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Winged Insects
Tube Tailed Thrips
Winged Insects
Tube Tailed Thrips
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) fiebrigi Priesner 1931
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) fiebrigi Priesner 1931
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Providing information on the World's thrips in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Haplothrips fiebrigi
Priesner 1931
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
GBIF national node type records Germany
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) fiebrigi Priesner 1931
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Haplothrips fiebrigi Priesner 1931
Species recognized by
GBIF data coverage
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Haplothrips (Trybomiella) fiebrigi Priesner 1931
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) fiebrigi Priesner 1931
(this page)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) abyssianae Watson 1926
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) acaciae Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) acanthoscelis (Karny 1910)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) alexandrinus Priesner 1931
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) allii Priesner 1935
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) alpicola Priesner 1950
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) angusi Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) arenarius Priesner 1920
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) armeriae Maltbaek 1931
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) arundinariae Takahashi 1937
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) atriplicis Priesner 1936
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) balachowskyi Priesner 1950
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) bellisi Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) caespitis Priesner 1936
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) cahirensis (Trybom 1911)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) ceylonicus Schmutz 1913
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) citricornis Moulton 1940
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) collyerae Mound & Walker 1986
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) constrictus Priesner 1950
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) davisi Bianchi 1946
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) dianthinus Priesner 1924
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) dilatipennis zur Strassen 1965
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) dissociatus Cavalleri, Lindner & Mendonca 2016
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) driesseni Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) eragrostidis Priesner 1931
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) eryngii Bagnall 1934
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) falsarius Priesner 1966
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) fici Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) floricae Knechtel 1960
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) froggatti Hood 1918
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) fumipennis Priesner 1933
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) fuscicornis (Bagnall 1929)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) ganglbaueri Schmutz 1913
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) graecus Karny 1914
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) graminis Hood 1912
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) habermani zur Strassen 1964
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) haideeae Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) helianthemi Oettingen 1942
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) heymonsi Karny 1913
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) hukkineni Priesner 1939
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) incognitus Priesner 1933
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) jasionis Priesner 1950
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) juncorum Bagnall 1913
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) knechteli Priesner 1923
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) lederi (Priesner 1924)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) leptadeniae Priesner 1936
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) limoniastri Priesner 1931
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) lithuanicus Oettingen 1951
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) lobini zur Strassen 1982
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) longisetosus Ananthakrishnan 1955
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) maltbaeki Bagnall 1933
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) mangiferae Priesner 1933
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) maroccanus Priesner 1950
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) mathildeae Knechtel 1959
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) mesembrianthemi Priesner 1933
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) minutulus Priesner 1931
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) moritzi Klimt 1987
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) nipponicus Okajima 2006
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) nubilipennis Hood 1914
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) ochradeni Priesner 1931
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) phyllanthi Moulton 1942
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) plantaginis Priesner 1957
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) priesnerorum Pelikan 1968
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) quadraticeps Bagnall 1933
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) rabinovitchi Priesner 1936
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) rectipennis Hood 1927
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) reichardti Priesner 1924
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) retamae (Enderlein 1929)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) ritchei Johansen & Oca 1989
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) rivnayi Priesner 1936
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) saidi (Retana-Salazar & Soto-Rodriguez 2007)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) salloumensis Priesner 1935
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) salsolae Priesner 1939
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) schliephakei Klimt 1983
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) setiger Priesner 1921
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) setigeriformis Fabian 1938
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) simplex (Buffa 1909)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) siwanus Priesner 1950
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) sorghicola Bagnall 1933
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) statices (Haliday 1836)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) stofbergi Faure 1957
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) strigae Priesner 1934
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) subtilissimus (Haliday 1852)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) sventenii zur Strassen 1966
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) titschacki Pelikan 1965
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) utae Klimt 1970
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) vuilleti Priesner 1920
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) vulcaniensis (Johansen 1987)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) xanthocrepis Hood 1940
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) yakhontovi Pelikan 1963
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) zimmermani (Moulton 1939)
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) clarisetis Priesner 1930
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) heliotropica Mound & Zapater 2003
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) nigricornis (Bagnall 1910)
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) pallescens (Hood 1919)
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) ramakrishnai Karny 1926
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) robustus Bagnall 1918
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) shivendraii Tyagi & Kumar 2018
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) talpa Priesner 1931
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) wouramboulchii Moulton 1928
142 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Thysanoptera Haliday 1836
Phlaeothripidae Uzel 1895
Phlaeothripinae Uzel 1895
Haplothrips Amyot & Serville 1843
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) fiebrigi Priesner 1931
(this page)
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) articulosus (Bagnall 1926)
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) bagnalli (Trybom 1910)
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) brachypygus Pelikan 1989
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) clarisetis Priesner 1930
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) cottei (Vuillet 1913)
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) eremobius Velikan 1986
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) gomphrenae Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) heliotropica Mound & Zapater 2003
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) heliotropii Priesner 1935
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) mateolanus De Marzo & Ravazzi 2002
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) mordvilkoi John 1925
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) navvabi Minaei, Mombeini & Ramezani 2018
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) nigricornis (Bagnall 1910)
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) ordi Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) pallescens (Hood 1919)
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) ramakrishnai Karny 1926
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) robustus Bagnall 1918
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) salicorniae Mound & Walker 1986
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) shivendraii Tyagi & Kumar 2018
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) talpa Priesner 1931
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) tardus Priesner 1927
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) teucrii Bournier 1962
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) timori Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) tirumalraoi Ramakrishna & Margabandhu 1931
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) trellesi Moulton 1935
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) varius Hood 1918
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) wouramboulchii Moulton 1928
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) fiebrigi Priesner 1931
(this page)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) abyssianae Watson 1926
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) acanthoscelis (Karny 1910)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) alexandrinus Priesner 1931
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) allii Priesner 1935
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) alpestris Priesner 1914
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) alpicola Priesner 1950
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) angusi Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) arenarius Priesner 1920
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) armeriae Maltbaek 1931
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) arundinariae Takahashi 1937
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) atriplicis Priesner 1936
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) balachowskyi Priesner 1950
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) bellisi Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) caespitis Priesner 1936
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) cahirensis (Trybom 1911)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) ceylonicus Schmutz 1913
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) citricornis Moulton 1940
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) collyerae Mound & Walker 1986
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) constrictus Priesner 1950
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) davisi Bianchi 1946
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) dianthinus Priesner 1924
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) dilatipennis zur Strassen 1965
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) dissociatus Cavalleri, Lindner & Mendonca 2016
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) driesseni Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) eragrostidis Priesner 1931
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) eryngii Bagnall 1934
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) falsarius Priesner 1966
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) fici Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) floricae Knechtel 1960
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) froggatti Hood 1918
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) fumipennis Priesner 1933
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) fuscicornis (Bagnall 1929)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) ganglbaueri Schmutz 1913
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) graecus Karny 1914
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) graminis Hood 1912
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) habermani zur Strassen 1964
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) haideeae Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) helianthemi Oettingen 1942
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) heymonsi Karny 1913
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) hukkineni Priesner 1939
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) incognitus Priesner 1933
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) jasionis Priesner 1950
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) juncorum Bagnall 1913
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) knechteli Priesner 1923
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) lederi (Priesner 1924)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) leptadeniae Priesner 1936
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) limoniastri Priesner 1931
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) lithuanicus Oettingen 1951
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) lobini zur Strassen 1982
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) longisetosus Ananthakrishnan 1955
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) maltbaeki Bagnall 1933
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) mangiferae Priesner 1933
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) maroccanus Priesner 1950
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) mathildeae Knechtel 1959
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) mesembrianthemi Priesner 1933
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) minutulus Priesner 1931
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) moritzi Klimt 1987
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) nipponicus Okajima 2006
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) nubilipennis Hood 1914
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) ochradeni Priesner 1931
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) phyllanthi Moulton 1942
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) plantaginis Priesner 1957
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) priesnerorum Pelikan 1968
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) quadraticeps Bagnall 1933
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) rabinovitchi Priesner 1936
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) rectipennis Hood 1927
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) reichardti Priesner 1924
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) retamae (Enderlein 1929)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) ritchei Johansen & Oca 1989
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) rivnayi Priesner 1936
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) saidi (Retana-Salazar & Soto-Rodriguez 2007)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) salloumensis Priesner 1935
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) salsolae Priesner 1939
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) schliephakei Klimt 1983
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) setiger Priesner 1921
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) setigeriformis Fabian 1938
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) simplex (Buffa 1909)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) siwanus Priesner 1950
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) sorghicola Bagnall 1933
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) statices (Haliday 1836)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) stofbergi Faure 1957
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) strigae Priesner 1934
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) subtilissimus (Haliday 1852)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) sventenii zur Strassen 1966
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) titschacki Pelikan 1965
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) utae Klimt 1970
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) vuilleti Priesner 1920
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) vulcaniensis (Johansen 1987)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) xanthocrepis Hood 1940
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) yakhontovi Pelikan 1963
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) zimmermani (Moulton 1939)
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) clarisetis Priesner 1930
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) heliotropica Mound & Zapater 2003
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) nigricornis (Bagnall 1910)
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) pallescens (Hood 1919)
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) ramakrishnai Karny 1926
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) robustus Bagnall 1918
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) shivendraii Tyagi & Kumar 2018
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) talpa Priesner 1931
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) wouramboulchii Moulton 1928
138 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) fiebrigi Priesner 1931
(this page)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) abyssianae Watson 1926
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) acanthoscelis (Karny 1910)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) alexandrinus Priesner 1931
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) allii Priesner 1935
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) alpestris Priesner 1914
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) alpicola Priesner 1950
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) angusi Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) arenarius Priesner 1920
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) armeriae Maltbaek 1931
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) arundinariae Takahashi 1937
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) atriplicis Priesner 1936
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) balachowskyi Priesner 1950
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) bellisi Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) caespitis Priesner 1936
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) cahirensis (Trybom 1911)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) ceylonicus Schmutz 1913
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) citricornis Moulton 1940
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) collyerae Mound & Walker 1986
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) constrictus Priesner 1950
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) davisi Bianchi 1946
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) dianthinus Priesner 1924
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) dilatipennis zur Strassen 1965
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) dissociatus Cavalleri, Lindner & Mendonca 2016
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) driesseni Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) eragrostidis Priesner 1931
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) eryngii Bagnall 1934
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) falsarius Priesner 1966
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) fici Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) floricae Knechtel 1960
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) froggatti Hood 1918
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) fumipennis Priesner 1933
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) fuscicornis (Bagnall 1929)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) ganglbaueri Schmutz 1913
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) graecus Karny 1914
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) graminis Hood 1912
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) habermani zur Strassen 1964
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) haideeae Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) helianthemi Oettingen 1942
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) heymonsi Karny 1913
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) hukkineni Priesner 1939
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) incognitus Priesner 1933
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) jasionis Priesner 1950
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) juncorum Bagnall 1913
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) knechteli Priesner 1923
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) lederi (Priesner 1924)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) leptadeniae Priesner 1936
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) limoniastri Priesner 1931
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) lithuanicus Oettingen 1951
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) lobini zur Strassen 1982
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) longisetosus Ananthakrishnan 1955
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) maltbaeki Bagnall 1933
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) mangiferae Priesner 1933
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) maroccanus Priesner 1950
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) mathildeae Knechtel 1959
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) mesembrianthemi Priesner 1933
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) minutulus Priesner 1931
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) moritzi Klimt 1987
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) nipponicus Okajima 2006
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) nubilipennis Hood 1914
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) ochradeni Priesner 1931
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) phyllanthi Moulton 1942
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) plantaginis Priesner 1957
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) priesnerorum Pelikan 1968
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) quadraticeps Bagnall 1933
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) rabinovitchi Priesner 1936
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) rectipennis Hood 1927
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) reichardti Priesner 1924
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) retamae (Enderlein 1929)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) ritchei Johansen & Oca 1989
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) rivnayi Priesner 1936
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) saidi (Retana-Salazar & Soto-Rodriguez 2007)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) salloumensis Priesner 1935
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) salsolae Priesner 1939
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) schliephakei Klimt 1983
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) setiger Priesner 1921
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) setigeriformis Fabian 1938
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) simplex (Buffa 1909)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) siwanus Priesner 1950
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) sorghicola Bagnall 1933
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) statices (Haliday 1836)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) stofbergi Faure 1957
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) strigae Priesner 1934
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) subtilissimus (Haliday 1852)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) sventenii zur Strassen 1966
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) titschacki Pelikan 1965
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) utae Klimt 1970
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) vuilleti Priesner 1920
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) vulcaniensis (Johansen 1987)
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) xanthocrepis Hood 1940
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) yakhontovi Pelikan 1963
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) zimmermani (Moulton 1939)
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) clarisetis Priesner 1930
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) heliotropica Mound & Zapater 2003
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) nigricornis (Bagnall 1910)
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) pallescens (Hood 1919)
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) ramakrishnai Karny 1926
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) robustus Bagnall 1918
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) shivendraii Tyagi & Kumar 2018
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) talpa Priesner 1931
Haplothrips (Trybomiella) wouramboulchii Moulton 1928
138 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Haplothrips Amyot & Serville 1843
Haplothrips fiebrigi Priesner 1931
(this page)
Haplothrips abyssianae Watson 1926
Haplothrips acaciae Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips aethiopiae Moulton 1928
Haplothrips aliceae Mound 2019
Haplothrips alpestris Priesner 1914
Haplothrips ammodendronis Yakhontov 1956
Haplothrips amygdali Priesner 1950
Haplothrips angusi Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips articulosus (Bagnall 1926)
Haplothrips bagnalli (Trybom 1910)
Haplothrips bagrolis Bhatti 1973
Haplothrips balachowskyi Priesner 1950
Haplothrips bedfordi Jacot-Guillarmod 1941
Haplothrips bellisi Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips bicolor (Ananthakrishnan 1964)
Haplothrips biroi (Priesner 1928)
Haplothrips bluncki Priesner 1951
Haplothrips bodenheimeri Priesner 1928
Haplothrips brachypygus Pelikan 1989
Haplothrips breviseta
Haplothrips brevitubus (Karny 1913)
Haplothrips caespitis Priesner 1936
Haplothrips cahirensis (Trybom 1911)
Haplothrips callani Faure 1956
Haplothrips ceylonicus Schmutz 1913
Haplothrips ciliatus
Haplothrips constrictus Priesner 1950
Haplothrips cooperi Moulton 1928
Haplothrips defractus Schliephake & Klimt 1967
Haplothrips dentalis (Solowiow 1924)
Haplothrips dissociatus Cavalleri, Lindner & Mendonca 2016
Haplothrips driesseni Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips eremobius Velikan 1986
Haplothrips fallaciosus Oettingen 1951
Haplothrips falsarius Priesner 1966
Haplothrips faurei
Haplothrips fici Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips flavipes (Moulton 1928)
Haplothrips flavithorax Sokhadze 1961
Haplothrips fumipennis Priesner 1933
Haplothrips fungulus Ananthakrishnan 1973
Haplothrips gahniae Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips ganglebaueri Schmutz 1913
Haplothrips globosus Faure 1961
Haplothrips gomphrenae Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips howei Mound & Minaei 2007
Haplothrips hrasvamukha (Ramakrishna 1928)
Haplothrips husseini Priesner 1939
Haplothrips incognitus Priesner 1933
Haplothrips inquinatus Karny 1921
Haplothrips johni (Priesner 1925)
Haplothrips jordani (Bagnall 1909)
Haplothrips juchnevitschae Yakhontov 1957
Haplothrips kilimandjaricus (Trybom 1910)
Haplothrips lederi (Priesner 1924)
Haplothrips leucanthemi (Schrank 1781)
Haplothrips limonicola Okajima 2006
Haplothrips longisetosus Ananthakrishnan 1955
Haplothrips mangiferae Priesner 1933
Haplothrips maroccanus Priesner 1950
Haplothrips mateolanus De Marzo & Ravazzi 2002
Haplothrips microphthalmus Karny 1913
Haplothrips minutulus Priesner 1931
Haplothrips mordvilkoi John 1925
Haplothrips morisoni Priesner 1928
Haplothrips moritzi Klimt 1987
Haplothrips navvabi Minaei, Mombeini & Ramezani 2018
Haplothrips niger (Osborn 1883)
Haplothrips nipponicus Okajima 2006
Haplothrips odontospermi Priesner 1931
Haplothrips pharao Priesner 1930
Haplothrips pirus Bhatti 1967
Haplothrips plotnicowi Scalon 1935
Haplothrips priesnerorum Pelikan 1968
Haplothrips quadraticeps Bagnall 1933
Haplothrips ramakrishnai Karny 1926
Haplothrips ritchei Johansen & Oca 1989
Haplothrips saidi (Retana-Salazar & Soto-Rodriguez 2007)
Haplothrips salvadorae Priesner 1950
Haplothrips schliephakei Klimt 1983
Haplothrips shivendraii Tyagi & Kumar 2018
Haplothrips silhouettensis Bagnall 1921
Haplothrips siwanus Priesner 1950
Haplothrips sorghi Bagnall 1933
Haplothrips sorghicola Bagnall 1933
Haplothrips stofbergi Faure 1957
Haplothrips stylatus
Haplothrips talpa Priesner 1931
Haplothrips tamaricinus Priesner 1939
Haplothrips tenuipennis Bagnall 1918
Haplothrips terminalis Schmutz 1913
Haplothrips tirumalraoi Ramakrishna & Margabandhu 1931
Haplothrips traegardhi (Trybom 1913)
Haplothrips trellesi Moulton 1935
Haplothrips tropicus Priesner 1939
Haplothrips vulcaniensis (Johansen 1987)
Haplothrips wouramboulchii Moulton 1928
Haplothrips yakhontovi Pelikan 1963
Haplothrips zabolius Minaei, Alavi, Rashid & Makhtari 2016
Haplothrips zhigajevi (Dyadechko 1962)
160 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.