have spread into adjacent natural areas [79]. Although marsh thistle has occurred in British Columbia since the 1950s, its spread has been more recent. A "diminutive patch" of marsh thistle west of McBride, British Columbia, was reported in 1991, but marsh thistle had spread at least 130 miles (210 km) by early 2000. Spread occurred primarily along roadways and through river valleys [41]. For more on the potential impacts of marsh thistle persistence and spread, see Impacts and Control.

bibliographic citation
Gucker, Corey L. 2009. Cirsium palustre. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/cirpal/all.html

Fuels and Fire Regimes

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: fire regime, fuel, marsh, organic soils, severity

Fuels: Marsh thistle fuel characteristics and influences on native fuel beds were not described in the available literature (2009).

FIRE REGIMES: Marsh thistle is most common in moist to wet habitats (see Site Characteristics), where fires may be rare and/or burn with low severity. However, on sites with deep organic soils, fires may be infrequent but severe. Altered FIRE REGIMES in areas invaded by marsh thistle habitats were not reported. Fire studies in sites invaded by marsh thistle are needed.

See the Fire Regime Table for further information on FIRE REGIMES of vegetation communities in which marsh thistle may occur. Find further fire regime information for the plant communities in which this species may occur by entering the species name in the FEIS home page under "Find FIRE REGIMES".

bibliographic citation
Gucker, Corey L. 2009. Cirsium palustre. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/cirpal/all.html


provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: bog, litter, marsh, seed, stratification

Marsh thistle seeds generally germinate best in warm temperatures and full light after cold stratification. However, some germination occurs without stratification, in cool temperatures, and in the dark. Pollination method and parent plant litter can also affect germination.

During field studies in Tullgarn, Sweden, germination percentages for marsh thistle were very low; 0.2% to 0.4% germination in one meadow population and 9% to 17% germination in another meadow population [48].

Temperature, light, and moisture effects: Cold stratification and high light and moisture levels may produce the highest germination percentages for marsh thistle seeds, but seeds may also germinate without cold stratification and in the dark. Warm temperatures (≥54 °F (12° C)) are typically best for germination regardless of prior chilling and light conditions [24,45,75].

Increasingly cold temperatures significantly (P<0.001) increased the germination of marsh thistle seeds collected from a wet meadow in the Czech Republic. Germination was highest but was still less than 40% after 30 days at 6.8 °F (-14° C). At 68 °F (20° C), germination was less than 20% [32]. Marsh thistle seeds collected from plants in the Netherlands, however, "gave no problems in germination", although other species required winter temperatures before germinating [43]. Marsh thistle seeds collected in August from a sphagnum bog in England's Sheffield area also germinated well (91%) without cold stratification. After 3, 6, and 12 months of storage at 41 °F (5° C), germination was 50%, 88%, and 79%, respectively. In full light, germination was 90%; in the shade (2.4% of full light), germination was 86%. In the dark, germination was 36% [24]. In other laboratory studies, germination of freshly collected marsh thistle seed ranged from 32% to 72% in the light and 0.8% to 20.7% in the dark. Storage at 39 °F (4 °C) reduced germination in the light and dark [75].

Laboratory findings suggested that marsh thistle seeds could germinate beneath ash canopies, but seedlings were rare in the understory. At low red/far red (R/FR) light levels that were slightly lower than those penetrating ash thickets in the Netherlands, freshly harvested or dry-stored marsh thistle seed germination was lower than at high R/FR light levels. Cold stratification increased germination at low R/FR light levels and at low temperatures. Germination failed even with stratification at a R/FR level of less than 0.2 [45].

Marsh thistle seeds failed to germinate at water stress levels of 0.25 MPa in the laboratory. Germination ranged from 69% to 57% up to water stress levels of 0.1 MPa but was reduced to 3.8% at 0.2 MPa [75].

Timing and parent plant effects: Researchers found that in a spring area in central Jutland, Denmark, marsh thistle seedlings from fall-germinating seeds were generally larger than those from spring-germinating seeds [4]. Seedlings were rare beneath flowering marsh thistles or in the immediate vicinity of marsh thistle rosettes. In the laboratory, germination of marsh thistle seeds was significantly (P<0.05) lower when treated with extracts of marsh thistle leaf material than when untreated [3]. Seedling growth may also be reduced in soil with marsh thistle leaf litter (see Seedling establishment, growth, and survival).

Pollination method effects: In the Netherlands, marsh thistle seeds from plants protected from insects germinated at a greater percentage and rate than seeds from cross-pollinated plants. After 4 days, germination of seeds from cross-pollinated plants (1.6%) was significantly (P<0.01) less than that of seeds from protected plants (19.7%). After 14 days, germination differences were still significant (P<0.05); 77.4% of seeds from cross-pollinated plants and 87.7% of seeds from protected plants germinated [73]. Seedling emergence and survival may also be reduced in cross-pollinated plants (see Seedling establishment, growth, and survival).

bibliographic citation
Gucker, Corey L. 2009. Cirsium palustre. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/cirpal/all.html

Growth Form (according to Raunkiær Life-form classification)

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More info on this topic.

More info for the term: hemicryptophyte

Raunkiaer [49] life form:
bibliographic citation
Gucker, Corey L. 2009. Cirsium palustre. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/cirpal/all.html

Habitat characteristics

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: forest, grassland, marsh, peat, seed, woodland

Throughout its range, marsh thistle is common in disturbed habitats including roadsides, fields, yards, gardens, and early-seral forests or clearings [36,37,83]. In New England, marsh thistle is considered possible in any moist disturbed area [37]. Marsh thistle also occurs in less disturbed habitats including thickets, damp woods, forest edges, and wetlands [36,37,83].

Climate: In North America, marsh thistle is most common in moist areas with long cold winters [56]. During a survey of major roadways in South Island, New Zealand, marsh thistle was generally restricted to cool, wet areas in a zone where the annual water deficit was less than 2 inches (50 mm) [81].

Climates are described from several European marsh thistle habitats, which may allow for a better prediction of its spread potential in North America. In Europe, marsh thistle populations occur almost as far north as the Arctic Circle, suggesting populations in North America could potentially spread through the boreal forest zone [17]. In southeastern Scotland, marsh thistle is common in grasslands where the average February and July temperatures are 34.2° F (1.2° C) and 57° F (13.9 °C), respectively, and annual precipitation averages 35.2 inches (894 mm) [31]. In south Wales, the climate is mild and oceanic. Temperatures average 39° F (4° C) in February and 59° F (15° C) in July [26]. In the central and northeastern Netherlands, marsh thistle is common in sedge fens where annual precipitation averages 30.1 to 31.7 inches (765-806 mm) [7]. In wet meadow marsh thistle habitats in Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, annual precipitation averages 24.4 inches (620 mm), and minimum and maximum temperature averages for July are 52.9° F (11.6° C) and 75.4° F (24.1° C) and for January are 20.8° F (-6.2° C) and 33.1° F (0.6° C) [32].

Elevation: Marsh thistle occurs at elevations from 30 to 2,600 feet (10-800 m) in North America [17].

Soils: In marsh thistle habitats in North America, soils were rarely described in detail. In Canada, marsh thistle grew in organic wetland soils and in coarse gravelly soils along roadsides. Large populations and high densities were often associated with high water tables [41]. Marsh thistle is common in moist, acidic soils in New England [37] and Wisconsin [83].

In Europe, studies of soils in marsh thistle habitats suggest a wider tolerance of soil textures and pH levels than those evident from the few North American studies and sources available as of 2009. In southeastern Scotland, marsh thistle was most common on poorly to very poorly drained, acidic (pH 5-5.5), clay soils [31]. In southwestern England, marsh thistle seedlings emerged from basic soil samples collected from a 45-year-old oak woodland but not from acidic soils collected from the same woodland [80]. However, this study does not necessarily imply an establishment preference for basic soils and could simply be a result of uneven seed dispersal. In an old field in the Geescroft Wilderness area of England, marsh thistle occurred in damp, cool, acidic heavy loams but not in a field described as wet and alkaline [8]. This finding could also be the result of dispersal and not preference. In the western part of the Utrecht Province in the Netherlands, marsh thistle was significantly (P<0.01) more frequent on ditch banks adjacent to fields fertilized with low levels of nitrogen (0-250 kg N/ha/year) than on fields fertilized with high levels of nitrogen (250-500 kg N/ha/year) [77]. Marsh thistle emerged from all organic peat soil samples taken from a "recently" clearcut birch woodland in Germany. Soils were fed with calcium-rich groundwater [5].

Moist conditions are typical in marsh thistle's native habitats, but plants may not tolerate long-term flooding or saturation. In the coastal dune areas of the Netherlands, marsh thistle is common in oneseed hawthorn-European white birch woodlands where ground water occurs at or near the soil surface [70]. In a spring area of Jutland, Denmark, marsh thistle plants did not grow in the wettest areas or on "regularly flushed" springs [4]. Marsh thistle's drought tolerance is likely low. After a 3-month drought, leaves from marsh thistle plants growing in a species-rich, calcareous grassland in Derbyshire, England, had low relative water content. Of leaves of the 31 plant species evaluated, marsh thistle leaves were ranked 6th lowest in relative water content. Monthly precipitation during the drought averaged 43%, 84%, and 26% of long-term monthly averages [11].

bibliographic citation
Gucker, Corey L. 2009. Cirsium palustre. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/cirpal/all.html

Importance to Livestock and Wildlife

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More info for the terms: avoidance, marsh

Wildlife and livestock use or avoidance of marsh thistle was not discussed in the available literature (2009). Marsh thistle spines are likely a defense against many herbivores, but cattle grazed marsh thistle in sea shore meadows in Tullgarn, Sweden [48]. In the Netherlands [2] and England [26], marsh thistle was more abundant on sites grazed by domestic sheep than ungrazed sites.
bibliographic citation
Gucker, Corey L. 2009. Cirsium palustre. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/cirpal/all.html

Key Plant Community Associations

provided by Fire Effects Information System Plants
More info for the terms: bog, fen, forest, herbaceous, marsh, shrub, swamp

European habitats and plant communities:
In Europe, marsh thistle occurs in fens, sedge (Carex spp.)
meadows, and moist grasslands and woodlands. In Suffolk, England, the bluntflower rush (Juncus subnodulosus)-marsh thistle fen occurred where shrub vegetation was cleared [18]. Marsh thistle also occurs in the understory of mires
at Holmsley Bog in Hampshire, England. Overstory species, which may reach 12 feet (3.7 m) tall, often include English oak (Quercus robur) and/or English yew (Taxus baccata) [20]. In the British Plant Communities books, marsh thistle is reported in:

  • willow (Salix spp.), downy birch (Betula pubescens), European alder (Alnus glutinosa),
    and/or European ash (Fraxinus excelsior) woodlands

  • shrubby blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) communities [51]

  • mires, pastures, and fen meadows [52]

  • creeping willow-calliergon moss (S. repens-Calliergon cuspidatum) dune-slack communities (in the
    swales between sand dunes)

  • willowherb (Epilobium spp.) communities [53]

In southeastern Scotland, marsh thistle is common in colonial bentgrass (Agrostis tenuis) grasslands on poorly drained sites [31]. On coastal dunes in the Netherlands, marsh thistle is common in oneseed hawthorn-European white birch (Crataegus monogyna-Betula pendula) woodlands with ground water at or near the soil surface [70]. Marsh thistle is also described in surface water-fed sedge fens [7], bare sandy sites, and open sites with chee reedgrass (Calamagrostis epigejos) and seaberry (Hippophae rhamnoides) [73].

North American habitats and plant communities:
In North America, marsh thistle occurs in wetlands, moist meadows, and forest openings [17,41]. In Wisconsin, it occurs in sphagnum
(Sphagnum spp.) bogs, wet roadside communities, sedge marshes, and black spruce (Picea mariana) swamp openings [56]. In Michigan, marsh thistle populations along ditch banks have spread into adjacent northern whitecedar (Thuja occidentalis) swamps and shaded fens [79]. In New England, marsh thistle is reported from coastal beach and dune communities, coastal grasslands, early-seral forests, forest edges, floodplain forests, herbaceous wetlands, and other disturbed areas [37]. Additional information on common marsh thistle habitats is reported in Site Characteristics.
bibliographic citation
Gucker, Corey L. 2009. Cirsium palustre. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/cirpal/all.html

Life Form

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bibliographic citation
Gucker, Corey L. 2009. Cirsium palustre. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/cirpal/all.html


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Marsh thistle flowers are generally present from June to August in North America [17,19,36]. In seashore meadow habitats in Tullgarn, Sweden, marsh thistle flowered in the summer (flowering dates were not reported). Flowering dates for early- and late-flowering plants were not reported [48]. In Wisconsin, seeds are produced by late summer [83]. In central Jutland, Denmark, seed germination occurred in spring and fall [4]. Seedlings emerged from April through October in Poland's Bialowieza Primeval Forest, although most emergence occurred in June or July [15].
bibliographic citation
Gucker, Corey L. 2009. Cirsium palustre. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/cirpal/all.html

Plant development and survival

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More info for the terms: cohort, cover, density, forest, grassland, marsh, seed, succession

Marsh thistle rosette diameter and probability of flowering are positively correlated. Rosette diameter and probability of flowering generally decrease as densities or canopy cover of associated vegetation increase.

In a greenhouse study, marsh thistle flowering was positively correlated with rosette size (r =0.40, P<0.05), and rosette size was negatively correlated with marsh thistle plant density (r =-0.38, P<0.05). The percentage of flowering plants was greatest when plant density was lowest and rosette diameter was greatest. Marsh thistle plants at the lowest density produced significantly (P<0.05) more fruits than those at moderate and high densities [15].

Growth and reproductive fate of marsh thistle plants grown in different densities in the greenhouse [15] Density (plants/0.25 m²) 1 2 4 Average rosette diameter (cm) 34.8* 25.6* 20.6 Percentage of individuals flowering in 2nd year 90 60 25 Height of flowering shoot (cm) 139.7* 116.9* 102.2 *Values within the row are significantly different (P<0.05).

In field studies in the Reski Range of Poland's Bialowieza Primeval Forest, marsh thistle population dynamics were studied within a single cohort and for many cohorts within different vegetation types. In a grassland area, a spring-emerging marsh thistle cohort was studied for 5 years. No plants flowered in their 1st year, and only 30% flowered in their 2nd year. The highest percentage of plants flowered in their 4th year [15].

Fate of a marsh thistle seedling cohort monitored over 5 years in a grassland in Poland [15] Plant age (years) Survival (%) Flowering (%) Rosette diameter (cm)
of nonflowering Rosette diameter (cm)
of flowering 1 --- 0 14.9 --- 2 63 30 22.4 29.6 3 70 50 24.6 32.1 4 30 90 18.5 31.8

As succession proceeded to grass-, forb-, patchy sedge-, and willow-dominated vegetation (5, 10, and 15 years after mowing) in the Bialowieza Primeval Forest, Falinska [15] conducted many studies and made several observations on marsh thistle populations, concluding that:

  • Marsh thistle seedlings emerged from April through October, although most emerged in June or July
  • Typically, marsh thistle was the only species to colonize gaps left after the death of reproductive marsh thistle plants
  • Fewer than 10% of rosettes <8 inches (20 cm) in diameter flowered
  • About 75% of rosettes 8 to 16 inches (20-40 cm) in diameter flowered
  • 90% to 100% of rosettes >16 inches (40 cm) in diameter flowered
  • Regardless of plant age, rosettes of flowering individuals were larger than those of nonflowering individuals
  • Rosette size was generally smallest in willow patches
  • Only in willow patches were marsh thistle populations eliminated
  • In recently mowed grassland plots, marsh thistle generally flowered at 2 or 3 years old
  • In later-seral plots, marsh thistle generally flowered at 3 to 6 years old
  • Seed production was greatest in the earliest seral stage (grass-dominated vegetation), although only 5% to 10% of seeds developed into seedlings
  • In May and June, there were 107, 125, and 40 marsh thistle seedlings/m² in grass-, forb-, and willow dominated plots, respectively
  • Within a year of mowing in any vegetation type, the number of marsh thistle seedlings increased and
  • After mowing, marsh thistle population size increased for up to 5 years
  • Mowing in forb-dominated and sedge-dominated vegetation led to a doubling of marsh thistle's rosette size [15]

bibliographic citation
Gucker, Corey L. 2009. Cirsium palustre. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/cirpal/all.html

Pollination and breeding system

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More info for the terms: grassland, marsh, seed, woodland

Marsh thistle flowers are self-compatible, but most are cross-pollinated by insects. In meadows in Tullgarn, Sweden, marsh thistle flowers were primarily pollinated by bumblebees [48]. In mountain and sea cliff habitats in England, bees were the dominant daytime pollinators [39].

Seeds from self-pollinated plants may have lower viability than seeds from cross-pollinated plants. Self-pollinated marsh thistle plants from mountain habitats in Monmouthshire and sea cliff habitats in Gower, England, produced significantly less viable seed than cross-pollinated plants [39]. Field experiments in 3 marsh thistle populations north of The Hague in the Netherlands revealed no significant differences in the germination of seed from cross-pollinated plants and plants protected from insects. Marsh thistle populations occurred in a dense birch (Betula spp.) woodland, a grassland, and a bare sandy site. Seeds produced by cross-pollinated plants weighed significantly (P<0.01) less than those produced by protected plants. Although some dispersal had occurred by the time production was evaluated, seed production of cross-pollinated plants exceeded that of protected plants by as much as 58.9%. Production differences were not significant [73]. Germination, seedling establishment, and plant survival based on pollination method are discussed more in the sections below.

bibliographic citation
Gucker, Corey L. 2009. Cirsium palustre. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/cirpal/all.html

Regeneration Processes

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Marsh thistle reproduces by seed. Although plants damaged in the flowering stage may regenerate and flower the following year, undamaged plants die after flowering. Sprouting is restricted to overwintering rosettes or cut or damaged plants (see Vegetative regeneration).
bibliographic citation
Gucker, Corey L. 2009. Cirsium palustre. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/cirpal/all.html

Seed banking

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More info for the terms: density, forbs, forest, fresh, marsh, seed, succession, woodland

Although many have studied marsh thistle seed bank dynamics and attempted to determine the longevity and persistence of seed in the soil, findings and conclusions from these studies disagree. Some suggest a short-lived seed bank [50], while others suggest a persistent seed bank [46,63]. Methodology and scope of marsh thistle seed bank studies differ, making them difficult to compare and evaluate. It is possible that a portion of marsh thistle seed germinates immediately following dispersal [50], but a smaller portion fails to germinate, becomes dormant, and develops germination requirements different from those of fresh seed [46]. Of seeds collected from plants near The Hague, 40% germinated after 1 year of burial [76].

Experiments conducted in Wellesbourne, England, suggested that seeds did not persist more than 3 years in the soil. Marsh thistle seeds were mixed with soil and put in a container that was sunk into the ground in September. Soil was mixed 3 times/year and emergence monitored. Most seeds germinated within a year and most germinated in the spring, although some fall germination occurred. Not all sown seeds were recovered, and the researcher suspected that seeds covered by 3 inches (7.5 cm) of soil germinated but failed to emerge [50].

Emergence of marsh thistle seeds over time in England [50] Time in the ground 4 months 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years Percentage of seeds emerging 8.8% 33.3% 0.2% 0.1% 0 0

Increasing depth of burial increased the survival of buried marsh thistle seed in the Netherlands. In a field experiment, 4% of marsh thistle seeds survived 27 months of burial at 2- to 5-inch (5-10 cm) depths, and 40% of seeds survived the same amount of time at 6- to 8-inch (15-20 cm) depths [75].

Soil samples collected from 95- to 150-year-old European beech (Fagus sylvatica) woodlands in southern Sweden rarely contained marsh thistle seed. Soil samples were collected in April at least 330 feet (100 m) inside the woodland edge. Surveys revealed no marsh thistle seedlings in the woodland. Fourteen marsh thistle seedlings/m² emerged from the top 2 inches (5 cm) of mineral soil collected from 1 of the 7 sampled sites. Researchers noted that after clearcutting, marsh thistle was common in the area. Because marsh thistle did not emerge from all soil samples, researchers supposed that emergence on cleared sites resulted from recent long-distance seed dispersal and not a persistent seed bank [60].

Based on several field and greenhouse observations and experiments, Pons [46] concluded that marsh thistle seed does persist in the soil seed bank. In the Netherlands, marsh thistle is common following cutting in ash (Fraxinus spp.) stands. Marsh thistle seedling emergence was compared in soil samples taken from sites cut 7 years earlier. Soil was collected from an undisturbed site and a site where soil had been artificially disturbed. Just 19 marsh thistle seedlings/m² emerged from undisturbed soils, and 497 marsh thistle seedlings/m² emerged from disturbed soils, suggesting that emergence was not limited to wind-dispersed seed on the soil surface but also came from soil-stored seed that was encouraged to germinate by the soil disturbance. In multiple follow-up experiments, Pons concluded that dormancy in marsh thistle seeds was triggered by high temperatures and reduced light levels. Exposure to light was the principal stimulus for germination of soil-stored seed, and brief light exposure during winter harvesting could allow for emergence several months later [46].

In a meadow in Poland's Bialowieza Primeval Forest, the density of marsh thistle in the soil and in aboveground vegetation generally decreased as succession progressed. The meadow was managed with regular mowing that was discontinued when the study began. Marsh thistle plants and seeds occurred in all stages of succession, 0 to 20 years since the last mowing, but density generally decreased as time since last mowing increased [16]. Marsh thistle survival, growth, and development were also studied as succession progressed in this meadow (see Plant development and survival).

Density of marsh thistle seed in the soil from a meadow as time since last mowing increased [16] Time since last mowing (years) 0 5 10 15 20 Dominant vegetation Grasses Grasses, increased proportion of tall forbs Forbs Sedges, some willow clumps Willow clumps, still some tall herbs and sedges Marsh thistle seed bank density (seed/m²)* 320 393 217 144 50 *Determined by separating seeds from soil; 40 samples (10×10×3 cm) were collected at each 5-year interval.

bibliographic citation
Gucker, Corey L. 2009. Cirsium palustre. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/cirpal/all.html

Seed dispersal

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More info for the terms: achene, forest, grassland, marsh, pappus, seed

Wind is likely the most common dispersal mechanism for marsh thistle seeds, but seeds may also be dispersed by gravity, in water runoff, or by animals and equipment [41,42]. Marsh thistle seeds are attached to a "thistle-down" pappus that aids in wind dispersal [83]. A review reports that while most marsh thistle seeds fall within 33 feet (10 m) of the parent plant, high winds may carry seeds several kilometers [41]. Wind dispersal distances may be reduced by increased densities and heights of neighboring plants [57], decreased heights of marsh thistle plants [74], and increased seed weights [73].

From laboratory experiments and achene and pappus measurements, researchers calculated that marsh thistle seeds could be dispersed a maximum of 22 feet (6.8 m) in 10 mile (16.4 km)/hour winds. Seeds released from a 36-inch (90 cm) height traveled a maximum of 7.5 feet (2.3 m) and 15 feet (4.5 m) in wind speeds of 3.4 miles (5.5 km)/hour and 6.8 miles (10.9 km)/hour, respectively. Researchers noted that dispersal distances would likely be less in dense stands, where wind speeds are reduced and obstructions are increased [57]. Based on these calculations, researchers suggested seed dispersal distances could be reduced 35% to 50% when marsh thistle plant heights were reduced 16% by larval insects feeding on plant stems [74]. Dispersal distance changes as a result of the greater seed weights of self-pollinated plants were not calculated, but researchers suggested that heavier seeds fell closer to the parent plants [73].

During seed trapping studies conducted in peat-harvested areas in Finland, marsh thistle seeds may have dispersed distances of 160 feet (50 m) or more. In one area, 1 marsh thistle seed/m² was recovered from seed traps located 820 feet (250 m) from the forest edge. There were no mature marsh thistle plants reported in the trapping area. Seed traps 160 feet (50 m) from the forest edge collected 16 marsh thistle seeds/m² [55]. This study, however, was not designed to directly estimate seed dispersal distances. In another seed-trapping study in an eastern Scotland grassland, marsh thistle was collected from traps but not from soil in plots where vegetation was herbicide-killed. Traps contained less than 10 marsh thistle seeds/m², and the distance to the nearest mature plants was not reported. Researchers indicated that seeds were likely transported by wind, but may have been transported in surface water runoff or in animal fur or feathers [42].

It is likely that marsh thistle seeds are transported by equipment, but direct evidence is lacking. A review suggests that logging equipment may have transported marsh thistle seed. In British Columbia, new marsh thistle populations have been reported on mechanically-disturbed sites hundreds of kilometers from existing populations [41]. In hay fields in the northern Netherlands, marsh thistle was present but its seed was not collected from haying equipment used for mowing in August [62]. Although seeds were not recovered from mowing machinery, haying equipment may still have contributed to marsh thistle seed dispersal. It is possible that seeds had fallen off before counts were made or that seed was dispersed in the mowed area by blowing motors.

bibliographic citation
Gucker, Corey L. 2009. Cirsium palustre. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/cirpal/all.html

Seed production

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More info for the terms: marsh, seed, vernalization

Reviews report that a single marsh thistle plant may produce up to 2,000 seeds [41,56]. A vernalization period is considered necessary for flowering [44]. Flowering date, flowering stem height, site conditions, and predation may affect marsh thistle seed production. In seashore meadow habitats in Tullgarn, Sweden, late-flowering marsh thistle plants produced more flower heads and generally had greater reproductive output than early-flowering plants. Reproductive output also increased with increasing height of the flowering stem (R² =0.646, P<0.0001) [48]. In a dune area north of The Hague, marsh thistle populations averaged 24.1 seed-producing flower heads/plant and produced between 300 and 2,000 seeds/plant. There were many undeveloped seeds in the flower heads; the largest percentage of undeveloped seeds occurred in populations that were inundated for parts of the summer. Shade did not impact seed development [75,76], although other research suggests that shading can limit seed production (see Shade tolerance).

Field observations made near The Hague showed that moth (Epiblema scutulana) larvae and rabbits that fed on marsh thistle stems reduced flower head production by an average of 25.2% and 31.8%, respectively [74]. When seeds were sown in dune areas near The Hague, counts 2 weeks later suggested seed predation levels of 60% to 80% [75].

bibliographic citation
Gucker, Corey L. 2009. Cirsium palustre. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/cirpal/all.html

Seedling establishment and growth

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Open sites are likely best for marsh thistle seedling emergence and establishment. Seedling growth and survival may be impacted by timing of germination, pollination of the parent plant, and presence of marsh thistle plant material in the soil. Growth, development, and reproductive success of plants 1 year or older are discussed in Plant development and survival.

Bare sites may favor seedling establishment. In a low-nutrient, species-rich meadow in the Czech Republic, almost no marsh thistle seedlings emerged from treatment plots where mosses, litter, and/or existing vegetation were left intact. Marsh thistle seedling emergence was greatest in plots where mosses and litter were removed [59]. In England, gaps created by domestic sheep grazing were considered important to marsh thistle seedling establishment [26].

In a spring area in central Jutland, Denmark, seedling mortality was high (85%) regardless of emergence timing, but seedlings that survived their first winter had a high probability of surviving to reproductive age [4]. Growth, reproduction, and survival of these seedlings were monitored in later life stages (see Botanical description), but spring- and fall-emerging cohorts were not studied separately [4].

Characteristics of fall- and spring-emerging seedlings in Jutland, Denmark [4] Measured (mm) or counted attribute Spring emergence Fall emergence Number of rosette leaves 2-3 2-3 Leaf width 7-11 13-23 Leaf length 40-80 90-200 Diameter of taproot 0.8-1.2 1.5-2.5 Length of taproot 20-30 20-30 Number of lateral roots 4 7-8

In the Netherlands, seedlings from seeds produced by cross-pollination had significantly (P<0.05) lower overall emergence, fall emergence, and survival to 1 year old than seedlings produced by plants protected from insects. There were 100 seeds from protected plants and 100 seeds from cross-pollinated plants sown and monitored in the field [73].

Fate of cross-pollinated and noncrossed seed sown in the Netherlands [73] Seed type Cross-pollinated seed Noncrossed seed Total number of seedlings observed 44.3 57.0 Number of fall-emerging seedlings 8.7 17.2 Number of 1-year-old plants 10.5 15.8 All differences between cross-pollinated and noncrossed seeds were significant (P<0.05).

Marsh thistle seedling growth may be reduced in the presence of marsh thistle leaf litter. Field observations in central Jutland, Denmark, revealed a rarity of seedlings beneath marsh thistle flowering plants or near marsh thistle rosettes. In a controlled study, marsh thistle seedling growth was monitored after 5 weeks in soils mixed with marsh thistle foliage. At a 0.25% foliage concentration, marsh thistle seedling growth was reduced by 52%, and at a concentration of 1.25%, was reduced by 65% [3].

bibliographic citation
Gucker, Corey L. 2009. Cirsium palustre. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/cirpal/all.html


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The scientific name of marsh thistle is Cirsium palustre (L.) Scop. (Asteraceae) [17,19,30,36,54].

Natural C. palustre × C. arvense hybrids occur in England and other European countries (Sledge 1975 cited in [17]). These hybrids are possible where these species grow together in North America [17].

bibliographic citation
Gucker, Corey L. 2009. Cirsium palustre. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/cirpal/all.html

Vegetative regeneration

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Marsh thistle does not reproduce vegetatively, but it may regenerate vegetatively following damage. Marsh thistle plants generally sprout following cutting [56]. In Jutland, Denmark, if the inflorescence of flowering plants was damaged before ripe seed was produced, marsh thistle sprouted from rosette buds later in the season or in the next year [4].
bibliographic citation
Gucker, Corey L. 2009. Cirsium palustre. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: https://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/forb/cirpal/all.html

Cirsium palustre ( Asturian )

provided by wikipedia AST
Bombus sylvestris male - Cirsium palustre - Keila.jpg

Cirsium palustre ye una especie de planta fanerógama perteneciente a la familia Asteraceae. Ye nativa d'Europa, anque se naturalizó en nueva Zelanda y Norteamérica onde-y la considera planta invasora.


Ye una planta yerbácea añal o perenne qu'algama los 2-3 metros d'altor, con tarmos fuertes y erectos cubiertu de pequeñes escayos y tomentosos na parte cimera. Les fueyes son estreches y lobulaes y les cabezueles de la inflorescencies que se producen, nel ápiz de los tarmos en trupos recímanos, en xunu-setiembre tienen 10-15 mm de llargor coles bráctees glutinoses de color verde a púrpura. Los flósculos son de color lavanda-púrpura. Los frutos son cipseles pardes con aniellu apical y miriguanu plumosu.


Cirsium palustre describióse orixinalmente por Carlos Linneo como Carduus palustris (basónimu) en Species Plantarum, vol.2,p. 822, 1753 y tresferíu al xéneru Cirsium por Ernest Saint-Charles Cosson ex Giovanni Antonio Scopoli y espublizóse en Flora Carniolica, Editio Secunda, 2, p. 128, 1772.[1]


Cirsium: nome xenéricu que deriva de la pallabra griega: kirsos = varices ; d'esti raigañu deriva'l nome kirsion, una pallabra que paez sirvir pa identificar una planta que s'utiliza pal tratamientu d'esti tipu d'enfermedá. De kirsion, nos tiempos modernos, el botánicu francés Tournefort (1656 - 708) derivó'l nome Cirsium del xéneru.

palustre: epítetu llatín que significa "que crez nos banzaos".[2]

  • Carduus chailleti Godr.
  • Carduus laciniatus Lam.
  • Carduus palustris L. (basiónimo)
  • Cirsium chailletii Gaudin
  • Cirsium forsteri Loudon
  • Cirsium kochianum
  • Cirsium laciniatum Nyman
  • Cirsium lacteum Schleich. ex W.Koch
  • Cirsium palatinum Sch.Bip. ex Nyman
  • Cirsium palustre f. horridum Posp.
  • Cirsium palustre subsp. trasmontanum
  • Cirsium parviflorum Lange ex Nyman
  • Cirsium pseudo-palustre Schur
  • Cirsium semidecurrens Richt.
  • Cnicus forsteri Sm.
  • Cnicus lacteus Schleich.
  • Cnicus palustris (L.) Willd.
  • Cynara palustris Stokes[3]



  1. Fernald, M. 1950. Manual (ed. 8) i–lxiv, 1–1632. American Book Co., New York.
  2. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, y. 2006. Magnoliophyta: Asteridae, part 6: Asteraceae, part 1. 19: i–xxiv. In Fl. N. Amer.. Oxford University Press, New York.
  3. Gleason, H. A. 1968. The Sympetalous Dicotyledoneae. vol. 3. 596 pp. In H. A. Gleason Ill. Fl. N. O.S. (ed. 3). New York Botanical Garden, New York.
  4. Gleason, H. A. & A. J. Cronquist. 1991. Man. Vasc. Pl. N.Y. O.S. (ed. 2) i–910. New York Botanical Garden, Bronx.
  5. Scoggan, H. J. 1979. Dicotyledoneae (Loasaceae to Compositae). Part 4. 1117–1711 pp. In Fl. Canada. National Museums of Canada, Ottawa.
  6. Voss, Y. G. 1996. Michigan Flora, Part III: Dicots (Pyrolaceae-Compositae). Cranbrook Inst. of Science, Ann Arbor.

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Cirsium palustre: Brief Summary ( Asturian )

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Cirsium palustre  src= Inflorescencies. Bombus sylvestris male - Cirsium palustre - Keila.jpg

Cirsium palustre ye una especie de planta fanerógama perteneciente a la familia Asteraceae. Ye nativa d'Europa, anque se naturalizó en nueva Zelanda y Norteamérica onde-y la considera planta invasora.

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Ysgallen y Gors ( Welsh )

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Planhigyn dwyflwydd pigog yw Ysgallen y Gors (Marsh Thistle yn Saesneg, Cirsium palustre yn Lladin). Mae'n gyffredin mewn corsydd, cloddiau a gweirgloddiau gwlyb yn blodeuo yng Nghymru rhwng Gorffennaf a Medi ar ei ail flwyddyn.

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Pcháč bahenní ( Czech )

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Pcháč bahenní (Cirsium palustre) je hojně rozšířená dvouletá rostlina, s ostnatou lodyhou vysokou až 200 cm a nachovými květy, vyskytující se na vlhkých stanovištích.


Bombus sylvestris male - Cirsium palustre - Keila.jpg

S výjimkou jihu kontinentu roste v celé Evropě, na východě je rozšířen až za Ural, do západní i východní Sibiře. Byl zavlečen na severovýchodní i severozápadní pobřeží Severní Ameriky, do severní Afriky i na Nový Zéland. Je to rostlina vyhledávající chladnější a hlavně vlhká místa. Roste na mokrých lukách, rašeliništích, příkopech, pasekách, u pramenišť, ve světlých bažinatých lesících, na březích často rozlévajících se toků nebo jezer; limitujícím faktorem je dostatek vlhkosti. Pcháč bahenní vyžaduje hodně slunce, špatně snáší zastínění.

V České republice roste téměř po celém území, více se vyskytuje ve vyšších polohách, v teplých oblastech jižní Moravy je vzácný.[1][2][3]


Statná, hrubá, žebrovaná lodyha po celé délce silně ostnitě dorůstá v ideálních podmínkách až do výše 200 cm. Většinou je jednoduchá, někdy se větví ve stoupající větve až ve vrcholové části. Vyrůstá z kořene dlouhého 10 až 20 cm a tlustého až 2 cm s 30 až 40 tenkými postranními kořínky. Rostlina má dva druhy listů, oba jdou ostnité, na líci tmavozelené a na rubu světlezelené, jsou pokryty krátkými kadeřavými chlupy. Spodní listy vyrůstající v přízemní listové růžici jsou peřenosečné až peřenoklané, dorůstají délky 30 cm a šířky 12 cm. Střídavé lodyžní listy kopinatého tvaru jsou kratší, do 20 cm, směrem vzhůru se zmenšují, jsou peřenolaločné, úkrojky jsou nestejně trojboké, ostnitě zubaté, na lodyhu přisedají sbíhavými ostnitými křídly. Nejhornější listy lodyhy úzce kopinatého až čárkovitého tvaru jsou nedělené.

Vejčitě podlouhlé, přisedlé nebo krátce stopkaté květní úbory veliké 10 až 15 mm jsou na konci lodyhy nebo větví soustředěny do klubkatých, chudých chocholíků po 2 až 8 úborech. Zelené, na konci červenohnědé zákrovní listeny jsou štíhlé, kopinaté, na konci mají krátký osten, vnější jsou mnohem kratší než vnitřní, okraje zákrovů jsou plstnaté.

Trubkovité květy jsou většinou oboupohlavné nachové nebo zřídka bílé barvy, menší počet pouze samičích. Koruny dlouhé od 10 do 15 mm mají zvonkovitý okraj do poloviny rozeklán v pět nestejných cípů, korunní trubka má asi poloviční délku. Tyčinek je v květu pět a jsou srostlé, spodní semeník je složen ze dvou plodolistů, čnělka o délce 1,5 až 2 mm nese dvoulaločnou bliznu. Plody jsou hladké ochmýřené nažky které jsou obvejčité o velikosti asi 3 × 1 mm a mají chmýr dlouhý 8 až 12 mm se štětinkami velkými až 2 mm.[1][4][5][6]

Vývoj rostliny

Za optimálních podmínek se chová pcháč bahenní jako dvouletá rostlina. Brzy na jaře (koncem března), za příznivé teploty a vlhkosti, vyraší mladá rostlinka v mezeře mezi shluky rostlin ze semene z čerstvého náletu nebo ze zásoby semen v půdě. V předstihu před většinou ostatních rostlin, do 2 až 3 měsíců, vytvoří bohatou růžici přízemních listů která potlačuje okolní blízkou konkurenci. Dorostlá růžice přečká zimu a příštího roku z ní vyroste silná květná lodyha. Po dozrání semen celá rostlina usychá. Semena mohou vyklíčit ještě téhož roku po vysemenění (v říjnu), ale jejich růžice málokteré přečkají zimu, jen asi 20 %.

Leží-li semeno přes zimu v zastíněném místě, na jaře nevyklíčí. Pokud se výrazně zhorší světelné podmínky až po vyklíčení (olistěním stromu), může přečkávat rostlina ve stadiu růžice i 5 let než uhyne, případně může vyrůst nízká slabá lodyha jen s malými květy a nízkým počtem semen. Pokud se příčina stínu odstraní (ořezáním stromu) vyroste silná lodyha třeba i čtvrtým rokem. Růst lodyhy s květy je tedy podmíněn nejen dosažením určité velikosti růžice, ta vyroste i ve stínu, ale hlavně světelným stanovištěm.

Rostliny rozkvétají od června do září. Rozkvetlé květy jsou opylovány blanokřídlým a dvoukřídlým hmyzem, brouky a hlavně motýly, může u nich také dojít k samoopylení. Květy opylené vlastním pylem produkují těžší nažky které v dopadají v blízkosti mateřské rostliny a rychleji klíčí. Nažek z květů sprašených cizím pylem je mnohem více, jsou lehčí a vítr je roznáší dále do okolí, pomaleji klíčí a mají větší počet vyklíčených rostlin nedorostlých do stádia kvetení. Rostlina vyprodukuje 300 až 2000 semen, při rozptylu semen větrem většina jich nedolétne dále než 10 m.[4]


Pcháč bahenní je v Evropě považován za plevelnou rostlinu, která není příliš nebezpečná. Ponejvíce se vyskytuje na místech která nejsou příliš hospodářský využívána a dalších vhodných míst pro jeho šíření mnoho není. Pro evropské zemědělství není potenciálním ohrožením, pohlíží se na něj jako na tradiční součást evropské flory.

Jiná situace je v zemích kde byl zavlečen nedávno, hlavně v Severní Americe. Jsou tam ohromné plochy na kterých by se mohl nekontrolovaně šířit a proto mu jako invazní, potenciálně nebezpečné rostlině věnují zvláštní pozornost.[4][7]




  1. a b c KRÁSA, Petr. BOTANY.cz: Cirsium palustre [online]. BOTANY.cz, rev. 05.07.2007 [cit. 2011-07-12]. Dostupné online. (česky)
  2. BLIZŇÁKOVÁ, Petra. Rozšíření druhů rodu Cirsium v ČR [online]. Masarykova universita, PřF, Brno, rev. 30.04.2010 [cit. 2011-07-12]. Dostupné online. (česky)
  3. GRIN Taxonomy for Plants: Cirsium palustre [online]. United States Department of Agriculture, USA, rev. 25.05.2007 [cit. 2011-07-12]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  4. a b c FRASER, Nancy. Cirsium palustre (Marsh thistle) [online]. Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource, Victoria, British Columbia, CA, rev. 03.2000 [cit. 2011-07-12]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  5. POLÍVKA, František. Názorná květena zemí koruny české: Cirsium palustre [online]. Wendys, Zdeněk Pazdera, 1901 [cit. 2011-07-12]. S. 585, 586. Dostupné online. (česky)
  6. WEBB, C. J.; SYKES, W. R.; GARNOCK-JONES, P. J. Flora of New Zealand: Cirsium palustre [online]. Lancare Research, Manaaki Whenua Press, Lincoln, NZ, rev. 1988 [cit. 2011-07-12]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)
  7. Invasive species: Cirsium palustre [online]. Wisconsin Department of Natural resoursces, Madison, WI, USA [cit. 2011-07-12]. Dostupné online. (anglicky)

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Pcháč bahenní: Brief Summary ( Czech )

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Pcháč bahenní (Cirsium palustre) je hojně rozšířená dvouletá rostlina, s ostnatou lodyhou vysokou až 200 cm a nachovými květy, vyskytující se na vlhkých stanovištích.

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Kærtidsel ( Danish )

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Kærtidsel (Cirsium palustre), ofte skrevet kær-tidsel, er en 80-150 centimeter høj plante i kurvblomst-familien. Den rødbrunt anløbne stængel har tornede vinger af de nedløbende blade. De purpurrøde blomster sidder i små kurve, der er samlet i tætte klynger i spidsen af stænglen.


Kærtidsel er toårig urt, der første år danner en stor roset af fjersnitdelte blade og andet år danner en stift opret, rødbrunt anløben stængel, der kun er grenet mod spidsen. Hele palnten er stærkt tornet. De linje-lancetformede, fjerfligede blade, der ofte har en mørk rand, er nedløbende og danner derfor vinger på stænglen. De 1-1,5 centimeter brede, ustilkede kurve med purpurrøde blomster er samlet i hovedformede stande i spidsen af stænglens grene. Frugten har fjerformet fnok.


Arten er udbredt i Europa, Nordafrika og Vestasien.

I Danmark er kærtidsel temmelig almindelig i moser, på fugtige enge og i skovrydninger. Den blomstrer i juni til august.[1]

Kilder og eksterne henvisninger

  1. ^ Signe Frederiksen et al., Dansk flora, 2. udgave, Gyldendal 2012. ISBN 8702112191.

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Kærtidsel: Brief Summary ( Danish )

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Kærtidsel (Cirsium palustre), ofte skrevet kær-tidsel, er en 80-150 centimeter høj plante i kurvblomst-familien. Den rødbrunt anløbne stængel har tornede vinger af de nedløbende blade. De purpurrøde blomster sidder i små kurve, der er samlet i tætte klynger i spidsen af stænglen.

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Sumpf-Kratzdistel ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE

Die Sumpf-Kratzdistel (Cirsium palustre)[1] ist eine Pflanzenart, die zur Unterfamilie der Carduoideae innerhalb der Familie der Korbblütler (Asteraceae) gehört.

Für die Region St. Gallen bei Sargans ist der Trivialname Landschnecht belegt.[2]


Blütenstand mit Blütenbesuchern

Vegetative Merkmale

Die Sumpf-Kratzdistel ist eine zumeist zwei- oder mehrjährige, hapaxanthe krautige Pflanze, die Wuchshöhen von etwa 30 bis 200 (selten bis 300) Zentimetern erreicht. Ihre einzeln stehenden, aufrechten, höchstens wenig verzweigten Stängel sind über die gesamte Länge lappig oder kraus dornig geflügelt und bis zur Spitze mit stacheligen Blättern versehen. Sie fällt wegen ihrer steifen, gezackten Laubblätter auf, die oft rötlich unterlaufen, oberseits dunkelgrün, und unterseits mehr oder weniger weiß-filzig sind. Die lanzettliche bis buchtig fiederspaltige Blattspreite ist 15 bis mehr als 30 Zentimeter lang und 3 bis 10 Zentimeter breit, mit dornig gezähnten Abschnitten. Wenn Blattstiele vorhanden sind dann sind sie dornig geflügelt.

Generative Merkmale

An kurzen, bis 1 Zentimeter langen Stielen stehen zwei bis acht körbchenförmige Blütenstände in Knäueln an den Stängelenden zusammen. Die etwas spinnwebig behaarten Blütenkörbe weisen eine Höhe 10 bis 20 mm und einen Durchmesser von 8 bis 13 mm auf. Die Hüllblätter stehen in fünf bis sieben Reihen. Ihre meist dunkel-purpurrot, oder selten hellrosa bis weiß gefärbten Röhrenblüten sind insgesamt 11 bis 13 mm lang mit einer 5 bis 7 mm langen Kronröhre und 3 bis 4,5 mm langen Kronzipfeln.

Die Blütezeit liegt zwischen Juli und September.

Die glänzende Achäne ist 2,5 bis 3,5 mm groß mit einem fedrig behaarten und 9 bis 11 mm langen Pappus.

Die Chromosomenzahl beträgt 2n = 34.[3]


Das natürliche Verbreitungsgebiet umfasst ganz Europa und das gemäßigte Sibirien. In den nordöstlichen Vereinigten Staaten sowie in Neufundland, Labrador, Ontario, Quebec und British Columbia in Kanada gilt sie als Neophyt.

Die Sumpf-Kratzdistel findet man vor allem in Feuchtwiesen, Sümpfen, Gräben, an Ufern oder in Auwäldern. Sie ist ein Ton- und Vernässungsanzeiger. Sie gedeiht besonders an feuchten und schattigen Standorten in Höhenlagen etwa bis zu 800 Metern. In den Allgäuer Alpen steigt sie am Osthang des Riedberger Horns in Bayern bis in eine Höhenlage von 1700 Meter auf.[4] Sie ist eine schwache Charakterart der Ordnung Molinietalia, kommt aber auch in Gesellschaften der Klassen Scheuchzerio-Caricetea oder Epilobietea angustifolii oder der Verbände Alnion oder Alno-Ulmion vor.[3]


Die Sumpf-Kratzdistel ist ein Ton- und Vernässungszeiger.[3]



  1. Werner Greuter: Compositae (pro parte majore). Cirsium palustre In: Werner Greuter & Eckhard von Raab-Straube (Hrsg.): Compositae. bei Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
  2. Georg August Pritzel, Carl Jessen: Die deutschen Volksnamen der Pflanzen. Neuer Beitrag zum deutschen Sprachschatze. Philipp Cohen, Hannover 1882, Seite 102. (online).
  3. a b c Erich Oberdorfer: Pflanzensoziologische Exkursionsflora für Deutschland und angrenzende Gebiete. Unter Mitarbeit von Angelika Schwabe und Theo Müller. 8., stark überarbeitete und ergänzte Auflage. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 2001, ISBN 3-8001-3131-5, S. 965.
  4. Erhard Dörr, Wolfgang Lippert: Flora des Allgäus und seiner Umgebung. Band 2, IHW, Eching 2004, ISBN 3-930167-61-1, S. 643.
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Sumpf-Kratzdistel: Brief Summary ( German )

provided by wikipedia DE

Die Sumpf-Kratzdistel (Cirsium palustre) ist eine Pflanzenart, die zur Unterfamilie der Carduoideae innerhalb der Familie der Korbblütler (Asteraceae) gehört.

Für die Region St. Gallen bei Sargans ist der Trivialname Landschnecht belegt.

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Błotny kagùlc ( Kashubian )

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Błotny kagùlc

Błotny kagùlc (Cirsium palustre (L.) Scop.) – to je ôrt roscënë z rodzëznë astrowatëch (Asteraceae). Òn rosce m. jin. na Kaszëbach, a Kaszëbi mògą na niegò gadac kagùlc.

Bùtnowé lënczi

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Błotny kagùlc: Brief Summary ( Kashubian )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages
 src= Błotny kagùlc

Błotny kagùlc (Cirsium palustre (L.) Scop.) – to je ôrt roscënë z rodzëznë astrowatëch (Asteraceae). Òn rosce m. jin. na Kaszëbach, a Kaszëbi mògą na niegò gadac kagùlc.

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Cirsium palustre ( Scots )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

Cirsium palustre, the bog-thristle or Moss-thristle, is a yerbaceous biennial (or wften perennial) species o the genus Cirsium.[1] It is a taw thistle which reaches up tae 2 metres (7 ft) in hicht.


  1. J. S. Rodwell. 1998. British Plant Communities, p. 227
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Cirsium palustre: Brief Summary ( Scots )

provided by wikipedia emerging languages

Cirsium palustre, the bog-thristle or Moss-thristle, is a yerbaceous biennial (or wften perennial) species o the genus Cirsium. It is a taw thistle which reaches up tae 2 metres (7 ft) in hicht.

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Mýritistil ( Faroese )

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Mýritistil (frøðiheiti Cirsium palustre) verður 50-120 cm til hæddar og veksur, sum navnið sigur, í mýrum og við áarbakkar. Henda høga, hábærsliga plantan við síni korkalittu blómu og fagra grøna leyvi hevur hugtikið mangan. Men brátt varnast tú, at hon er ikki so at koma í hóslag við, tí bæði á bløðum og leggjum vaksa hvassar tornir. Leggurin stendur steyrrættur og er harður og trækendur. Bløðini eru avlong váknvaksin við stórum flippum. Tey vaksa tøtt saman niðri við rótina og upp eftir øllum legginum. Blómurnar eru kurvavaksnar, og fleiri kurvar vaksa saman í einum tyssi ytst á leggendanum. Blómar í juli til august.

Lýsing: Um alt landið við áarbakkar og á vátlendi. Fyrsta árið bert stovnblað, annað ella triðja árið ein stinnur, strentur, langtornutur leggur. Bløðini stórflipput, niðurrend, langtornut um jaðaran. Kurvarnar korkareyðar, nógvar saman í tyssaskjóli, stuttleggjaðar; allar blómur við pípukrúnum; krúnukragin bert klovin móti miðjuni. Kurvareivbløðini takløgd og tornut.

Sí eisini

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Mýritistil: Brief Summary ( Faroese )

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 src= Mýritistil

Mýritistil (frøðiheiti Cirsium palustre) verður 50-120 cm til hæddar og veksur, sum navnið sigur, í mýrum og við áarbakkar. Henda høga, hábærsliga plantan við síni korkalittu blómu og fagra grøna leyvi hevur hugtikið mangan. Men brátt varnast tú, at hon er ikki so at koma í hóslag við, tí bæði á bløðum og leggjum vaksa hvassar tornir. Leggurin stendur steyrrættur og er harður og trækendur. Bløðini eru avlong váknvaksin við stórum flippum. Tey vaksa tøtt saman niðri við rótina og upp eftir øllum legginum. Blómurnar eru kurvavaksnar, og fleiri kurvar vaksa saman í einum tyssi ytst á leggendanum. Blómar í juli til august.

Lýsing: Um alt landið við áarbakkar og á vátlendi. Fyrsta árið bert stovnblað, annað ella triðja árið ein stinnur, strentur, langtornutur leggur. Bløðini stórflipput, niðurrend, langtornut um jaðaran. Kurvarnar korkareyðar, nógvar saman í tyssaskjóli, stuttleggjaðar; allar blómur við pípukrúnum; krúnukragin bert klovin móti miðjuni. Kurvareivbløðini takløgd og tornut.

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Tcherdon d' pré ( Walloon )

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Cirsium palustre - habitus.jpg
Pol discramiaedje des årtikes avou l' mot "tcherdon", loukîz cial

Li tcherdon d' pré[1], c' est ene sôre di tcherdon ki vént dins les prés.

No d' l' indje e sincieus latén : Cirsium palustre

Famile : sitoelacêyes


Crexhe foirt hôt, et sins waire di foyes. Li flormint est resseré ådzeu.


Corant so les prés del Hôte Fagne.


Divinltins, on l' aléve code e prétins. On l' acmoirtixheut al cujhante aiwe, pol diner ås vatches didins des påsteas et des lapaedjes.[2]


  1. E9
  2. E9 p. 194.
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Tcherdon d' pré: Brief Summary ( Walloon )

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Cirsium palustre - habitus.jpg Pol discramiaedje des årtikes avou l' mot "tcherdon", loukîz cial

Li tcherdon d' pré, c' est ene sôre di tcherdon ki vént dins les prés.

No d' l' indje e sincieus latén : Cirsium palustre

Famile : sitoelacêyes

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Cirsium palustre

provided by wikipedia EN

Cirsium palustre, the marsh thistle[2] or European swamp thistle, is a herbaceous biennial (or often perennial) flowering plant in the family Asteraceae.[3][4]

Cirsium palustre is a tall thistle which reaches up to 2 metres (7 ft) in height. The strong stems have few branches and are covered in small spines. In its first year the plant grows as a dense rosette, at first with narrow, entire leaves with spiny, dark purple edges; later, larger leaves are lobed. In the subsequent years the plant grows a tall, straight stem, the tip of which branches repeatedly, bearing a candelabra of dark purple flowers, 10–20 millimetres (0.4–0.8 in) with purple-tipped bracts. In the northern hemisphere these are produced from June to September. The flowers are occasionally white, in which case the purple edges to the leaves are absent.[5]

The plant provides a great deal of nectar for pollinators. It was rated first out of the top 10 for most nectar production (nectar per unit cover per year) in a UK plants survey conducted by the AgriLand project which is supported by the UK Insect Pollinators Initiative.[6]

It is native to Europe where it is particularly common on damp ground such as marshes, wet fields, moorland and beside streams. In Canada and the northern United States, it is an introduced species that has become invasive. It grows in dense thickets that can crowd out slower growing native plants.[7][5][8]


Cirsium palustre is broadly distributed throughout much of Europe and eastward to central Asia. This thistle's occurrence is linked to the spread of human agriculture from the mid-Holocene era or before.[9] It is a constant plant of several fen-meadow plant associations, including the Juncus subnodulosus-Cirsium palustre fen-meadow.[9] The flowers are visited by a wide variety of insects, featuring a generalised pollination syndrome.[10]


  1. ^ The Plant List, Cirsium palustre (L.) Coss. ex Scop.
  2. ^ BSBI List 2007 (xls). Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland. Archived from the original (xls) on 2015-06-26. Retrieved 2014-10-17.
  3. ^ J. S. Rodwell. 1998. British Plant Communities, p. 227
  4. ^ Altervista Flora Italiana, Cardo di palude, Sumpf-Kratzdistel, kärrtistel, Cirsium palustre (L.) Scop. includes photos and European distribution map
  5. ^ a b Flora of North America, European swamp or marsh thistle, cirse ou chardon des marais, Cirsium palustre (Linnaeus) Scopoli
  6. ^ "Which flowers are the best source of nectar?". Conservation Grade. 2014-10-15. Archived from the original on 2019-12-14. Retrieved 2017-10-18.
  7. ^ "Marsh Plume Thistle, Aliens Among Us". Archived from the original on 2013-12-13. Retrieved 2013-12-17.
  8. ^ Biota of North America Program 22014 county distribution map
  9. ^ a b C. Michael Hogan. 2009. Marsh Thistle: Cirsium palustre, GlobalTwitcher.com, ed. N. Strömberg Archived December 13, 2012, at the Wayback Machine
  10. ^ Van Der Kooi, C. J.; Pen, I.; Staal, M.; Stavenga, D. G.; Elzenga, J. T. M. (2015). "Competition for pollinators and intra-communal spectral dissimilarity of flowers". Plant Biology. 18 (1): 56–62. doi:10.1111/plb.12328. PMID 25754608.

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Cirsium palustre: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Cirsium palustre, the marsh thistle or European swamp thistle, is a herbaceous biennial (or often perennial) flowering plant in the family Asteraceae.

Cirsium palustre is a tall thistle which reaches up to 2 metres (7 ft) in height. The strong stems have few branches and are covered in small spines. In its first year the plant grows as a dense rosette, at first with narrow, entire leaves with spiny, dark purple edges; later, larger leaves are lobed. In the subsequent years the plant grows a tall, straight stem, the tip of which branches repeatedly, bearing a candelabra of dark purple flowers, 10–20 millimetres (0.4–0.8 in) with purple-tipped bracts. In the northern hemisphere these are produced from June to September. The flowers are occasionally white, in which case the purple edges to the leaves are absent.

The plant provides a great deal of nectar for pollinators. It was rated first out of the top 10 for most nectar production (nectar per unit cover per year) in a UK plants survey conducted by the AgriLand project which is supported by the UK Insect Pollinators Initiative.

It is native to Europe where it is particularly common on damp ground such as marshes, wet fields, moorland and beside streams. In Canada and the northern United States, it is an introduced species that has become invasive. It grows in dense thickets that can crowd out slower growing native plants.

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Cirsium palustre ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Bombus sylvestris male - Cirsium palustre - Keila.jpg

Cirsium palustre es una especie de planta fanerógama perteneciente a la familia Asteraceae. Es nativa de Europa, aunque se ha naturalizado en nueva Zelanda y Norteamérica donde se la considera planta invasora.


Es una planta herbácea anual o perenne que alcanza los 2-3 metros de altura, con tallos fuertes y erectos cubierto de pequeñas espinas y tomentosos en la parte superior. Las hojas son estrechas y lobuladas y las cabezuelas de la inflorescencias que se producen, en el ápice de los tallos en densos racimos, en junio-septiembre tienen 10-15 mm de longitud con las brácteas glutinosas de color verde a púrpura. Los flósculos son de color lavanda-púrpura. Los frutos son cipselas pardas con anillo apical y vilano plumoso.


Cirsium palustre fue descrita originalmente por Carlos Linneo como Carduus palustris (basónimo) en Species Plantarum, vol. 2, p. 822, 1753 y transferido al género Cirsium por Ernest Saint-Charles Cosson ex Giovanni Antonio Scopoli y publicado en Flora Carniolica, Editio Secunda, 2, p. 128, 1772.[1]


Cirsium: nombre genérico que deriva de la palabra griega: kirsos = varices ; de esta raíz deriva el nombre kirsion, una palabra que parece servir para identificar una planta que se utiliza para el tratamiento de este tipo de enfermedad. De kirsion, en los tiempos modernos, el botánico francés Tournefort (1656 - 708) ha derivado el nombre Cirsium del género.

palustre: epíteto latino que significa "que crece en los pantanos".[2]

  • Carduus chailleti Godr.
  • Carduus laciniatus Lam.
  • Carduus palustris L. (basiónimo)
  • Cirsium chailletii Gaudin
  • Cirsium forsteri Loudon
  • Cirsium kochianum
  • Cirsium laciniatum Nyman
  • Cirsium lacteum Schleich. ex W.Koch
  • Cirsium palatinum Sch.Bip. ex Nyman
  • Cirsium palustre f. horridum Posp.
  • Cirsium palustre subsp. trasmontanum
  • Cirsium parviflorum Lange ex Nyman
  • Cirsium pseudo-palustre Schur
  • Cirsium semidecurrens Richt.
  • Cnicus forsteri Sm.
  • Cnicus lacteus Schleich.
  • Cnicus palustris (L.) Willd.
  • Cynara palustris Stokes[3]


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Cirsium palustre: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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 src= Inflorescencia. Bombus sylvestris male - Cirsium palustre - Keila.jpg

Cirsium palustre es una especie de planta fanerógama perteneciente a la familia Asteraceae. Es nativa de Europa, aunque se ha naturalizado en nueva Zelanda y Norteamérica donde se la considera planta invasora.

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Suo-ohdake ( Finnish )

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Suo-ohdake (Cirsium palustre) on yleinen ohdakelaji. Suo-ohdake on kaksivuotinen, joskus monivuotinen, mutta vain kerran kukkiva.

Ulkonäkö ja koko

Suo-ohdake kasvaa 50–200 cm korkeaksi. Sen lehdet ovat kapealiuskaiset ja hyvin piikkiset. Varsi on punertava. Kukinnot ovat 1–2 cm leveitä mykeröitä, terälehdet purppuranpunaisia ja kehtosuomut piikkisiä.[1]

Suo-ohdake muistuttaa kyläkarhiaista, mutta sen lehdet ja piikit ovat kovemmat ja lehdet kapeammat. Suo-ohdake muistuttaa myös hieman tanakampaa piikkiohdaketta (Cirsium vulgare). Siemenillä on höyhenmäinen lentovarjo. Yksi ohdake voi tuottaa 7 000 siementä, jotka leijailevat syksyllä laajalle alalle.


Suo-ohdaketta tavataan Euroopassa ja Venäjällä. Pohjois-Amerikassa se on tulokaslaji.[2]


  1. Synnöve Huovinen: Taivalkosken lukion kasvisto 2001. Kalevi Hirvonen (kuva). Viitattu 1.8.2007.
  2. Arne Anderberg: Den virtuella floran Naturhistoriska riksmuseet. Viitattu 1.8.2007. (ruotsiksi)

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Suo-ohdake: Brief Summary ( Finnish )

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Suo-ohdake (Cirsium palustre) on yleinen ohdakelaji. Suo-ohdake on kaksivuotinen, joskus monivuotinen, mutta vain kerran kukkiva.

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Cirse des marais ( French )

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Cirsium palustre

Le cirse des marais (Cirsium palustre), également appelé bâton-du-diable, est une plante bisannuelle assez grande, poussant notamment dans les prairies humides, appartenant au genre Cirsium et à la famille des Astéracées (ou Composées).


Fleurs de cirse des marais vers Niitvälja en Estonie.

Plante à tige érigée, ailée (ailes épineuses du bas au sommet de la tige). Longues feuilles étroites très épineuses, souvent inclinées vers le sol, devenant des lanières au sommet de la tige. capitules en grappes très denses, à fleurons pourpres. Bractées de l'involucre érigées, terminées par une pointe noire peu épineuse. Feuillage caduc.


  • Organes reproducteurs :
  • graine :
  • Habitat et répartition :
    • Habitat type : mégaphorbiaies planitiaires-collinéennes, mésotrophiles, acidophiles
    • Aire de répartition : eurasiatique septentrional

Notes et références

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Cirse des marais: Brief Summary ( French )

provided by wikipedia FR

Cirsium palustre

Le cirse des marais (Cirsium palustre), également appelé bâton-du-diable, est une plante bisannuelle assez grande, poussant notamment dans les prairies humides, appartenant au genre Cirsium et à la famille des Astéracées (ou Composées).

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Feochadán corraigh ( Irish )

provided by wikipedia GA

Is planda é an feochadán corraigh.

Is síol é an t-alt seo. Cuir leis, chun cuidiú leis an Vicipéid.
Má tá alt níos forbartha le fáil i dteanga eile, is féidir leat aistriúchán Gaeilge a dhéanamh.

Údair agus eagarthóirí Vicipéid
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Cirsium palustre ( Italian )

provided by wikipedia IT

Il cardo di palude (nome scientifico Cirsium palustre (L.) Scop., 1772) è un'alta pianta erbacea angiosperma dicotiledone a ciclo biennale, molto spinosa, appartenente alla famiglia delle Asteraceae.[1][2]


Il nome del genere (Cirsium) deriva dalla parola greca kirsos = varice; da questa radice deriva poi la denominazione Kirsion, un vocabolo che sembra servisse ad identificare una pianta usata per curare questo tipo di malattia. Da kirsion in tempi moderni il botanico francese Tournefort (1656 - 708) derivò il nome Cirsium dell'attuale genere.[3][4]
Il nome italiano “Cardo” è abbastanza generico in quanto nel linguaggio comune si riferisce a diversi generi e specie di piante. Tra i generi che vengono chiamati direttamente “cardo”, oppure hanno una o più specie che comunemente si chiamano con questo nome citiamo: Carduus, Carduncellus, Carlina, Centaurea, Cnicus, Cynara, Echinops, Galactites, Jurinea, Onopordum, Scolymus, Silybum, Tyrimnus, tutti della famiglia delle Asteraceae. Ma anche in altre famiglie abbiamo dei generi con delle specie che volgarmente vengono chiamate “cardi” : il genere Eryngium della famiglia delle Apiaceae o il genere Dipsacus della famiglia delle Dipsacaceae.
Il binomio scientifico della pianta di questa voce è stato proposto inizialmente da Carl von Linné (1707 – 1778) biologo e scrittore svedese, considerato il padre della moderna classificazione scientifica degli organismi viventi, perfezionato successivamente dal medico e naturalista italiano Giovanni Antonio Scopoli (Cavalese, 3 giugno 1723 – Pavia, 8 maggio 1788) nella pubblicazione ”Flora Carniolica 2” del 1772.[5]
L'epiteto specifico (palustre = delle paludi) deriva da uno degli habitat tipici di questo fiore.[6]


Descrizione delle parti della pianta

Le piante possono arrivare ad un'altezza di 1,5 – 2 metri (minimo 50 cm – in qualche caso sono stati rilevati individui alti fino a 3 metri[7]). La forma biologica della specie è emicriptofita bienni ("H bienn"); ossia sono piante a ciclo riproduttivo biennale che si riproducono per mezzo di gemme poste al suolo. Nel corso del primo anno presentano solamente una rosetta fogliare mentre nel secondo anno fioriscono completamente ma una sola volta (specie monocarpica).[7] L'indumento in generale è molto spinoso e peloso per peli di tipo tricomi articolati.[8][9][10][11][12][13][14]


Le radici consistono in ammassi di filamenti radicali fibrosi.


Fusto alato

Il fusto normalmente è eretto, singolo e ramoso solo nella parte alta ed è alato per quasi tutta la sua lunghezza (in quanto i margini delle foglie sono decorrenti e pungenti). Può presentarsi lievemente ricurvo all'apice a causa del peso dei fiori che normalmente si addensano in quella parte.


Le foglie sono oblunghe (o strettamente ellittiche o anche oblanceolate) e sinuato-pennatopartite (segmenti separati da grandi seni) con lobi triangolari terminanti in una spina. Il margine delle foglie è dentato – pungente; sono inoltre sessili con base ristretta. Sulla pagine superiore (adassiale) sono verdi e ispide (o anche glabre); su quella inferiore (abassiale) sono bianco – tomentose/ragnatelose (soprattutto i primi getti) con tricomi articolati.

  • Foglie inferiori: possono formare una rosetta basale con piccioli spinosi e alati.
  • Foglie superiori: le foglie sono piuttosto rade (e più piccole) specialmente nella parte superiore del fusto che può considerarsi afillo. A volte sono inclinate verso il basso. Sono inoltre decorrenti.

Dimensioni delle foglie (quelle basali) : larghezza 2 – 4 cm; lunghezza da 12 a 20 cm (massimo 10 cm x 30 cm). Le spine possono essere lunghe fino a 4 – 6 mm. L'area centrale indivisa è larga 5 – 8 mm.


L'infiorescenza consiste in capolini da sessili a più o meno peduncolati (da 0 a 1 cm) a forma di pannocchia ombrelliforme (riuniti in densi grappoli di 2 - 8 capolini). Il capolino può essere lievemente tomentoso. Lunghezza del peduncolo da 0 a 1 cm. Dimensione dei capolini: larghezza 8 mm; lunghezza 15 mm. I fiori sono racchiusi in un involucro a forma di bicchiere (o a forma campanulata) lungo 1 - 1,5 cm; diametro 0.7 – 1,1 cm e circondato da brattee o squame percorse da sottili ragnatele tomentose con tricomi non ramificati. Le squame dell'involucro sono embricate (in 5 – 7 serie) e chiazzate di brunastro, mentre hanno l'apice pungente di colore nerastro; la forma è di tipo da lanceolato-lineare (quelle interne) a ovata (quelle esterne). Dimensioni delle squame inferiori 1,2 per 4 mm; quelle superiori 1 per 10 – 12 mm. All'interno dell'involucro un ricettacolo fa da base ai fiori.


I fiori sono ermafroditi e tutti di forma tubulosa (il tipo ligulato, come nella maggioranza delle Asteraceae, è assente). Sono inoltre tetraciclici (calicecorollaandroceogineceo) e pentameri (ogni verticillo ha 5 elementi).

  • /x K ∞ {displaystyle infty } infty , [C (5), A (5)], G 2 (infero), achenio[15]
  • Calice: i sepali del calice sono ridotti al minimo (una coroncina di scaglie)..
  • Corolla: la corolla è rosso – porporina (raramente bianca); ha la forma tubolare con 5 stretti lobi. Lunghezza della corolla 13 – 18 mm (lunghezza del tubo 6 – 8 mm; lunghezza della gola 4 – 5 mm; lunghezza dei lobi 3 – 5 mm)
  • Androceo: gli stami sono 5 ed hanno dei filamenti liberi, papillosi e pubescenti, che possiedono la particolarità di compiere dei movimenti per liberare il polline. Le antere sono caudate alla base (hanno una coda corta).
  • Gineceo: l'ovario è infero; gli stigmi sono glabri (hanno un ciuffo di peli solo all'apice dello stilo che sporge rispetto alla corolla). La superficie stigmatica è posta all'interno degli stigmi.[16]
  • Fioritura: da (giugno) luglio a settembre, mentre i semi maturano da agosto a ottobre.


Il frutto è un achenio cilindrico con pappo piumoso formato da molte file di peli barbosi riuniti alla base. Il pappo ha la funzione di aiutare la dispersione del seme portato quindi dal vento. Essendo la pianta anche abbastanza alta il successo con questo tipo di dispersione è molto rilevante. Dimensione del pappo 10 – 13 mm. Dimensione dell'achenio: 2,5 – 3,5 mm.


Distribuzione e habitat

Distribuzione della pianta
(Distribuzione regionale[17] – Distribuzione alpina[18])
  • Geoelemento: il tipo corologico è “Paleotemperato”, ma anche “Euroasiatico”.
  • Distribuzione: questa specie è distribuita in tutta Europa (sia nelle Alpi che sugli altri rilievi europei), Asia Settentrionale, Africa Settentrionale e ultimamente anche in America. In Italia è una pianta comune, ma in modo discontinuo, sulle Alpi e Appennino settentrionale.
  • Habitat: in Italia si trova su prati umidi, acquitrini e torbiere e comunque nei luoghi a mezza ombra e generalmente vicini a sorgenti d'acqua; si trova anche ai margini dei boschi o radure boschive. Questa specie è indifferente al pH del suolo, infatti il substrato preferito è sia calcareo che siliceo con pH neutro, medi valori nutrizionali del terreno che deve essere umido.[18]
  • Distribuzione altitudinale: si trova dai 600 ai 1.900 m s.l.m.; da un punto di vista altitudinale questa specie frequenta il piano vegetazionale collinare e quello montano e in parte quello subalpino.


Areale alpino

Dal punto di vista fitosociologico alpino la specie di questa voce appartiene alla seguente comunità vegetale[18]:

Formazione: delle comunità delle macro- e megaforbie terrestri
Classe: Molinio- Arrhenatheretea
Ordine: Molinietalia caeruleae

Areale italiano

Per l'areale completo italiano la specie di questa voce appartiene alla seguente comunità vegetale:[19]

Macrotipologia: vegetazione delle praterie
Classe: Molinio-arrhenatheretea Tüxen, 1937
Ordine: Molinietalia caeruleae Koch, 1926
Alleanza: Molinion caeruleae Koch, 1926

Descrizione. L'alleanza Molinion caeruleae è relativa ai prati umidi non concimati frequentati soprattutto dalla specie Molinia caerulea. Questa cenosi si sviluppa in prevalenza su suoli da subacidi a neutro-alcalini, talora torbosi e soggetti a parziale inaridimento estivo. Distribuzione dell'alleanza: dall'Italia settentrionale fino in Calabria. L’alleanza è ampiamente distribuita nell’Europea temperata. Queste comunità sono delle praterie seminaturali che, in assenza di sfalcio, evolvono, in tempi anche brevi, in comunità legnose dominate dalle specie di betulle e faggete.

Specie presenti nell'associazione: Cirsium palustre, Molinia caerulea, Serratula tinctoria, Equisetum palustre, Potentilla erecta, Succisa pratensis, Valeriana dioica, Sanguisorba officinalis, Genista tinctoria, Valeriana officinalis, Carex pallescens, Carex panicea, Carex davalliana, Schoenus nigricans, Lathyrus pratensis, Festuca pratensis, Festuca nigrescens, Parnassia palustris, Briza media, Holcus lanatus, Juncus articulatus, Selinum carvifolia, Potentilla erecta, Stachys officinalis, Trifolium pratense, Trifolium dubium, Trifolium patens, Centaurea nigrescens, Ranunculus acris e Rumex acetosa.

Altre alleanze per questa specie sono:[19]

  • Alopecurion pratensis
  • Bromo ramosi-Eupatorion cannabini
  • Calthion palustris


La famiglia di appartenenza di questa voce (Asteraceae o Compositae, nomen conservandum) probabilmente originaria del Sud America, è la più numerosa del mondo vegetale, comprende oltre 23.000 specie distribuite su 1.535 generi[20], oppure 22.750 specie e 1.530 generi secondo altre fonti[21] (una delle checklist più aggiornata elenca fino a 1.679 generi)[22]. La famiglia attualmente (2021) è divisa in 16 sottofamiglie.[1][11][23]

Cardueae è una delle 4 tribù della sottofamiglia Carduoideae. La tribù Cardueae a sua volta è suddivisa in 12 sottotribù (la sottotribù Carduinae è una di queste). Il genere Cirsium elenca 435 specie con una distribuzione cosmopolita, 35 delle quali sono presenti spontaneamente sul territorio italiano.[2][11][12][13][24][25]


Il genere di questa voce è inserito nel gruppo tassonomico della sottotribù Carduinae.[13] In precedenza provvisoriamente era inserito nel gruppo tassonomico informale "Carduus-Cirsium Group".[11] La posizione filogenetica di questo gruppo nell'ambito della sottotribù è abbastanza vicina al "core" della sottotribù (con il genere Carduus forma un "gruppo fratello") e dalle analisi molecolari è stato calcolato in 7,2 milioni di anni fa la separazione di questo genere dal resto del gruppo (è stato l'ultimo a separarsi).[24][25]
Il genere Cirsium spesso viene botanicamente “confuso” con altri generi come quello del Carduus o Cnicus (e di altri ancora). Le specie del primo genere ad esempio sono molto simili a quelle del Cirsium, anche se una certa distinzione è possibile servendosi dell'aspetto del pappo (in Cirsium è formato da setole piumose; mentre in Carduus è composto da pagliette denticolate scabre).[26]
Il genere Cirsium appartiene alla tribù delle Cardueae (da alcuni autori indicata come Cynareae), tribù che il Sistema Cronquist assegna alla sottofamiglia Cichorioideae e che invece la classificazione APG colloca nella sottofamiglia Carduoideae.[27].
Il numero cromosomico di Cirsium palustre è 2n=34.[14][28]
Il basionimo per questa specie è: Carduus palustris L, 1753.[18]

I caratteri distintivi di questa specie nell'ambito del genere sono:[29][30]

  • il colore della corolla è purpureo;
  • la superficie superiore delle foglie è priva di spine;
  • il fusto è sviluppato normalmente;
  • le foglie sono più o meno decorrenti;

Questi caratteri sono condivisi con le seguenti specie (sono indicati anche alcuni caratteri distintivi per ogni specie):[30]

Altre specie simili

  • Cirsium heterophyllus (L.) Hill - Cirsio falso elenio: è un po' meno alto con capolini più grandi e piriformi, le foglie non sono decorrenti e le spine sono nulle o deboli.
  • Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. - Cirsio dei campi: il portamento è più ramoso con molto capolini più piccoli. La corolla è violaceo-pallida e il lembo (parte del fiore tubuloso corrispondente grossomodo alle fauci più le 5 lacinie terminali) è più lungo del tubo basale.
  • Cirsium acaule (L.) Scop. - Cardo nano: la differenza più notevole è nell'altezza del fusto (che è molto breve o a volte mancante); per il resto questa pianta è abbastanza simile alla specie di questa voce.


Sandro Pignatti nella sua ”Flora d'Italia” (1982) segnala una varietà presente in Italia: Cirsium palustre var. horridum Pospichal (le spine sono più robuste, fino a 13 mm di lunghezza; oppure i fiori hanno le corolle più o meno decolorate). Varietà che però non è più stata confermata in seguito o inserita nelle più recenti checklist della flora spontanea italiana; e attualmente viene considerato un sinonimo.[31] In alcune checklist nell'ambito della tassonomia di questa voce viene inclusa anche la specie Cirsium bourgaeanum Willk. [32]


Nell'elenco seguente sono indicati alcuni ibridi intraspecifici:[33]


La specie “Cardo di palude”, in altri testi, può essere chiamata con nomi diversi. L'elenco seguente indica alcuni tra i sinonimi più frequenti:[31]

  • Carduus chailletii (Gaudin) Godron (1843)
  • Carduus laciniatus Lam. (1785)
  • Carduus palustris L. (1753)
  • Cirsium chailletii Gaudin (1829)
  • Cirsium curiosum Gandoger (1875)
  • Cirsium forsteri Loudon
  • Cirsium horridum (Posp.) Trotter
  • Cirsium kochianum
  • Cirsium laciniatum Nyman
  • Cirsium lacteum Schleich. ex W.Koch
  • Cirsium palatinum Sch.Bip. ex Nyman
  • Cirsium palustre subsp. palustre
  • Cirsium palustre subsp. trasmontanum
  • Cirsium palustre fo. horridum Posp.
  • Cirsium palustre fo. palustre
  • Cirsium parviflorum Lange ex Nyman
  • Cirsium pseudo-palustre Schur
  • Cirsium semidecurrens Richt.
  • Cnicus forsteri Sm.
  • Cnicus lacteus Schleicher (1821)
  • Cnicus palustris (L.) Willd. (1787)
  • Cynara palustris Stokes



Le foglie e i fiori hanno un certo interesse alimentare: specialmente i giovani germogli cotti. Ma anche i gambi (opportunamente pelati) si possono mangiare come gli asparagi.[34]


Dai semi della pianta si può ricavare dell'olio.[34]


È una pianta infestante (specialmente nei pascoli dell'America del Nord) dove a volte crea estese aree impenetrabili. Sembra che il potenziale di diffusione sia accresciuto notevolmente dalla particolari condizioni ambientali. In queste zone, per ridurre l'infestazione, si usano vari metodi sia meccanici che chimici (taglio selettivo in prossimità del suolo o taglio dei fiori prima della dispersione dei semi; oppure tramite opportuni erbicidi).[7]

Altre notizie

Il Cirsio di plaude in altre lingue viene chiamata nei seguenti modi:

  • (DE) Sumpf-Kratzdistel
  • (FR) Cirse des marais
  • (EN) Marsh Thistle

Galleria d'immagini


  1. ^ a b (EN) The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the ordines and families of flowering plants: APG IV, in Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 181, n. 1, 2016, pp. 1–20.
  2. ^ a b World Checklist - Royal Botanic Gardens KEW, su powo.science.kew.org. URL consultato il 6 febbraio 2021.
  3. ^ Botanical names, su calflora.net. URL consultato il 26 febbraio 2012.
  4. ^ Motta 1960, Vol. 1 - pag. 617.
  5. ^ The International Plant Names Index, su ipni.org. URL consultato il 22 febbraio 2012.
  6. ^ Botanical names, su calflora.net. URL consultato il 22 febbraio 2012.
  7. ^ a b c eFloras - Flora of North America, su efloras.org. URL consultato il 23 febbraio 2012.
  8. ^ Pignatti 1982, vol.3 pag.1.
  9. ^ Strasburger 2007, pag. 860.
  10. ^ Judd 2007, pag.517.
  11. ^ a b c d Kadereit & Jeffrey 2007, pag. 132.
  12. ^ a b Funk & Susanna 2009, pag. 300.
  13. ^ a b c Herrando et al. 2019.
  14. ^ a b Pignatti 2018, vol.3 pag.954.
  15. ^ Judd-Campbell-Kellogg-Stevens-Donoghue, Botanica Sistematica - Un approccio filogenetico, Padova, Piccin Nuova Libraria, 2007, p. 520, ISBN 978-88-299-1824-9.
  16. ^ Judd 2007, pag. 523.
  17. ^ Conti et al. 2005, pag. 78.
  18. ^ a b c d Aeschimann et al. 2004, Vol. 2 - pag. 590.
  19. ^ a b Prodromo della vegetazione italiana, su prodromo-vegetazione-italia.org. URL consultato il 4 luglio 2021.
  20. ^ Judd 2007, pag. 520.
  21. ^ Strasburger 2007, pag. 858.
  22. ^ World Checklist - Royal Botanic Gardens KEW, su powo.science.kew.org. URL consultato il 18 marzo 2021.
  23. ^ Funk & Susanna 2009, pag. 293.
  24. ^ a b Barres et al. 2013.
  25. ^ a b Ackerfield et al. 2020.
  26. ^ Pignatti 1982, Vol.3 -pag.154.
  27. ^ Funk Susanna 2009.
  28. ^ Bureš P. et al, Pollen viability and natural hybridization of Central European species of Cirsium (PDF), in Preslia 2010; 82: 391–422.
  29. ^ Pignatti 2018, Vol. 3 pag. 953.
  30. ^ a b Pignatti 2018, Vol. 4 pag. 883.
  31. ^ a b Global Compositae Checklist, su compositae.landcareresearch.co.nz. URL consultato il 23 febbraio 2012.
  32. ^ EURO MED - PlantBase, su ww2.bgbm.org. URL consultato il 23 febbraio 2012.
  33. ^ Index synonymique de la flore de France, su www2.dijon.inra.fr (archiviato dall'url originale il 1º luglio 2011).
  34. ^ a b Plants For A Future, su pfaf.org. URL consultato il 23 febbraio 2012.


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Cirsium palustre: Brief Summary ( Italian )

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Il cardo di palude (nome scientifico Cirsium palustre (L.) Scop., 1772) è un'alta pianta erbacea angiosperma dicotiledone a ciclo biennale, molto spinosa, appartenente alla famiglia delle Asteraceae.

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Kale jonker ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Sumpfkratzdistel uf1-1-.jpg

De kale jonker (Cirsium palustre) is een twee- of meerjarige vederdistel in de onderfamilie Carduoideae van de composietenfamilie. Ze overwintert met winterknoppen onder of net boven de grond, ze is monocarp.

  • Fries: Houtstikel
  • Engels: Marsh thistle
  • Frans: Cirse des marais
  • Duits: Sumpf-Kratzdistel


De 60-120 cm hoge plant is zeer algemeen op open, vochtige omgewerkte grond. Langs de stengel staan de stekelige, tot aan de top gevleugelde bladeren. Deze bladeren zijn bochtig veerspletig, met 2 tot 3 lobbige slippen. De stengel is meestal hooguit aan de top vertakt.

De roodpaarse bloemhoofdjes zijn kort gesteeld en staan in kluwens. Zeldzaam komen ook witte bloemhoofdjes voor. De kluwens zijn vrijwel bladloos. De bloeiperiode valt in de periode juni t/m september. De omwindselbladen zijn vaak paars aangelopen en zwak stekelig.

De kruising Cirsium dissectum × palustre is een tussenvorm tussen de beide ouders die op dezelfde plaatsen als Cirsium dissectum voorkomt.


Het verspreidingsgebied beslaat Noord- en Midden-Europa, en loopt in Azië door tot in West-Siberië. In Midden-Siberië is ze zeldzaam. In Noord-Amerika is ze ingevoerd.

Ze komt o.a. voor in de plantensociologische groep Molinietalia. Ze is gastheerplant voor Aethes cnicana, Epiblema cirsiana, Scrobipalpa acuminatella, Scrobipalpa pauperella en in Finland voor Autographa gamma.

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Kale jonker: Brief Summary ( Dutch; Flemish )

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Sumpfkratzdistel uf1-1-.jpg

De kale jonker (Cirsium palustre) is een twee- of meerjarige vederdistel in de onderfamilie Carduoideae van de composietenfamilie. Ze overwintert met winterknoppen onder of net boven de grond, ze is monocarp.

Fries: Houtstikel Engels: Marsh thistle Frans: Cirse des marais Duits: Sumpf-Kratzdistel
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Myrtistel ( Norwegian )

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Myrtistel er ein fleirårig art i korgplantefamilien. Planta er utbreidd over Europa, Asia og Nord-Afrika. Myrtistel har rak stengel med korte greiner øvst, oftast litt raudbrun. Han har buktfinna mørkgrøne blad med sylspisse broddar og mørkfiolette korgdekkblad utan kvass odd. Planten blomstrar kring juli månad på grasmyr og våt eng. Han veks i Noreg nord til Troms, og er funnen til fjells opp til 1000 m.


  • Johannes Lid: Norsk-svensk-finsk flora. Det Norske Samlaget, 1985.
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Myrtistel: Brief Summary ( Norwegian )

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Myrtistel er ein fleirårig art i korgplantefamilien. Planta er utbreidd over Europa, Asia og Nord-Afrika. Myrtistel har rak stengel med korte greiner øvst, oftast litt raudbrun. Han har buktfinna mørkgrøne blad med sylspisse broddar og mørkfiolette korgdekkblad utan kvass odd. Planten blomstrar kring juli månad på grasmyr og våt eng. Han veks i Noreg nord til Troms, og er funnen til fjells opp til 1000 m.

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Ostrożeń błotny ( Polish )

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Ostrożeń błotny (Cirsium palustre (L.) Scop.) – gatunek rośliny należący do rodziny astrowatych. Występuje w całej Europie oraz na Syberii Zachodniej i Wschodniej, rozprzestrzenił się także gdzieniegdzie poza tymi obszarami swojego rodzimego występowania[2]. W Polsce gatunek pospolity, zarówno na niżu, jak i w niższych położeniach górskich.


Różyczka liściowa, z której wyrasta łodyga kwiatostanowa.
Wzniesiona i nierozgałęziona, lub rozgałęziająca się tylko u samej góry, silnie kolczasta, cała ulistniona. Osiąga wysokość do 2 m.
Dolne pierzastosieczne o głęboko dwudzielnych odcinkach, górne słabo wcięte. Wszystkie są zbiegające po łodydze, na górnej stronie blaszki nagie, na spodzie pokryte kutnerem i mają silnie kolczaste brzegi.
Zebrane w jajowate koszyczki o pajęczynowato osnutej okrywie. Zewnętrzne listki okrywy są kolczaste, górą podbarwione na brunatno. Wszystkie kwiaty w koszyczku są rurkowe, przeważnie są to kwiaty obupłciowe, czasami spotyka się wyłącznie żeńskie.
Niełupka z puchem kielichowym pełniącym rolę aparatu lotnego podczas rozsiewania przez wiatr.

Biologia i ekologia

Roślina dwuletnia. W pierwszym roku wegetacji tworzy różyczkę liści, w drugim łodygę z kwiatami i owocami. Roślina kwitnie od lipca do września, jest owadopylna.

Rośnie na torfowiskach, wilgotnych łąkach, w zaroślach. W górach sięga po regiel dolny. W uprawach rolnych, a szczególnie na łąkach jest uciążliwym chwastem. Hemikryptofit. W klasyfikacji zbiorowisk roślinnych gatunek charakterystyczny dla O. Molinieatalia[3].


Tworzy mieszańce z większością gatunków ostrożeni, przeważnie z ostrożeniem łąkowym i ostrożeniem warzywnym[4].


  1. Stevens P.F.: Angiosperm Phylogeny Website (ang.). 2001–. [dostęp 2010-04-15].
  2. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). [dostęp 2010-06-29].
  3. Matuszkiewicz imię=Władysław: Przewodnik do oznaczania zbiorowisk roślinnych Polski. Warszawa: Wyd. Naukowe PWN, 2006. ISBN 83-01-14439-4.
  4. Lucjan Rutkowski: Klucz do oznaczania roślin naczyniowych Polski niżowej. Wyd. Naukowe PWN, 2006. ISBN 83-01-14342-8.


  1. D. Gayówna, Ewa Śliwińska: Rośliny łąk. Warszawa: PZWS, 1960.
  2. Lucjan Rutkowski: Klucz do oznaczania roślin naczyniowych Polski niżowej. Warszawa: Wyd. Naukowe PWN, 2006. ISBN 83-01-14342-8.
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Ostrożeń błotny: Brief Summary ( Polish )

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Ostrożeń błotny (Cirsium palustre (L.) Scop.) – gatunek rośliny należący do rodziny astrowatych. Występuje w całej Europie oraz na Syberii Zachodniej i Wschodniej, rozprzestrzenił się także gdzieniegdzie poza tymi obszarami swojego rodzimego występowania. W Polsce gatunek pospolity, zarówno na niżu, jak i w niższych położeniach górskich.

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Cirsium palustre ( Portuguese )

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Bombus sylvestris male - Cirsium palustre - Keila.jpg

Cirsium palustre é uma espécie de planta com flor pertencente à família Asteraceae.

A autoridade científica da espécie é (L.) Scop., tendo sido publicada em Flora Carniolica, Editio Secunda 2: 128. 1772.[1]

O seu nome comum é cardo-palustre.[2]


Trata-se de uma espécie presente no território português, nomeadamente em Portugal Continental.

Em termos de naturalidade é nativa da região atrás indicada.


Não se encontra protegida por legislação portuguesa ou da Comunidade Europeia.


  1. Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. 7 de Outubro de 2014 http://www.tropicos.org/Name/2702303>
  2. Cirsium palustre - Flora Digital de Portugal. jb.utad.pt/flora.


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Cirsium palustre: Brief Summary ( Portuguese )

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Bombus sylvestris male - Cirsium palustre - Keila.jpg

Cirsium palustre é uma espécie de planta com flor pertencente à família Asteraceae.

A autoridade científica da espécie é (L.) Scop., tendo sido publicada em Flora Carniolica, Editio Secunda 2: 128. 1772.

O seu nome comum é cardo-palustre.

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Močvirski osat ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Močvirski osat (znanstveno ime Cirsium palustre) je trajnica iz družine nebinovk.


Močvirski osat zraste do 2 metra visoko. Listi so na spodnji strani dlakavi, spodnji se iztezajo po steblu. Steblo se proti vrhu razdeli, na vrhu vsake veje pa se razvije po več cvetnih koškov. Koški so majhni, v premeru merijo do 15 mm, ovojkovi listi pa se končujejo s trnom.Cvetovi so rdečevijolične barve, redkeje so lahko tudi beli. Najpogosteje to vrsto osata najdemo na mokrih travnikih, gozdnih močvirjih in vlažnih posekah od severne Evrope do osrednje Azije. Kasneje so ta osat zanesli tudi v Severno Ameriko, kjer je postal invazivna vrsta.


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Močvirski osat: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Močvirski osat (znanstveno ime Cirsium palustre) je trajnica iz družine nebinovk.

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Kärrtistel ( Swedish )

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Kärrtistel (Cirsium palustre) är en art tillhörande familjen korgblommiga växter. Den förekommer i Sverige både som två- och flerårig.

Arten blir mellan 50 och 250 centimeter hög. Den har smala mörkgröna parflikiga blad som har taggig kant och blekgrön undersida. Den blommar mellan juni och september, men i Sverige börjar blomningen normalt inte förrän i juli. Kärrtistel får då 2 till 8 stycken blomkorgar som är 7 till 10 millimeter breda och mörklila till färgen. Artens frö är försett med fjäderpensel. Hela plantan kan ofta ha en brunrödaktig ton. Holkfjällen är glest håriga och ibland klibbiga. Kärrtistel växer ofta, som namnet antyder, vid kärr men även längs diken och på fuktiga betesmarker och där det finns öppen fuktig mull- och torvmark. Bildar hybrider tillsammans med brudborste, jordtistel och kåltistel. Artepitetet palustre kommer ifrån latinets palus som betyder kärr, och syftar på den typiska biotopen.

Kärrtistel är mycket vanlig i hela Norden, med undantag för fjälltrakterna och Island.

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Kärrtistel: Brief Summary ( Swedish )

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Kärrtistel (Cirsium palustre) är en art tillhörande familjen korgblommiga växter. Den förekommer i Sverige både som två- och flerårig.

Arten blir mellan 50 och 250 centimeter hög. Den har smala mörkgröna parflikiga blad som har taggig kant och blekgrön undersida. Den blommar mellan juni och september, men i Sverige börjar blomningen normalt inte förrän i juli. Kärrtistel får då 2 till 8 stycken blomkorgar som är 7 till 10 millimeter breda och mörklila till färgen. Artens frö är försett med fjäderpensel. Hela plantan kan ofta ha en brunrödaktig ton. Holkfjällen är glest håriga och ibland klibbiga. Kärrtistel växer ofta, som namnet antyder, vid kärr men även längs diken och på fuktiga betesmarker och där det finns öppen fuktig mull- och torvmark. Bildar hybrider tillsammans med brudborste, jordtistel och kåltistel. Artepitetet palustre kommer ifrån latinets palus som betyder kärr, och syftar på den typiska biotopen.

Kärrtistel är mycket vanlig i hela Norden, med undantag för fjälltrakterna och Island.

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Осот болотний ( Ukrainian )

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Дворічна або однократно квітуча багаторічна трава заввишки 50–150(300) см. Коріння мочкувате. Стебла від нерозгалужених до розгалужених на верхівці, крилаті, колючі, рифлені, шерстисті, зазвичай темно-червонуваті. Листки перистороздільні, з 2–3-лопатевими частками, паутинисто-повстяні, на краях із короткими шипуватими віями; лопаті й зубці листя і крила стебел закінчуються тонкими буро-світло-жовтими колючками 1–5 мм довжиною. Обгортка1 яйцеподібна, досить густо-паутиниста, буро-пурпурова. 1–1.5 см квіткові голови зібрані по від мало до багато у густих скупченнях. Квітки пурпурні (іноді білі або рожеві), відгин віночка менше ніж до середини 5-роздільний. Папуси 9–11 мм. Сім'янкоподібні плоди від рудувато-коричневого до солом'яного забарвлення, 2.5–3.5 мм з комірами 0.1–0.2 мм, блискучі. Квіти відвідує широкий спектр комах.


Азія: Казахстан, Росія; Європа: Білорусь, Естонія, Латвія, Литва, Молдова, Україна, Австрія, Бельгія, Чехія, Німеччина, Угорщина, Нідерланди, Польща, Словаччина, Швейцарія, Данія, Фарерські острови, Фінляндія, Ірландія, Норвегія, Швеція, Велика Британія, Албанія, Боснія і Герцеговина, Хорватія, Італія, Чорногорія, Румунія, Сербія, Словенія, Франція, Португалія, Іспанія. Введено: Португалія — Азорські острови, Нова Зеландія, Канада, Сент-П'єр і Мікелон, США.

Населяє болота, вологі ліси, луки, пасовища, канави, береги, ріллю, парові землі, скельні басейни. Індикатор вологих і глинистих земель.

В Україні зростає на болотах і заболочених луках — на б. ч. території, крім Степу і Криму[1].



  1. а б Доброчаева Д.Н., Котов М.И., Прокудин Ю.Н., и др. Определитель высших растений Украины. — Киев : Наукова думка, 1987. — С. 352. (рос.)(укр.)
  2. Dictionary of Botanical Epithets (англ.). www.winternet.com. Процитовано 2017-08-25.


1 сукупність верхніх листків або приквітків біля основи суцвіття

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Cirsium palustre ( Vietnamese )

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Cirsium palustre là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cúc. Loài này được (L.) Coss. ex Scop. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1772.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Cirsium palustre. Truy cập ngày 4 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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 src= Wikimedia Commons có thư viện hình ảnh và phương tiện truyền tải về Cirsium palustre  src= Wikispecies có thông tin sinh học về Cirsium palustre

Bài viết tông cúc Cardueae này vẫn còn sơ khai. Bạn có thể giúp Wikipedia bằng cách mở rộng nội dung để bài được hoàn chỉnh hơn.
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Cirsium palustre: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Cirsium palustre là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cúc. Loài này được (L.) Coss. ex Scop. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1772.

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Бодяк болотный ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию
Царство: Растения
Подцарство: Зелёные растения
Отдел: Цветковые
Надпорядок: Asteranae
Порядок: Астроцветные
Семейство: Астровые
Подсемейство: Чертополоховые
Подтриба: Чертополоховые
Род: Бодяк
Вид: Бодяк болотный
Международное научное название

Cirsium palustre (L.) Scop., 1772

на Викивидах
на Викискладе
ITIS 36394NCBI 143190EOL 468314GRIN t:401604IPNI 195790-1TPL gcc-14233

Бодя́к боло́тный (лат. Círsium palústre) — травянистое растение, вид рода Бодяк семейства Сложноцветные (Asteraceae).

Двулетник с колючими листьями и крылатым колючим стеблем, со скученными на верхушке стебля корзинками. Часто в окраске листьев и стеблей имеется фиолетовый оттенок.

Ботаническое описание

Ботаническая иллюстрация из книги К. А. М. Линдмана Bilder ur Nordens Flora, 1917—1926

Двулетнее растение (редко — монокарпический многолетник) 50—150(200) см высотой. Стебель прямостоячий, узко- и колючекрылатый, с паутинистым опушением, светло-зелёный, часто с буровато-фиолетовым оттенком, в верхней половине иногда слабо разветвлённый.

Листья 10—20 см длиной и 5—10 см шириной, сверху жёлто-зелёные, часто с буровато-фиолетовым оттенком, снизу более светлые, на коротких крылатых черешках. Пластинка обратноланцетная до продолговато-ланцетной в очертании, перисто-рассечённая на ланцетные или продолговато-ланцетные сегменты с волнистым зубчатым краем, с неравными шипами на концах зубцов. На верхней стороне пластинки опушение рассеянное, снизу — густое, паутинистое.

Корзинки многочисленные, скученные на конце стебля или ветвей, 10—20 мм в поперечнике. Обёртка многорядная, листочки её 3—13×1,5—2 мм, жёлто-коричневые, по крайней мере ближе к верхушке часто с фиолетовым оттенком, ланцетной формы, с редким паутинистым опушением, на конце с шипиком. Внутренние листочки обёртки с нитевидным плёнчатым придатком. Все цветки трубчатые, венчик 10—15 мм длиной, пятилопастный, сиреневый, редко белый. Цветоложе плоское, с густыми щетинками.

Семянки обратноконической формы, 2,5—4 мм длиной и 1,2—1,4 мм шириной, на верхушке с беловатым хохолком 8—12 мм длиной. Поверхность матовая, беловатая, желтоватая или с пурпурным оттенком, неясно бороздчатая.


Евросибирское растение, встречающееся по сырым лугам и пастбищам, на пересыхающих болотах, в заболоченных лесах, в долинах рек, у канав.

Бодяк занесён на северо-восток Северной Америки (впервые обнаружен в 1902 году), где является инвазивным видом, быстро распространяющимся по влажным местообитаниям.

Таксономия и систематика

Диагноз вида был опубликован Карлом Линнеем в книге Species plantarum: Carduus foliis dentatis decurrentibus: margine spinosis, floribus racemosis erectis, pedunculis inermibus — «Carduus с зубчатыми низбегающими листьями, по краю колючими, с цветками в прямостоячих кистях, с цветоносами без колючек».




  • Carduus chailletii (Gaudin) Godr., 1843
  • Carduus laciniatus Lam., 1785
  • Cirsium chailletii Gaudin, 1829
  • Cirsium curiosum Gand., 1875
  • Cirsium lacteum (Schleich.) W.D.J.Koch, 1837
  • Cnicus lacteus Schleich., 1821


  1. Об условности указания класса двудольных в качестве вышестоящего таксона для описываемой в данной статье группы растений см. раздел «Системы APG» статьи «Двудольные».
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Бодяк болотный: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

Бодя́к боло́тный (лат. Círsium palústre) — травянистое растение, вид рода Бодяк семейства Сложноцветные (Asteraceae).

Двулетник с колючими листьями и крылатым колючим стеблем, со скученными на верхушке стебля корзинками. Часто в окраске листьев и стеблей имеется фиолетовый оттенок.

Авторы и редакторы Википедии