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Gazania linearis (Thunb.) Druce


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Stems sometimes proximally woody. Leaves mostly basal; blades either linear to lanceolate and not lobed, 10–20(–38) cm × 6–10 mm, or oblanceolate to oblong and pinnately lobed, 10–20 cm × 25–50 mm, or both; bases usually attenuate, margins usually entire, sometimes ± prickly, revolute, midveins prominent, abaxial faces white-villous, adaxial faces glabrate to arachnose. Heads 3.5–8 cm diam. (across rays). Peduncles scapiform, (6–)10–30(–35) cm. Phyllaries: outer lanceolate, margins prickly-ciliate; the inner with margins undulate, ciliate, with ± submarginal dark stripe, cuspidate. Ray florets 13–18; corolla laminae yellow or orange, usually each with dark abaxial stripe and adaxial basal blotch or spot, (20–)35–42 × 10 mm. Cypselae 1–2 mm; pappi of 7–8 scales 3–4 mm.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 19: 196, 197 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
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Gorteria linearis Thunberg, Prodr. Pl. Cap., 162. 1800; Gazania longiscapa de Candolle
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 19: 196, 197 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Gazania linearis ( Catalan; Valencian )

provided by wikipedia CA

Gazania linearis és una espècie de planta herbàcia que pertany a la família de les Asteràcies. És originària de Sud-àfrica, però es poden trobar en altres parts del món amb clima similar on s'han naturalitzat, com a Califòrnia als Estats Units.

Vista de la planta


Aquesta espècie forma una catifa d'herbes perennifòlies que creixen a partir de rizomes. Les seves fulles tenen pecíols allargats i forma rosetes basals en el sòl al voltant de la tija. Les fulles tenen forma ovalada, color verd opac amb el revés llanós. La planta produeix flors solitàries en tons de color groc brillant i taronja. Cada cap de flor pot tenir fins a 18 centímetres de diàmetre i té un centre de disc de color vermellós fosc i una franja exterior amb unes 20 lígules llargues. Les lígules poden tenir taques fosques a prop de la base, cap amunt les seves vores estan arrissades, i es tanquen a la nit. El fruit és un petit aqueni cobert de llargs pèls amb diverses vegades la longitud del cos del fruit.


Gazania linearis va ser descrita per (Thunb.) Druce i publicat a (Report,) Botanical Society and Exchange Club of the British Isles 4(suppl. 2): 624. 1916[1917].[1]


Gazania: nom genèric que va ser atorgat en honor de Teodor Gaza (1398-1478), erudit italià d'origen grec i traductor de les obres de Teofrast del grec al llatí.[2]

linearis: epítet llatí que significa "linear".[3]

Varietat acceptada
  • Arctotis staticefolia Poir.
  • Gazania kraussii Sch.Bip.
  • Gazania linearis var. linearis
  • Gazania longiscapa DC.
  • Gazania longiscapa var. longiscapa
  • Gazania multijuga DC.
  • Gazania pinnata var. multijuga (DC.) Harv.
  • Gazania stenophylla Auct.
  • Gazania subulata R.br.
  • Gorteria linearis Thunb.[4]


  1. «Gazania linearis». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. [Consulta: 5 juliol 2015].
  2. A Noms Botànics
  3. A Epítets Botànics
  4. «Gazania linearis». The Plant List. [Consulta: 5 juliol 2015].


  1. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, i. 2006. Magnoliophyta: Asteridae, part 6: Asteraceae, part 1. Fl. N. Amer. 19: i–xxiv.
  2. Hickman, J. C. 1993. Jepson Man.: Higher Pl. Qualif. i-xvii, 1-1400.

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Gazania linearis: Brief Summary ( Catalan; Valencian )

provided by wikipedia CA

Gazania linearis és una espècie de planta herbàcia que pertany a la família de les Asteràcies. És originària de Sud-àfrica, però es poden trobar en altres parts del món amb clima similar on s'han naturalitzat, com a Califòrnia als Estats Units.

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Gazania linearis

provided by wikipedia EN

Gazania linearis is a species of flowering plant in the family Asteraceae, with thin linear leaves, native to South Africa.


The involucre of Gazania linearis var linearis, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Like many other Gazania species, the undersides of the ray florets can have longitudinal stripes.
The flowerheads of Gazania linearis are yellow above, without stripes or lines, though sometimes with small dark spots near the bases of the ray florets.

Gazania linearis is a clumping perennial herb. The leaves are usually slender and linear in shape, and are usually simple (but can sometimes also be slightly pinnate). The lower leaf margins are rough and spiny-to-ciliate. The upper leaf surface is dull green while the undersides are white woolly/tomentose. The leaves have long, winged petioles and form basal rosettes at the ground around the short branching stem. (Unlike the type variety of G. linearis, which has linear leaves, the rare variety G. linearis var. ovalis has more oval shaped leaves. It is however only known from a small area near Grahamstown.)[2]

The plant produces large, solitary daisy-like flower-heads that are invariably bright yellow. The ray florets may have dark spots near the bases, curl upwards along their edges, and close at night. The involucre is subcupuliform or obtusely bell-shaped (campanulate) in shape. Both the involucre and scape can be glabrous or setose. There are usually some parietal bracts arranged around the involucre. Of the terminal involucre bracts, the outer row is linear with setose-ciliate margins, while the inner row is acuminate with membranous-entire margins. The fruit is a tiny achene covered in very long hairs several times the length of the fruit body.[3][4][5]

Diagnostic characters

The leaves of Gazania linearis var linearis are slender, linear, with rough-to-ciliate lower leaf margins. Old dead leaves persist around the base of the rosette.

Gazania linearis is very similar in its morphology to Gazania krebsiana, Gazania ciliaris, Gazania pectinata, Gazania rigida and others. It is partially distinguished from other Gazania species by a mixture of several characteristics:[6]

  • Unlike Gazania krebsiana, the Gazania linearis outer terminal row of involucre bracts has minutely ciliate margins. The sympatric populations of Gazania krebsiana tend to have involucres and bracts that are all uniformly smooth (not hairy or ciliate).
  • Unlike Gazania krebsiana, Gazania pectinata, Gazania rigida and many other species, the Gazania linearis involucre usually has parietal scales/bracts in at least one clear row around its involucre, in addition to the usual rows of terminal scales/bracts around the tip of its involucre.
  • Unlike Gazania ciliaris, the Gazania linearis petioles are not ciliate, its involucre base is slightly intrusive, and the bases of the old dead leaves often persist around the lower stem.

Distribution and ecology

Gazania linearis var linearis in habitat, near Queenstown in South Africa. This specimen's flowerhead has dark spots at the bases of its ray florets.

Gazania linearis var. linearis (with linear leaves) is indigenous to the southern and eastern parts of South Africa, where it occurs from the Eastern Cape (Humansdorp) in the west, eastwards to KwaZulu-Natal Province.

Gazania linearis var. ovalis (with more oval-shaped leaves) is restricted to a small area near Grahamstown, in the Eastern Cape.[7]

Mixed Gazania cultivars, sometimes identified as G. linearis, have also taken hold as an introduced species in other parts of the world with similar climates, such as in California and New Mexico in the United States; Australia; and New Zealand, where they have been classified as a weed.[3] The plants typically grow on grassy and rocky hillsides.[8] They are also classified as invasive in some areas, including California.[8]


  1. ^ The Plant List
  2. ^ Magee, A.R., Boatwright, J.S. & Mucina, L. (2011). Gazania lanata and G. splendidissima: Two new species of Asteraceae (tribe Arctotideae) from the Greater Capensis, with an updated key for the genus. South African Journal of Botany 77(1):86-93.
  3. ^ a b Flora of North America v 19 p 197
  4. ^ Druce, George Claridge. Report, Botanical Society and Exchange Club of the British Isles 4(suppl. 2): 624. 1916
  5. ^ Kumbula Indigenous Nursery
  6. ^ Magee, A.R., Boatwright, J.S. & Mucina, L. (2011). Gazania lanata and G. splendidissima: Two new species of Asteraceae (tribe Arctotideae) from the Greater Capensis, with an updated key for the genus. South African Journal of Botany 77(1):86-93.
  7. ^ Mucina, L., Howis, S. & Barker, N. (2009). Globally grown, but poorly known: Species limits and biogeography of Gazania Gaertn. (Asteraceae) inferred from chloroplast and nuclear DNA sequence data. Taxon 58:871-882. 10.1002/tax.583015. p.879
  8. ^ a b "Gazania linearis 'Colorado Gold'". Missouri Botanical Garden. Retrieved 11 April 2018.

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Gazania linearis: Brief Summary

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Gazania linearis is a species of flowering plant in the family Asteraceae, with thin linear leaves, native to South Africa.

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Gazania linearis ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

Gazania linearis es una especie de planta herbácea perteneciente a la familia Asteraceae.Es originaria de Sudáfrica, pero se pueden encontrar en otras partes del mundo con clima similar donde se han naturalizado, como California en los Estados Unidos.

Vista de la planta


Esta especie forma una alfombra de hierbas perennifolias que crecen a partir de rizomas. Sus hojas tienen pecíolos alados y forma rosetas basales en el suelo alrededor del tallo. Las hojas tienen forma ovalada, color verde opaco con el envés lanoso. La planta produce flores solitarias en tonos de color amarillo brillante y naranja. Cada cabeza de flor puede tener hasta 18 centímetros de diámetro y tiene un centro de disco de color rojizo oscuro y una franja exterior con unas 20 lígulas largas. Las lígulas pueden tener manchas oscuras cerca de la base, hacia arriba sus bordes están rizados, y se cierran por la noche. El fruto es un pequeño aquenio cubierto de largos pelos con varias veces la longitud del cuerpo de la fruta.


Gazania linearis fue descrita por (Thunb.) Druce y publicado en (Report,) Botanical Society and Exchange Club of the British Isles 4(suppl. 2): 624. 1916[1917].[1]


Gazania: nombre genérico que fue otorgado en honor de Teodoro Gaza (1398-1478), erudito italiano de origen griego y traductor de las obras de Teofrasto del griego al latín.[2]

linearis: epíteto latíno que significa "linear".[3]

Variedad aceptada
  • Arctotis staticefolia Poir.
  • Gazania kraussii Sch.Bip.
  • Gazania linearis var. linearis
  • Gazania longiscapa DC.
  • Gazania longiscapa var. longiscapa
  • Gazania multijuga DC.
  • Gazania pinnata var. multijuga (DC.) Harv.
  • Gazania stenophylla Auct.
  • Gazania subulata R.Br.
  • Gorteria linearis Thunb.[4]


  1. «Gazania linearis». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 5 de julio de 2015.
  2. En Nombres Botánicos
  3. En Epítetos Botánicos
  4. «Gazania linearis». The Plant List. Consultado el 5 de julio de 2015.

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Gazania linearis: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

provided by wikipedia ES

Gazania linearis es una especie de planta herbácea perteneciente a la familia Asteraceae.Es originaria de Sudáfrica, pero se pueden encontrar en otras partes del mundo con clima similar donde se han naturalizado, como California en los Estados Unidos.

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Gazania linearis ( Vietnamese )

provided by wikipedia VI

Gazania linearis là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cúc. Loài này được (Thunb.) Druce mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1917.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Gazania linearis. Truy cập ngày 4 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Gazania linearis: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Gazania linearis là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cúc. Loài này được (Thunb.) Druce mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1917.

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