Detail of female anthecium, Olyra longifolia: a, apex of the anthecium, dorsal side (x 50); b, apex of the anthecium, ventral side (X 50); c, detail of the palea (x 200); d, anthecium, ventral side (x 50). Micrographs a-c of Steyerrmark 512431 (US), d of Schultes & Cabrerra I5386 (US). (Reduced to 77% of indicated magnifications for publication.)
Detail of female anthecium, Olyra longifolia: a, base of the anthecium. ventral side (x 70); b, detail of the papillae at the base of the anthecium (x 200); c, papillae (X 1000); d, apex of the palea showing rounded excavations and unicellular macrohairs (x 500). Micrographs a-c of Black 48-2447 (US), d of Schultes & Cabrera 15386 (US). (Reduced to 77% of indicated magnifications for publication.)
Photograph of Olyra ecaudata.
Photograph of Olyra ecaudata.
Photograph of Olyra ecaudata.
Detail of female anthecium, Olyra ecaudata: a, anthecium, ventral side (X 50); b, anthecium, dorsal side (X 30); c, margin of the lemma with prickle hairs and palea with rounded excavations toward the margins (X 200); d, surface of the lemma with excavations (X 200). Micrograph a of Cremers 4478 (US), b-d of Soderstrom & Calderon 2292 (US). (Reduced to 77% of indicated magnifications for publication.)
Detail of female anthecium, Olyra loretensis: a, apex of the anthecium, dorsal side (X 50); b, apex of the anthecium, ventral side (X 50); c, base of the anthecium, dorsal side (X 50): d, detail of the surface of the lemma with cylindrical macrohairs (x 200). All micrographs are of Grassi 10089 (US). (Reduced to 77% of indicated magnifications for publication.)
Detail of female anthecium, Olyra buchtienii: a, apex, dorsal side (X 50); b, apex of palea showing rounded excavations (X 100); c, dorsal base of the anthecium showing germination lid (X 40); d, detail of the excavations of the palea (X 700). Micrographs a,c of Buchtien 1157 (US) and b,d of Buchtien 40 (US). (Reduced to 77% of indicated magnifications for publication.)
Detail of female anthecium, Olyru juruana: a, apex of the lemma showing prickle hairs, long macrohairs, and excavations (x 200); b, anthecium, ventral side (x 200); c, upper portion of the lemma with rugose surface (x 1000); d, detail of macrohairs and prickle hairs (x 400). Micrograph a of Vurgus 15246 (US), b-d, of Schunke 19 (US). (Reduced to 77% of indicated magnifications for publication.)
Detail of female anthecium, Olyra fasciculata: a, surface of the lemma showing oblong excavations (X 100); b, anthecium, dorsal side (X 50); c, base of the anthecium showing stipe (X 50); d, anthecium, ventral side (X 200). Micrographs a,c,d of Killip & Smith 23452, b, of Pereira 2294 (US). (Reduced to 77% of indicated magnifications for publication.)
Detail of female anthecium, Olyra standleyi: a, apex of the anthecium, dorsal side (X 50); b, detail of the apex of the plea showing numerous prickle hairs (x 250); c, detail of the apex of the plea showing numerous bicellular microhairs (x 400); d, detail of the surface of the lemma with oblong excavations (X 200). All micrographs of McClure 21246 (US). (Reduced to 77% of indicated magnifications for publication.)
Detail of female anthecium, Olyra caudata: a, apex of the anthecium, dorsal side (X 50); b, apex of the anthecium, ventral side (X 50); c, detail of macrohairs on the margins of the lemma (X 500); d, surface of the lemma (X 200). Micrographs a, d of Allard 20195 (US), b, c of Krukoff 6529 (US). (Reduced to 77% of indicated magnifications for publication.)
Detail of female anthecium, Olyra latifolia: a, anthecium, dorsal side (x 30); b, anthecium, ventral side showing excavations on apex of palea (X 50); c, detail of prickle hairs on margin of the lemma and rounded excavations on the tip of the palea (X 500); d, base of the anthecium showing rounded papillae and excavations (X 1000). Micrograph a of Reeder & Reeder 2422 (US), b-d of Schunke I930 (US). (Reduced to 77% of indicated magnifications for publication.)
Jose Hernandez. Provided by ARS Systematic Botany and Mycology Laboratory.
Hitchcock, A.S. (rev. A. Chase).