
Diagnostic Description

provided by Plazi (legacy text)

Female. Length 9 lines.-Black: the head and thorax subopake, the abdomen shining. Head as wide as the thorax, longitudinally striated; the projections on the face, beneath which the antennae are inserted, smooth, shining and rufo-piceous, the scape obscurely so; between the antennae are three longitudinal grooves, the central one narrowest; mandibles very large, elongate, bent downwards, shining and finely striated, the inner margin serrated, and with a row of strong punctures. The prothorax with a transverse curved striation; the mesothorax longitudinally striated as well as the scutellum, the latter shining in the middle; the metathorax striated transversely; the wings fulvo-hyaline, the nervures ferruginous; the legs pubescent, the anterior tarsi densely so. Abdomen: the scale of the petiole incrassate, transversely striated and slightly emarginate above, slightly bent or curved towards the thorax. Abdomen with a slight silky grey pubescence, most dense at the sides, the constriction not very deep between the first and second segments; the apical margins of the segments rufo-piceous; the scale produced beneath into a large conical tubercle pointed at the apex.

Hab. Cape of Good Hope. (Coll. F. Smith.)

not applicable
bibliographic citation
Smith, F., Catalogue of the hymenopterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part VI. Formicidae., pp. -
Smith, F.
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Plazi (legacy text)