Rhipsalis floccosa pulvinigera is a subspecies of herb in the family cacti. They are succulent plants. They are native to Mata Atlântica and Cerrado. They have berries.
Definition: A montane grassland biome is a grassland biome which occurs in regions elevated above sea level and which has community structure determined by elevation-dependent environmental conditions.
Definition: This organism produces this material or substance, either during its life or after death. A produces B if some process that occurs in A has output B.
Definition: A group of species that exploit the same food resources, and/or use the same feeding or foraging methods. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guild_(ecology)
Known occurrences, collected specimens and observations of Rhipsalis floccosa subsp. pulvinigera (G. Lindb.) Barthlott & N. P. Taylor. View this species on GBIF