Mauritia depressa, common name the "depressed cowry" or the "honey cowry", is a species of sea snail, a cowry, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Cypraeidae, the cowries.[1]
These quite rare shells reach on average 35–42 millimetres (1.4–1.7 in) of length, with a maximum size of 61 millimetres (2.4 in) and a minimum size of 23 millimetres (0.91 in). The dorsal color pattern varies from yellowish brown to dark brown, with distinct, almost circular, clear spots. The edges usually are pale bluish or yellowish, with several brown dots. The base is definitely flattened, its colour may be white, pale brown or pale bluish. The teeth along the aperture are dark brown on both lips.
This species occurs in the Central Pacific Ocean and in the Indian Ocean along Chagos, the Comores, Kenya, Madagascar, the Mascarene Basin, Mauritius, Réunion, Tanzania, Lakkadiven Islands, Timor, Philippines and French Polynesia.
These cowries mainly live in shallow water, in coral reefs or in lagoons near the wave-swept edges, from the intertidal zone to 20 metres (66 ft) depth, usually under coral slabs or rocks. They are active at night, when they feed on algal crests.
Mauritia depressa, common name the "depressed cowry" or the "honey cowry", is a species of sea snail, a cowry, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Cypraeidae, the cowries.
L'espèce Mauritia depressa est un mollusque appartenant à la famille des Cypraeidae.
Ce coquillage de dimension moyenne est marron et blanc avec de nombreuses taches.
L'espèce Mauritia depressa est un mollusque appartenant à la famille des Cypraeidae.
Répartition : est de l’Afrique et centre de l’océan Pacifique, dans les eaux agitées. Longueur : de 2,5 à 5,5 cm.Ce coquillage de dimension moyenne est marron et blanc avec de nombreuses taches.
Mauritia depressa is een slakkensoort uit de familie van de Cypraeidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1824 door J. E. Gray.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesCypraea depressa (Gray, 1824) - gatunek porcelanki. Osiąga od 22 do 56 mm, standardowy okaz mierzy około 45-50mm. Muszla porcelanki wklęsłej jest zbliżona wyglądem do muszli innych gatunków z podrodziny Mauritia (ma podobną budowę i ubarwienie), takich jak:
Cypraea depressa na obszarze od wschodnich wybrzeży Afryki do centralnej części Oceanu Spokojnego.
Cypraea depressa (Gray, 1824) - gatunek porcelanki. Osiąga od 22 do 56 mm, standardowy okaz mierzy około 45-50mm. Muszla porcelanki wklęsłej jest zbliżona wyglądem do muszli innych gatunków z podrodziny Mauritia (ma podobną budowę i ubarwienie), takich jak:
Cypraea mauritiana Cypraea maculifera Cypraea histrioMauritia depressa là một loài ốc biển, là động vật thân mềm chân bụng sống ở biển trong họ Cypraeidae, họ ốc sứ.[1]
Có một phân loài: Mauritia depressa dispersa Schilder
Chúng phân bố ở Ấn Độ Dương dọc theo Chagos, Comoros, Kenya, Madagascar, vùng bể Mascarene, Mauritius, Réunion và Tanzania.
Mauritia depressa là một loài ốc biển, là động vật thân mềm chân bụng sống ở biển trong họ Cypraeidae, họ ốc sứ.
Có một phân loài: Mauritia depressa dispersa Schilder
扁缘绶贝(学名:Mauritia depressa)又稱扁缘宝螺(学名:Cypraea depressa),为宝贝科绶贝属的动物。分布于太平洋及印度洋,东起夏威夷,至东非沿岸的桑给巴尔、南非、毛里求斯,多栖息于浅海珊瑚礁质的海底。该物种的模式产地在太平洋中部。[1]