All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Species: Geophila obvallata (Schumach.) Didr. subsp. ioides (K. Schum.) Verdc. Date: 2007-03-10 Location: Levasflor, Cheringoma Habitat: Brachystegia woodland
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Species: Geophila obvallata (Schumach.) Didr. subsp. ioides (K. Schum.) Verdc. Date: 2011-05-11 Location: Moribane Forest, Mozambique Habitat: Forest floor
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Species: Geophila obvallata (Schumach.) Didr. subsp. ioides (K. Schum.) Verdc. Date: 2011-05-11 Location: Moribane Forest, Mozambique Habitat: Forest floor
Species: Geophila obvallata (Schumach.) Didr. subsp. ioides (K. Schum.) Verdc. Date: 2011-05-11 Location: Moribane Forest, Mozambique Habitat: Forest floor
Frutos de Geophila repens (L.) I.M. Johnst.Foto: A. Soto.
Species: Geophila obvallata (Schumach.) Didr. subsp. ioides (K. Schum.) Verdc. Date: 2011-05-11 Location: Moribane Forest, Mozambique Habitat: Forest floor
Species: Geophila obvallata (Schumach.) Didr. subsp. ioides (K. Schum.) Verdc. Date: 2010-05-18 Location: Lower slopes Mt Mabu Habitat:
Hábito de Geophila repens (L.) I.M. Johnst.Foto: A. Soto.
Species: Geophila repens (L.) I.M. Johnst. Date: 2011-05-11 Location: Moribane Forest Habitat: Forest floor
Species: Geophila repens (L.) I.M. Johnst. Date: 2011-05-11 Location: Moribane Forest Habitat: Forest floor
Species: Geophila repens (L.) I.M. Johnst. Date: 2011-05-11 Location: Moribane Forest Habitat: Forest floor
Species: Geophila repens (L.) I.M. Johnst. Date: 2011-12-25 Location: Camp site, Chirinda Forest Habitat: In shade of large Ficus
Species: Geophila repens (L.) I.M. Johnst. Date: 2011-12-25 Location: Camp site, Chirinda Forest Habitat: In shade of large Ficus
Hábito de Geophila repens (L.) I.M. Johnst.Foto: A. Soto.
Species: Geophila repens (L.) I.M. Johnst. Date: 2012-11-19 Location: Haroni Gorge, Chimanimani Habitat: