Harmonia is a genus of plants in the family Asteraceae. All 5 known species are endemic to the Coast Ranges of northern and central California. All but H. nutans grow on serpentine soils.[2]
Harmonia is related to Madia, and both genera are commonly known as tarweeds. Harmonia is an annual shrub very often with bristles and sometimes with glandular hairs as well. Hears have a single series of phyllaries, subtending 3-8 fertile ray flowers plus 7-30 fertile yellow disc flowers. [3][4]
Harmonia is a genus of plants in the family Asteraceae. All 5 known species are endemic to the Coast Ranges of northern and central California. All but H. nutans grow on serpentine soils.
Harmonia is related to Madia, and both genera are commonly known as tarweeds. Harmonia is an annual shrub very often with bristles and sometimes with glandular hairs as well. Hears have a single series of phyllaries, subtending 3-8 fertile ray flowers plus 7-30 fertile yellow disc flowers.
Species Harmonia doris-nilesiae (T.W.Nelson & J.P.Nelson) B.G.Baldwin Klamath Mts. Harmonia guggolziorum B.G.Baldwin - Mendocino Co, California Harmonia hallii (D.D.Keck) B.G.BaldwinCoast Ranges of north-central California Harmonia nutans (Greene) B.G.Baldwin Coast Ranges near San Francisco Bay Harmonia stebbinsii (T.W.Nelson & J.P.Nelson) B.G.Baldwin Klamath Mts.Harmonia es un género de plantas con flores de la familia Asteraceae. Comprende 5 especies descritas y aceptadas.[1][2]
El género fue descrito por B.G.Baldwin y publicado en Novon 9(4): 463–464. 1999.[3]
Harmonia: nombre genérico otorgado en honor de Harvey Monroe Hall, 1874–1932, botánico californiano.[4]
A continuación se brinda un listado de las especies del género Harmonia (planta) aceptadas hasta julio de 2012, ordenadas alfabéticamente. Para cada una se indica el nombre binomial seguido del autor, abreviado según las convenciones y usos.
Harmonia es un género de plantas con flores de la familia Asteraceae. Comprende 5 especies descritas y aceptadas.
Harmonia[1] är ett släkte av korgblommiga växter. Harmonia ingår i familjen korgblommiga växter.[1]
Kladogram enligt Catalogue of Life[1]: