Worker. Length 2 1/2 lines.-Black: the mandibles and antenna ferruginous, the abdomen covered with golden pubescence. Head: the anterior margin of the clypeus and the sides of the head anteriorly, ferraginous; the clypeus with a central longitudinal carina, the head thinly covered with golden pubescence.
Thorax rounded in front and narrowed posteriorly; the apical joints of the tarsi ferruginous, covered thinly with golden pubescence. Abdomen subovate, covered with short golden pubescence, and thinly sprinkled with long golden-coloured hairs; the node of the peduncle incrassate, narrow, oblong-quadrate, with the margin above rounded.
Hab. Brazil. (Coll. D. Swainson, Esq.)
Formica nana . Jerdon, Madr. Journ. Lit. & Sc. (1851) 125 [[worker]]; Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. xiii. 108. 44.
Hab. India (Mysore).
Worker, length not l- 12 th inch; eyes anterior, thorax wide; abdomen long, elliptical; head and thorax brown; antennae, legs, and abdomen pale whity brown.
This very minute species is found in all parts of India and is very abundant in Mysore; from its very small size is noticed with difficulty. It feeds on flowers and vegetable secretion,
2 ndly. With spines on the thorax.