
Funaria ( Danish )

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Funaria (Snobørste) er en stor slægt af mosser, dog kun med en enkelt art i Danmark. Funaria betyder 'fra reb' og hentyder ligesom det danske navn til den snoede seta.

Danske arter


  • Smith, A. J. E. The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland, 2004, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-54672-0

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Giyabîrovk ( Kurdish )

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Giyabîrovk (Funaria), Qerejdax, Bakurê Kurdistanê

Giyabîrovk (bi latînî: Funaria sp.)[1] cureyekî giya ye ji famîleya Funariaceae. Li dor 210 cureyên giyabîrovkan hene.


  1. Mamoste Îsmaîl Taha Şahîn (2018)
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Giyabîrovk: Brief Summary ( Kurdish )

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 src= Giyabîrovk (Funaria), Qerejdax, Bakurê Kurdistanê

Giyabîrovk (bi latînî: Funaria sp.) cureyekî giya ye ji famîleya Funariaceae. Li dor 210 cureyên giyabîrovkan hene.

Nivîskar û edîtorên Wikipedia-ê


provided by wikipedia EN

Funaria is a genus of approximately 210 species of moss. Funaria hygrometrica is the most common species. Funaria hygrometrica is called “cord moss” because of the twisted seta which is very hygroscopic and untwists when moist. The name is derived from the Latin word “funis”, meaning "a rope". In funaria root like structures called rhizoids are present.[2]

Capsules are abundant with the moss surviving as spore when conditions are not suitable.

Moss plant Funaria grows in dense patches or cushions in moist shady and cool places on rocks,walls or crevices during the rainy seasons. It has a height of 3–5 cm, a radial symmetry with a differentiation of an axis or stem, leaves or phylloids are multicellular colorless branched rhizoids with oblique septa.

These are primitive multicellular, autotrophic, shade loving, amphibious plants. They reproduce by spore formation. They have no vascular system. Root like structures called rhizoids are present. They show alternation of generation i.e. the gametophytic stage alternates with the sporophytic stage.

External structure of gametophyte

Plant body is gametophytic and consists of two stages: juvenile and adult.

The juvenile stage is represented by "primary protonema" (thread-like structures formed directly by spore germination).

The adult stage is represented by leafy gametophore which is differentiated into rhizoids, axis and leaves. Rhizoids arise from the base of the axis and they are slender, branched , obliquely septate and provides anchorage for the bryophyte. The axis is a stem-like structure arising from the rhizoid, long, slender, monopodially branched. The each branch is extra axilliary arising form the base of a leaf. The leaves are sessile, oblong-ovate with entire margin and pointed apex. Each leaf is transversed by a mid rib. Leaves are born spirally around the axis.


The adult plant body is foliose gametophyte which is leafy and branched which is differentiated into axis, leaves, rhizoids.

Axis/Stem: Small, erect, upright, slender, monopodially branched

Leaves: Spirally arranged around the axis. Flat, green with a well-defined mid-rib. Lower leaves are smaller and scattered and upper leaves are large and crowded.

Rhizoids: Basal, branched, multicellular, obliquely septated mainly for absorption of minerals and anchorage to substratum.

T.S. of axis

Divided into 3 regions:

  • epidermis (outermost single layered protective layer bearing chlorophyllated cells)
  • cortex (layer of parenchymatous cells between epidermis and central conducting strands; young cells have chloroplasts and older cells lack chloroplasts)
  • inner conducting strands (made of long, narrow, slender, dead cells which is mainly used for mechanical support to the axis and for water conduction.

T.S of leaf

The transverse section of the leaf shows a well-defined mid-rib with two lateral wings except in the mid-rib region. There are single-layered parenchymatous polygonal cells with prominent chloroplasts. The central part of the mid-rib has a narrow conducting strand of thick walled cells that helps in conduction.

Accepted species

  1. Funaria acicularis Müll. Hal.
  2. Funaria acidota (Taylor) Broth.
  3. Funaria acutifolia (Hampe) Broth.
  4. Funaria aequidens Lindb. ex Broth.
  5. Funaria altiseta (Herzog) Broth.
  6. Funaria altissima Dixon
  7. Funaria americana Lindb.
  8. Funaria ampliretis (Rehmann ex Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  9. Funaria andicola (Mitt.) Broth.
  10. Funaria anomala Jur.
  11. Funaria antarctica (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  12. Funaria apiahyensis (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  13. Funaria apiculatopilosa Cardot
  14. Funaria apophysata (Taylor) Broth.
  15. Funaria arctica (Berggr.) Kindb.
  16. Funaria arenicola (Lazarenko) Loeske
  17. Funaria aristatula Müll. Hal.
  18. Funaria balansae (Besch.) Broth.
  19. Funaria beccarii (Hampe) Broth.
  20. Funaria bergiana (Hornsch.) Broth.
  21. Funaria berteroana Hampe ex Müll. Hal.
  22. Funaria beyrichii Hampe
  23. Funaria bogosica Müll. Hal.
  24. Funaria bonplandii (Hook.) Broth.
  25. Funaria borbonica (Besch.) Broth.
  26. Funaria borneensis Dixon
  27. Funaria brassii (E.B. Bartram) W. Schultze-Motel
  28. Funaria buseana (Dozy & Molk.) Broth.
  29. Funaria calvescens Schwägr.
  30. Funaria cameruniae Dixon
  31. Funaria campylopodioides (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  32. Funaria capillaris Warnst.
  33. Funaria capillipes Broth.
  34. Funaria cartilaginea (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  35. Funaria chevalieri P. de la Varde
  36. Funaria chilensis (Thér.) Thér.
  37. Funaria chiloensis (Mitt.) Broth.
  38. Funaria clavaeformis (Müll. Hal. & Hampe) Broth.
  39. Funaria clavata (Mitt.) Magill
  40. Funaria clavellata (Mitt.) Broth.
  41. Funaria commixta Thér.
  42. Funaria commutata (Durieu & Mont.) Lindb.
  43. Funaria contorta (E.B. Bartram) W. Schultze-Motel
  44. Funaria convexa Spruce
  45. Funaria costesii Thér.
  46. Funaria curvi-apiculata (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  47. Funaria curvipes (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  48. Funaria curviseta (Schwägr.) Milde
  49. Funaria decaryi Thér.
  50. Funaria delicatula Thér.
  51. Funaria deserticola Trab.
  52. Funaria discelioides Müll. Hal.
  53. Funaria diversinervis (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  54. Funaria dozyana (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  55. Funaria eberhardtii (Broth. & Paris) Broth.
  56. Funaria erectiuscula Mitt.
  57. Funaria euryloma Dixon
  58. Funaria eurystoma (Mitt.) Broth.
  59. Funaria excurrentinervis Cardot & P. de la Varde
  60. Funaria faucium (Herzog) Broth.
  61. Funaria flava (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  62. Funaria flavicans Michx.
  63. Funaria flexiseta (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  64. Funaria fontana (Herzog) Broth.
  65. Funaria fontanesii Schwägr.
  66. Funaria fritzei Geh.
  67. Funaria fuscescens Mitt.
  68. Funaria glabripes (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  69. Funaria gracilis (Hook. f. & Wilson) Broth.
  70. Funaria grossidens Broth.
  71. Funaria hildebrandtii (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  72. Funaria holstii Broth.
  73. Funaria hookeriana Thér.
  74. Funaria hosseusii E.B. Bartram
  75. Funaria husnotii (Schimp. ex Besch.) Broth.
  76. Funaria hygrometrica Hedw.
  77. Funaria hygrometrica f. breviseta (Broth.) Cufod.
  78. Funaria hygrometrica var. calvescens (Schwägr.) Mont.
  79. Funaria hygrometrica x physcomitrium acuminatum L. Bauer & Broseg
  80. Funaria imerinensis Cardot
  81. Funaria incompleta Müll. Hal.
  82. Funaria incurvifolia Müll. Hal. ex E. Britton
  83. Funaria inflata Müll. Hal.
  84. Funaria integra (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  85. Funaria jamesonii (Taylor) Taylor
  86. Funaria japonica Broth.
  87. Funaria javanica (Dozy & Molk.) Broth.
  88. Funaria kilimandscharica Müll. Hal.
  89. Funaria koelzei E.B. Bartram
  90. Funaria krausei (Besch.) Geh. & Herzog
  91. Funaria laevis Mitt.
  92. Funaria laxissima Müll. Hal.
  93. Funaria leibergii (E. Britton) Broth.
  94. Funaria lepervanchei (Besch.) Broth.
  95. Funaria lignicola Broth.
  96. Funaria limbata (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  97. Funaria lindigii (Hampe) Broth.
  98. Funaria linearidens Müll. Hal.
  99. Funaria longicollis Dixon
  100. Funaria longiseta (Schimp.) Broth.
  101. Funaria ludoviciae Broth. & Paris
  102. Funaria luteo-limbata Broth.
  103. Funaria lutescens (Hampe) Broth.
  104. Funaria macrocarpa (Schimp.) R.H. Zander
  105. Funaria macrospora R.S. Williams
  106. Funaria maireana Copp.
  107. Funaria marginatula (Müll. Hal.) Cardot
  108. Funaria mathwesii (Hook. f.) Broth.
  109. Funaria mauritiana (Schimp. ex Besch.) Broth.
  110. Funaria mayottensis (Besch.) Broth.
  111. Funaria meeseacea Müll. Hal.
  112. Funaria megalostoma Mitt.
  113. Funaria microcarpa (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  114. Funaria micropyxis (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  115. Funaria microstoma Bruch ex Schimp.
  116. Funaria minuticaulis (Müll. Hal. ex Geh.) Watts & Whitel.
  117. Funaria mittenii (Dozy & Molk.) Broth.
  118. Funaria muhlenbergii Turner
  119. Funaria muhlenbergii var. alpina (J.J. Amann) Castelli
  120. Funaria nilotica Broth.
  121. Funaria noumeana (Besch.) Broth.
  122. Funaria nubica Müll. Hal.
  123. Funaria obtusa (Hedw.) Lindb.
  124. Funaria obtusa var. ahnfeltii (Fr.) Kindb.
  125. Funaria obtusa var. notarisii (Schimp.) Pavletic
  126. Funaria obtusata Schimp.
  127. Funaria obtuso-apiculata (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  128. Funaria oligophylla (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  129. Funaria orizabensis Müll. Hal.
  130. Funaria orthocarpa Mitt.
  131. Funaria ouropratensis (Paris) Thér.
  132. Funaria papillosa (Müll. Hal.) Wijk & Margad.
  133. Funaria paucifolia (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  134. Funaria pellucida (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  135. Funaria perlaxa Thér.
  136. Funaria perrottetii (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  137. Funaria pilifera (Mitt.) Broth.
  138. Funaria plagiothecia (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  139. Funaria planifolia (Thwaites & Mitt.) Broth.
  140. Funaria polaris Bryhn
  141. Funaria porteri Thér.
  142. Funaria producta (Mitt.) Broth.
  143. Funaria puiggarii (Geh. & Hampe) Broth.
  144. Funaria pulchella H. Philib.
  145. Funaria pulchra Dixon & P. de la Varde
  146. Funaria pulchricolor Müll. Hal.
  147. Funaria ramulosa (Hampe) Paris
  148. Funaria renauldii (Thér.) Cardot
  149. Funaria rhizomatica (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  150. Funaria rhizophylla (Sakurai) Sakurai
  151. Funaria rhomboidea J. Shaw
  152. Funaria riparia Lindb.
  153. Funaria robustior (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  154. Funaria rottleri (Schwägr.) Broth.
  155. Funaria saharae Trab.
  156. Funaria sartorii Müll. Hal.
  157. Funaria schinzii (Geh.) Broth.
  158. Funaria schnyderi Müll. Hal.
  159. Funaria serrata Brid.
  160. Funaria serricola (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  161. Funaria sickenbergeri Müll. Hal.
  162. Funaria sinuato-limbata Cardot & P. de la Varde
  163. Funaria sipascoyae (Herzog) Broth.
  164. Funaria sovatensis Schimp. ex Müll. Hal.
  165. Funaria spathulata Schimp. ex Müll. Hal.
  166. Funaria spathulifolia (Cardot & Thér.) Broth.
  167. Funaria subcuspidata Broth.
  168. Funaria suberecta Mitt.
  169. Funaria subimmarginata Cardot & P. de la Varde
  170. Funaria subleptopoda Hampe
  171. Funaria submarginata (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  172. Funaria subnuda Taylor
  173. Funaria subplanifolia Broth.
  174. Funaria subtilis (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  175. Funaria subulata (E.B. Bartram) W. Schultze-Motel
  176. Funaria succuleata (Wager & C.H. Wright) Broth. ex Magill
  177. Funaria tenella Müll. Hal.
  178. Funaria trumpffii (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  179. Funaria uleana (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  180. Funaria undulata (Hampe) Broth.
  181. Funaria urceolata (Mitt.) Magill
  182. Funaria usambarica Broth.
  183. Funaria valdiviae Müll. Hal.
  184. Funaria varia (Mitt.) Broth.
  185. Funaria verrucosa (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  186. Funaria volkensii Broth.
  187. Funaria wallichii (Mitt.) Broth.
  188. Funaria wichurae (M. Fleisch.) Broth.
  189. Funaria wijkii R.S. Chopra


  1. ^ Tropicos
  2. ^ "Funaria in Flora of North America @ efloras.org". www.efloras.org. Retrieved 2020-09-16.

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Funaria: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Funaria is a genus of approximately 210 species of moss. Funaria hygrometrica is the most common species. Funaria hygrometrica is called “cord moss” because of the twisted seta which is very hygroscopic and untwists when moist. The name is derived from the Latin word “funis”, meaning "a rope". In funaria root like structures called rhizoids are present.

Capsules are abundant with the moss surviving as spore when conditions are not suitable.

Moss plant Funaria grows in dense patches or cushions in moist shady and cool places on rocks,walls or crevices during the rainy seasons. It has a height of 3–5 cm, a radial symmetry with a differentiation of an axis or stem, leaves or phylloids are multicellular colorless branched rhizoids with oblique septa.

These are primitive multicellular, autotrophic, shade loving, amphibious plants. They reproduce by spore formation. They have no vascular system. Root like structures called rhizoids are present. They show alternation of generation i.e. the gametophytic stage alternates with the sporophytic stage.

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Funaria (planta) ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Funaria es un género de musgos pertenecienter a la familia Funariaceae.[1]​ Comprende 270 especies descritas y de estas, solo 184 aceptadas.[2]


El género fue descrito por Johannes Hedwig y publicado en Species Muscorum Frondosorum 172. 1801.[3]​ La especie tipo es: Funaria hygrometrica Hedw.

Algunas especies aceptadas

A continuación se brinda un listado de las especies del género Funaria (planta) aceptadas hasta junio de 2015, ordenadas alfabéticamente. Para cada una se indica el nombre binomial seguido del autor, abreviado según las convenciones y usos.

Funaria hygrometrica

Es una especie muy común de musgo, perteneciente a la familia Funariaceae (Bryophyta). El gametofito, fotosintético es de pequeño tamaño, tiene una altura de unos 0,5 mm, crece sobre suelo formando céspedes bajos, y muchas veces suele desarrollarse sobre suelos disturbados o alterados por incendios, por lo que es común observar sus plantas en áreas de fogones, sobre cenizas o sustrato quemado.

El esporófito presenta setas largas y rojizas, con una longitud entre 15 y 40 mm. Las cápsulas son pardo-rojizas, péndulas, asimétricas y con forma cilíndrica. El peristoma es doble, con dientes bien desarrollados que pueden unirse en el ápice.

Las esporas

Las esporas, estudiadas con Microscopio Óptico (MO) y Microscopio Electrónico de Barrido (MEB), tienen forma esferoidal, son aletes, miden 15 a 20 µm de diámetro, y presentan una escultura formada por báculas (baculada). Las báculas son simples y tienen sobre el ápice 3 o más espínulas. En sección, las esporas tienen una esporodermis formada por tres paredes: intina, exina y perina. La intina, es la pared más interna y no es resistente al tratamiento químico de acetólisis; la exina, es la pared media, resistente al tratamiento químico de ácetólisis (por eso se dice que es aceto-resistente) y es esculturada, y la perina, la más externa, es también aceto-resistente y esculturada.[4][5]



  1. Buck, William R. & Bernard Goffinet. 2000. "Morphology and classification of mosses", pages 71-123 in A. Jonathan Shaw & Bernard Goffinet (Eds.), Bryophyte Biology. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). ISBN 0-521-66097-1.
  2. «Funaria (planta)». The Plant List. Consultado el 13 de julio de 2015.
  3. «Funaria (planta)». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 13 de julio de 2015.
  4. Erdtman, G. «The acetolysis method. A revised description». Sv. Bot. Tidsskr. 54: 561-564.
  5. Piñeiro, María Raquel. «Esporas de Funaria hygrometrica y Entosthodon laxus (Funariaceae, Bryophyta) para la región de Tierra del Fuego». Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica, 52 (1): 39-44.

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Funaria (planta): Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Funaria es un género de musgos pertenecienter a la familia Funariaceae.​ Comprende 270 especies descritas y de estas, solo 184 aceptadas.​

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Funaria (Plantae) ( Croatian )

provided by wikipedia hr Croatian

Funaria, brojan biljni rod mahovnjača (Bryophyta) koji je opisao njemački botaničar Johann Hedwig. Rodu pripada najmanje preko 180 priznatih vrsta (pa do preko 200) koje vole tamna, hladna i sjenovita mjesta. Rod je rasprostranjen po Sjevernoj, Srednjoj i Južnoj Americi, Africi, Europi, Australiji, Aziji (uključujući Indoneziju) i pacifičkim otocima.

Svijetlozelene su do žućkastozelene boje, visine 3 do 5 centimetara. Razmnožavaju se sporama.


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Funaria (Plantae): Brief Summary ( Croatian )

provided by wikipedia hr Croatian

Funaria, brojan biljni rod mahovnjača (Bryophyta) koji je opisao njemački botaničar Johann Hedwig. Rodu pripada najmanje preko 180 priznatih vrsta (pa do preko 200) koje vole tamna, hladna i sjenovita mjesta. Rod je rasprostranjen po Sjevernoj, Srednjoj i Južnoj Americi, Africi, Europi, Australiji, Aziji (uključujući Indoneziju) i pacifičkim otocima.

Svijetlozelene su do žućkastozelene boje, visine 3 do 5 centimetara. Razmnožavaju se sporama.

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Funaria ( Italian )

provided by wikipedia IT

Funaria Hedw. è un genere di muschi caratterizzati da una forma arrotolata come una fune che assumono quando l'umidità atmosferica è molto bassa. Di solito crescono sulle radure bruciate dal fuoco.

Questo genere conta circa 120 specie.

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Perkūnrugis ( Lithuanian )

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Perkūnrugis (lot. Funaria) – perkūnruginių (Funariaceae) šeimos samanų gentis. Lietuvoje auga viena rūšis – jautrusis perkūnrugis (Funaria hygrometrica). Stiebas trumpas, 1-3 cm aukščio. Žemutiniai lapai smulkūs, pavieniai, viršutiniai pailgai kiaušiniški, trumpai nusmailėjusiomis viršūnėmis, lygiakraščiai, gležni, netaisyklingai susigarbanoję. Sporogono kotelis šiaudų spalvos, 2-5 cm ilgio. Sušlapinta sporinė pradeda suktis į vieną , o paskui į kitą pusę. Pati sporinė kriaušės formos, kabliškai nulinkusi žemyn, sausa būna išilgai giliai vagota. Sporifikuoja pavasarį ir vasarą.

Auga miško gaisravietėse, drėgnose pievose ir laukuose, taip pat apie mūrinių namų pamatus nedidelėmis žalsvomis vejomis.

Jautrusis perkūnrugis


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Funaria ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Funaria là một chi rêu trong họ Funariaceae.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Funaria. Truy cập ngày 10 tháng 6 năm 2014.

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Funaria: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Funaria là một chi rêu trong họ Funariaceae.

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